Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1102: Rhino Cub

Chapter 1102: Rhino Cub

Brisk all the way.

Even so, the group didn't arrive at the big lake where the rhinoceros canals were located until the sun was about to set.

Glancing at the big lake from a distance, Gong Liang didn't continue to walk there, but led the crowd up a high mountain by the lake.Looking down from the top, I saw that the lake was huge, and there were large and small rhinoceros gathered on the edge of the lake. The cubs were well protected in the middle, and the big ones were scattered around the periphery. They watched the surrounding movement vigilantly.

With so many rhinoceros canals, once a riot is caused, the consequences will be disastrous.

No matter how strong Gongliang was, he didn't dare to commit suicide like this.After thinking about it, I decided to act again at night.

At night, the vigilance of the rhinoceros group is reduced, and the protection is not so strong, so it is easier to take action.

So, the group rested and ate on the top of the mountain, not daring to start a fire, so as not to be discovered by the rhinoceros by the lake, they just took some dry food out to eat.

As the sun sets, the red sky is reflected in the sunset glow, and the scale-like clouds look like they are on fire, colorful and coquettish.

On the edge of the big lake, clumps of thick and long reeds swayed in the breeze, like a graceful girl, stretching out her slender hands to greet people.The lake water is also blowing by the breeze, rippling, and being illuminated by the sun, it seems to be burning, becoming red and bright.

The rhinoceros canals are distributed around the Great Lakes. They seem to be scattered, but they are actually tense and orderly.

Rhinoceros walked around the group, some foraged by the lake, some rested on the sand, and some strolled in the sunset, as if they were lamenting their lost youth.

Everything looks so beautiful.


Suddenly, there was a strange loud noise from the middle of the great lake, and the rhinoceros foraging by the lake was frightened and ran up quickly.

Looking into the lake, a fish fin with thick and long sharp thorns parted from the water surface and rushed towards the shore swiftly.When approaching the shore, a huge fish head emerged from the water, with four lizard claws flying under its belly, chasing and biting the rushing rhinoceros with its big mouth full of ferocious thorns.

Suddenly, a roar sounded like a baby crying.

A few extremely strong and huge rhinoceros ran towards the four-clawed monster fish with their single horns on their heads.


Xiqu was so fast that he ran to the side of the strange fish in the blink of an eye, and stabbed the strange fish fiercely with his horn.The four-clawed monster fish was knocked out by the impact force from the rhinoceros, blood gushed out from the big holes pierced on its body, and it retreated into the lake in fear.

The rhinoceros group didn't want to let it go, and several rhinoceros came galloping again and stabbed the one-horn into the body of the four-clawed monster fish heavily.

The strong male rhinoceros next to it ran over and surrounded the four-clawed monster fish. The four-clawed monster fish, which had been stabbed and seriously injured, gradually lost resistance under the attack of the rhinoceros group, and fell down. It went down and was immediately overwhelmed by the rhinoceros.

After a while, there was only a skeleton left.

This scene was watched by Gong Liang on the nearby mountain.

Xiaoshi and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, but luckily they didn't rush up to catch the cub, otherwise this strange fish would be their fate.

The setting sun sank, the sky darkened, and a crescent moon slowly rose from the horizon.

The rhinoceros by the lake began to stop moving, lying on the edge of the jungle away from the big lake to rest.

When it was late at night and the forest was quiet, Gong Liang took Mi Gu to the direction where the rhinoceros canals were.Migu flapped her wings and flicked her nine-colored tail, very excited. She likes to do this kind of sneaky things with Papa the most.

Although it was night, the rhinoceros group did not relax their vigilance.

Groups of rhinoceros are gathered together like circles, with the cubs in the safest center, the female rhinoceros outside the cubs, and the male rhinoceros guarding the outermost.

Gong Liang stopped near the Xiqu group, and took out the heavy halberd.

This is just in case, if you want to catch the cub of Xiqu, you have to rely on Mi Gu.

Gong Liang whispered the plan to Mi Gu, and the little guy immediately flapped his wings and flew over a group of rhinoceros in front of him, spraying a stream of water.

The rain falls silently, moistening unparalleled.Drops of black saliva rained down from the sky, poured on the body of each rhinoceros, and penetrated into the body along the pores, and as the blood flowed, each rhinoceros passed out immediately.Gongliang watched from the side, and immediately ran to the rhinoceros group, grabbed the cubs and put them in the fruit space, and then went to the next rhino group to follow the law again.

After a while, they caught enough rhino cubs and headed home.

In order not to destroy the rhino group, he only accepts a few cubs in each group.

Back at the top of the mountain, in order to prevent Xiqu from waking up the next day and discovering that the cub was gone, Gongliang took Migu, Yanshu, Xiaoshi and others and set off back to the tribe overnight.

Obviously, his decision was extremely wise.

Early the next morning, the Xiqu group found that the cubs in the clan were missing, and frantically searched around.The vicious beasts nearby were unlucky, once encountered by Xiqu, they would either die or be injured.Xiqu is not to be trifled with. Although it eats grass, it also eats meat.

After staying away from the Xiqu group, Gongliang put the Xiqu cubs in treasure bags filled with five-color rice, low-grade spiritual fruit, etc., and gave them to Ang and other childhood playmates.

As for Xiaoshi and Xiaoxiaoshi, it is enough to have young red 罴.

The Nawubao bag is connected to the outside world and is breathable. It can store living things in a short period of time, but it cannot be used for a long time.

Ang and the others opened the treasure bag and saw the contents, they were very excited and thanked Gongliang.

Gong Liang waved his hand, grabbing these things is just a matter of effort, and the treasure bag is nothing.If he could improve the clan's combat power and provide a guarantee for the clan's son Lang to hunt and kill fierce beasts, he would be willing to do these things.Except for the rhinoceros cubs given to Ang and the others, Gongliang still has some cubs, which he intends to hand over to Wu when he returns to the tribe.

The purpose of this trip was to hunt, but I didn't expect to go halfway to catch the cubs.

If you go back empty-handed, it will be a joke if you are seen.After all, after being out for so many days, I didn't bring any prey back, which is a bit unreasonable.

So, when encountering ferocious beasts on the road, Gong Liang killed some and gave them to Xiao Shi and others.

Now they all have treasure bags on their bodies, so they don't need to be carried, and it is convenient to carry them.

After hunting enough ferocious beasts, Gongliang stopped staying in the forest and directly asked the black mammoth Dorji to walk in the direction of the tribe.

Dorje walked unhurriedly in the jungle, his body swaying, and Migu was lying in Papa's arms, almost fell asleep by the shaking.After walking for half a day, a group of people came to a canyon surrounded by mountains. Looking up, the mountains were towering, with cliffs and cliffs, which were extremely dangerous.

Suddenly, Mi Gu, who was half asleep and half awake, moved his nose, and then flew out of Papa's embrace, stood on top of Papa's head, put his hand on the awning and looked towards the high mountains beside him.

In an instant, the third eye opened between the brows, and a shadowless and invisible light shot out from it, and everything on the top of the mountain came into view immediately.

Logically speaking, the little guy's third eye ability should be suppressed in Zudi.

It's a pity that the strange environment of the ancestral land seems to have no effect on her, and the third eye can still be used here, which makes Gong Liang wonder.Fortunately, he has an advantage, that is, he doesn't think about things he can't understand.If he had to figure out everything, he would be bored to death.

(End of this chapter)

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