Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1110 Swallow Country

Chapter 1110 Swallow Country

The country of swallows is named for its country like a flying swallow.

After Gongliang knew that he had taken over as the guardian of Yanzi Kingdom, he went to Zangshuge to check the information about Yanzi Kingdom, and found that there was an interesting legend about Yanzi Kingdom.

It is said that the founder of the country was originally a prince, who was born intelligent, kind and friendly.One day, a swallow suddenly came to vote under the eaves of the palace where he lived, and the attendants wanted to chase it away. The prince said: "Let it go!" Since then, the swallow has built a nest in the palace.

I thought it was just a small swallow's nest, but it was getting bigger and bigger, more and more swallows and birds gathered, up to hundreds.

The servant wanted to break the nest and drive away, but the prince saw it and said, "Forget it, keep it!"

As a result, the swallow's nest stayed, and no one destroyed it. Every day, someone cleaned up the things left by the swallow.

Unexpectedly, when there were more swallows and birds, they gradually became dissatisfied with one nest, and began to build nests under another eaves of the palace.The palace attendant who cleaned Awu saw this and hurriedly asked the prince for instructions.The prince said: "Swallows are a bird of good fortune. Those who have more will be blessed. Keep it!"

The new bird's nest thus stayed.

With the prince's words, the swallows built new nests after that, and the palace people didn't ask for instructions again, so that later the palace was full of swallows' nests.

The kings of the country laughed at this and called him "Yan Chi."

Later, the old king abdicated and the new king ascended the throne. He was jealous of his intelligence and talent, and wanted to kill him.

The palace people reported that the prince fled overnight, but was still chased by the cavalry sent by the new king. At this moment, a flock of swallows flew from the sky, picked up the prince and the palace servants who fled with him, and flew away from the border to the present day. The place where the swallow country is located.

The prince and his servants built the city and established the country here. Thanks to Yanniao's life-saving grace, they honored Yanniao as "Holy Yan" and built a holy Yanniao temple for the people of the country to worship.

It has always been the case that when a monarch of the Yanzi Kingdom ascends the throne, the first thing he does is not to go to the ancestral hall to worship, but to worship the holy swallow first, to repay the gods, and then to worship his ancestors and the gods of heaven and earth.

Perhaps it is because there is no danger of war, no worries about food and clothing, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and there is no competition in the world. People in the Swallow Kingdom live a long life, with an average lifespan of [-]. They can walk like flying and can travel thousands of miles a day.

In addition to long life and fast walking, the Swallow Kingdom also has two precious properties.

One of them is Yanzhan.

Yanzhan is the nest built by the spittle of swiftlets of different species in swallows. It has the effect of nourishing the soul, removing dryness and clearing the heart. Therefore, it has always been the main medicine for refining Qingxin Dan, Xiaoshen Dan and other elixirs.And this main medicine has always been in the hands of the Miaodao Xianzong, which is why there are disciples of the Miaodao Xianzong guarding the little Yanzi country.

Swiftlets can nest three times a year.

For the first time, due to the long winter recuperation, swiftlets store enough energy in their bodies, so the nests built by their saliva are thick, white as jade, and shaped like lamps, which are the top grade among swiftlets.Because the lamp is like jade, it is named "Jade lamp".

Take away the jade cup, and swiftlets will build their nests again.

Due to the short time since the first nesting time, Swiftlet's physique has not yet recovered, and the nest built is thin and hairy, so it is called "Maozhan", and the quality is much worse than that of Yuzhan.

Taking away the Maozhan, swiftlets will build nests again due to the frequent production.

Due to the tight time when it is time to give birth, swiftlets have not yet recovered their physique and lack of energy, so they can only vomit their hard work and saliva to build a nest together.Because it was built with the essence of hard work and saliva, the nest built for the third time, also known as "blood cup", is the best among swallow cups.

Although the blood cup is good, it seriously depletes the origin of swiftlets. Soon after feeding the big chicks, the mother bird will die.

Swallows have a simple and honest national style, know morality and propriety, and the swallow bird is a holy bird, so even if they know that blood cups are rare, no one is willing to artificially manufacture them.

Even if it is Maozhan, no one is willing to get it.

Only let the swiftlets build their own nests and raise the big swallows to fly away before taking down the jade lamp for their own use.

