Chapter 1139

The short whip is soft to the touch, but hard to the touch.

It is said to be like a whip, but seriously, this thing is more like an insect whisker.

Gong Liang touched the short whip, sensed the five elements active inside, and thought of the great force of the short whip on the 梼杌 heavy halberd just now, so he injected some real energy into the whip, and beat it towards the nearby woods.In an instant, the five kinds of auras of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth jumped out of each section of the whip, fused together, wrapped the whip body, and turned into a light-shaped long whip to be drawn into the forest.


With a crisp sound, a long and narrow path was drawn out in the forest by the whip of spiritual energy.


Gongliang discovered that the short whip can be divided into yin and yang, the face is yang, the back is yin, and the five elements are also divided into yin and yang.

True essence is injected into it, and the Yin-Yang and Five Elements, which generate and restrain each other, fuse with each other in the short whip, forming an inexplicable force.This power is very mysterious, like an innate thing, it feels as old as the God of Absolute Beginning Thunder he cultivated.

He didn't use much force in that whip just now, so he couldn't see how powerful the short whip was.

So, he circulated his true energy and poured it into it, and the surge of condensed true energy was passed into the short whip, and the short whip seemed to come alive, and the whip body "snapped" one by one, and the five elements of spiritual energy drilled out of it Come out, jump on the whip, very happy.


Gong Liang swung the short whip, and the spiritual energy of the five elements on it quickly gathered together, forming a new force to wrap around the whip body, turning the short whip into a shining whip, and whipping it in the woods.


Where the whip fell, the forest was split in two.A wide and deep gully appeared at the place hit by the long whip.

Mi Gu's eyes widened in disbelief, and he quickly flew to Papa's side to avoid being whipped.

Gongliang was ecstatic in his heart, he didn't expect the short whip to be so powerful, it seems that he has another baby.There was a lot of movement just now, in order to avoid being discovered by interested people, he hurriedly took Mi Gu back to the Swallow Country.

Xuanzong is not alive.

Li'er buried himself in the pit to practice the Eternal Essence, feeling that his cultivation base was slowly improving, the Eternal Essence was improving little by little, and his physical body was getting stronger and stronger, so he couldn't help but dance with joy.

Elder Wei let out a long sigh in the cave, and closed his eyes again.

Now he's pretty much giving the shit away, he's doing what he wants anyway, and he'll live a few more years with less worry.

Fairy Miaoyun who "specializes in doing good deeds" finally broke through her master's ban and escaped. Looking back at the cave, the more she thought about it, the more unhappy she felt.

Why was she being bullied? Master not only didn't help, but buried her instead?This bad old man is good or bad, I shouldn't have worshiped him as a teacher before.I haven't learned much, but I have to be like a tortoise, shrinking my head and making people suffocate.

This matter must not be left as it is, and those two bastards must not be made easy.

Fairy Miaoyun swore secretly in her heart, her eyes twitched after thinking about it, and she fled to look for Li'er.

It's just that when she went to Elder Wei's cave and saw Li'er who buried herself in the soil to practice, Fairy Miaoyun was dumbfounded, "Li'er, what are you doing in there?"

"Yeah yah"

Seeing her, Li'er was so happy that she danced and danced, as if to say: "Senior sister, you said that the method of burying in the soil is really effective, and it can really temper the body with the power of the earth's spiritual veins. Got bigger."


Fairy Miao Yun was a little embarrassed.

The last time she said that just to fool him, she didn't expect this silly boy to take it seriously, and it seems that he really found a way to practice.Counting it, I have done a good deed, um, I have indeed done a good deed.

Fairy Miao Yun tried her best to affirm herself in her heart, defending herself, she is not the kind of cheater who would cheat juniors.

"Yeah yah"

Li'er didn't see her embarrassment, and continued to ask: "Senior sister, will it be faster to practice if you bury your head in the soil together?"

Ever since he discovered the benefits of burying himself in the soil, Li'er buried himself in it for practice except for eating and drinking.Even so, he still felt that his cultivation was very slow, so in the past two days he began to think about how to make his cultivation faster.At this time, Fairy Miaoyun came over, and he suddenly thought of the method of burying his head in the soil together to practice.

Senior sister, as the originator of burying herself in the soil, Li'er has a new method, so why not ask first?


Who knows if burying your head in the ground will help you practice faster.

Fairy Miao Yun rolled her eyes anxiously when she heard his words, she didn't know how to answer to fool him.

Suddenly, a plan came to his mind, and he said, "Li'er, how long has it been since you went out to play?"

"Yeah." Li'er didn't know, but it felt like it had been a long time.

"Li'er, I met your good friend Mi Gu and that so-and-so Gongliang in Luolongyuan last time when I went out. Do you want to go and play with them? Senior sister will take you there?"

Li'er heard Fairy Miaoyun's words, and immediately jumped out of the pit, dancing and shouting "Yahah".It's been a long time since he saw his good friend Mi Guhe and ate the delicious food made by Gongliang. How could he not be willing if the senior sister wanted to take him there.

"Then let's go."

Fairy Miaoyun immediately grabbed him and fled away.

After a while, Elder Wei found no movement outside, opened his eyes, but saw that there were only potholes and no one in the place where Li'er was practicing just now, he felt strange, where did he go?

After looking around, he didn't find any figure of the apprentice, so he pinched his fingers and pointed towards the pit.

Time and space oscillate, splitting light into shadows, tracing back to the source.

In an instant, the scene reappeared, and the scenes that happened just now passed by like a movie.

Seeing what happened just now, Elder Wei cursed: "The bastard apprentice taught by the bastard master, don't stay in the cave to practice properly, and come here to kidnap my apprentice for what to do, it seems that I have to go to my junior brother to catch up with the old days."

Fairy Miaoyun didn't know that her master had become her scapegoat, and she was flying to the Swallow Kingdom with her strength.

While flying, she was still thinking in her heart: How should I deal with those two bastards when I find them?

Over the vast jungle, a ship is covered with hexagonal scale-like leaves. There are countless sharp iron cones and sharp knives on the top cover and beside the deck. The ship, tearing through the high-altitude wind, flew forward quickly.

Sitting on the bed in the ship's room, Yu Shu looked out at the vast mountains outside through the mirror window, and asked Jing Shu, "Elder Sister, when will we see you, Young Master?"

"It's coming soon. I asked the people on the boat earlier that we will be able to reach the Swallow Country in about a day."

"Sister, I miss you son, and Migu, Yuangungun, Xiaoxiangxiang, Duoji and others."


Jingshu sighed, and looked out the window quietly, why didn't she think about it!

(End of this chapter)

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