In the Swallow Kingdom, if someone takes off the first swallow lamp and lets the swallow bird build a nest again, that person will be despised by the people of the country; They may even be arrested and sentenced.

Although the laws are strict, it is the nature to drive profit, even if the country of Yanzi is simple and honest.

However, no one took advantage of the nesting heart of the swallow to take off the swallow.

Although the swallows were not removed, some people were ingenious and built houses for swiftlets to build their nests.

At that time, the people of the Yanzi Kingdom showed off their wealth, not to say how many gold and jade they had in their homes, but how many swallow nests they had.Gold and jade can only be exchanged for ordinary things, but Yanzhan is an item needed by the sect of practice. Not only can it be exchanged for ordinary things, but also for things such as spirit stones, life-prolonging elixir, and cultivation methods.

It's just that swiftlets have harsh conditions for nesting, and not just everyone goes there.

Yanniao tends to be good and avoids evil, likes yang and hates yin, and is a good place for people to live.

Therefore, after building a swiftlet house, not only must there be people to live in, but also the owner must be kind-hearted. Otherwise, even if the swiftlet house is built, swiftlets will not be able to build nests.

There is a family owner in Yanzi Kingdom, who works in prison.The prison is eerie and strange, and people inevitably become gloomy, so there have been no swiftlets nesting in the house.Seeing people selling Yanzhan to make money, the women in the family can't help squawking.

He was distressed and wanted to resign from this post.

When the monarch heard about it, he specially increased the salaries of a group of people.

This man is also smart. Since swiftlets dare not come to vote in his family, he builds a house with his salary, invites people to live in it, and waits for the swiftlets to come to nest.

After the Yanzi people built a house, they couldn't live in it by themselves, so they often invited people to live in it like him.

In this way, an industry has been derived from the Yanzi Country, which is the tenants - the tenants who are specially invited to live in the swiftlet house.

This resident is not something that anyone can do casually. They must have a clean family background, three generations of good families, people who are anxious about public affairs and righteous people. nest.

Another precious product of the Swallow Country is the Ichthyosaurus, which is produced in Luolongyuan outside the Swallow Country.

Luolongyuan was originally just a sinister canyon with overgrown vegetation and rampant monsters. After the war between gods and demons, the ancient dragons fell here, and evil spirits grew. As a result, the environment of the canyon changed drastically. .

At first, the ichthyosaurs were just ordinary weeds, but after being infected by evil energy, they gradually produced a trace of supernatural powers, and began to absorb the essence of plants to nourish themselves.

Fish dragon, fish dragon, is the meaning of fish transforming into dragon.

The ichthyosaur grass absorbs the essence of plants and trees to a certain extent, and it will be reborn.From then on, she broke away from the restrictions of vegetation and degenerated into a body of flesh and blood.

So far, the ichthyosaur can breathe like a spirit, and once it grows horns and wisdom, it can practice like a human being, but there are very few such ichthyosaurs.

After ordinary weeds degenerate into fish dragon grasses, they are no longer mortal things, but spiritual grasses.

Because of its supernatural powers and the fact that it contains a large amount of plant essence, it has always been the main medicine for refining the Breaking Realm Pill.Boundary Breaking Pill is a elixir taken by practitioners who have cultivated to a certain level and cannot break through the level by themselves. It is extremely important.Therefore, in Luolongyuan, there are elders of Miaodao Xianzong guarding here all the year round to prevent evil spirits from destroying and poaching Ichthyosaurs.Of course, it is also to suppress all kinds of evil things in Luolongyuan, so as not to leave this place and endanger the common people.

Gong Liang took Mi Gu to the country of Swallows on a boat, released the chick and the black mammoth Duoji to let them move on their own, and went to the country of Swallows with Mi Gu himself.

The Swallow Kingdom is said to be a country, but it is actually not that big and the population is not large.

The capital of Yanzi Kingdom is named Yancheng, which means the place where swallows live.There are armored soldiers guarding the city gate, but no one checks.

Gong Liang led Mi Gu to the inside, the little guy's strange appearance attracted the attention of a group of armored soldiers, but they were just looking at it, no one dared to act unusually.

Because people with strange looks often have strange abilities, if you accidentally mess with them, you may be wiped out in ashes immediately.These people have guarded the city for a long time, and their eyes have also been trained. They know what can be done and who can't be messed with.

(End of this chapter)

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