Chapter 1168

Mi Gu, Yuan Gungun, and Xiao Xiangxiang were also wondering why the voices of women and girls sounded in their hearts.

But for this, the little guys only paused for a few seconds, and then buried their heads in eating again.

At this time, nothing attracts their attention more than roast goose.

Gongliang was aware of the situation outside the valley, and was also surprised by the large crowd outside, but he still let the girl with the trumpet of the celestial spirit and its water friend come in first, otherwise this guy will continue to chatter until he opens the formation Let them in.

As soon as they came in, the daughter and daughter saw the fat roast goose on the long old wooden table.

Sure enough, Gongliang made delicious food again.

The girl knew that she felt right, and now she and her friends were attracted by the ligers, tigers and gooses on the table, and they couldn't tell the fragrance of Muhe from the aroma of roasted goose.

It doesn't feel good to be chubby, girls and they will definitely eat roast goose when they come, there are five on the table, Migu and Gongliang and the others have two, and I have three for myself. Then I finally got the roast goose from Gongliang, isn't it? Want to share them?This is okay, this is what I have worked so hard to find treasures in exchange for, how can I feed them, what do they eat?But we are good friends, it seems bad not to feed them.

Yuan Gungun's mind was spinning, his two small eyes were turning around, thinking hard about countermeasures, just to minimize the loss of the three roasted goose.

Have it.

Yuan Gungun's eyes lit up, and the small eyes in the dark circles furtively looked left and right, then pinched his fingers, and quickly transferred the roasted goose that was delicious and crispy to his storage ring.Because of the use of Jue, the hands and feet are fast, and no one notices its movements.

The panda mother hidden in the dark sensed Yuan Gun casting a spell, opened her eyes to look at it, shook her head, and closed her eyes again.

If the wise saint knows that the descendants obtain food by this means, what would they think?Mommy Panda suddenly had an idea, and her expression was weird for a while.

When eating, Mi Gu and Yuan Gun Gun are always no matter what good friends they are, they only have food in their eyes and hearts.

Gongliang couldn't let his daughter and daughter watch from the sidelines, that's not how to treat guests.

So, I took out several large pots, filled some roast goose meat and put it aside for them to eat.Yuan Gungun felt right, and Gong Liang really gave them his three ligers and geese to eat, and couldn't help looking at Gong Liang with resentful little eyes.Every time I saw him take away a piece of roast goose, I felt that life would be worse than death.But I couldn't help but rejoice in my heart, fortunately I saw the opportunity early and secretly hid some, otherwise the three ligers, tigers and geese I managed to get would be gone.

After arranging his daughter and the others, Gong Liang looked out of the valley, only to find that a group of people had gathered outside the valley after only a short while.

Not only outside the valley, but also in the sky.

Aware of this situation, Gong Liang began to suspect that these people were attracted by Mu He Qingxiang.Because there is nothing abnormal in the valley except for the fragrance of wood grains floating in all directions, it will not attract so many people at all.

The people who came from afar were not just full of food, they just came to see the strange things.

The fragrance of Muhe not only has a fragrance, but also has a special ability. People who have not opened their caves will feel full when they smell it.

Some clever people took the opportunity to refine their energy to prepare for opening caves in the future.

The fragrance of Muhe not only makes people who have not opened their caves full, but practitioners who smell it feel like returning to their mother's womb, without thinking or worrying, returning to their original roots and innocence.That's amazing.Returning to the origin, returning to the mother's womb like a baby, this is something that can only be achieved by turning back.

But when a person is born from the mother's womb, he changes from innate to acquired, and it is difficult and difficult to return to the original innate nature.

Even if he worked as hard as Gong Liang, he had only just advanced to Houtian Thunder Body. If he wanted to advance to Xiantian, he had to be at least at the level of an elder of the sect, or even higher.

But the fragrance of Muhe can make people reach this level, how can it not make people flock to it.

Those people floating in the air are for the purpose of smelling the fragrance of wood grains closer and realizing the state of returning to the origin.Some people came here to watch the fun before, but now they all know that this is a very rare opportunity, so they all sat cross-legged on the ground and realized.

Gongliang looked around and found that there were many acquaintances among them, but now that there are so many people outside the valley, he didn't invite them in, so as not to trigger a group reaction and cause accidents.

Suddenly, he saw senior brother Dongmeng Zhonggong's disciple Chen Xiaoqi and Si Jicheng outside, so he asked via voice transmission: "What are you doing here?"

Chen Xiaoqi and Si Jicheng looked at each other when they heard the sound transmission, and they also whispered through the sound transmission: "We came after the fragrance, and this fragrance comes from your valley, don't you know?"

Just now Gongliang suspected that these people came for Muhe Qingxiang, but now that he heard what they said, he was sure.Even so, he did not have the idea of ​​letting those people outside enter the valley, lest these people come in and destroy things in the valley.People's hearts are sinister, so it's better to be on guard.

But in order to prevent them from guessing randomly, thinking that there is some treasure hidden in the valley, causing unprovoked disturbances.Gongliang opened the restriction so that people could see the situation in the valley from the outside.

"Look, what's that?"

"It doesn't seem like a tree!"

"Who knows, Gongliang is a barren man. There are no weird things in the wilderness. It's not surprising that there is such a strange tree."

"What on earth is this thing, why are these incenses smelling so good?"

As soon as the restriction was opened, people outside saw the tall wood grains standing in the valley, and there were many discussions.

Hearing the comments from those outside, Gong Liang explained: "Everyone, this is wood grain, which was eaten by the ancient ancestors. Gong Liang also got it by accident, and there is no such thing in the wilderness. As for why it emits such a fragrance, Gong Liang It’s also the first time I saw it, and it’s not clear.”

Everyone heard the words, and only then did they know the origin of the giant tree in the valley.

Standing on the city wall and looking at the tall Muhe, Gongliang was filled with emotion.

I remember when I saw Muhe at the furbolg booth, I saw it was dark and thought it was carbonized.Now it has grown into a towering giant tree, bearing seeds full of aura and vitality.

When he wanted to plant wood grains in the fruit space, Zhu Ji once said: Wood grains are what the ancestors of the ancient human race ate.Once planted, it will absorb the spirit of the spiritual land and the surrounding world as nutrients.Moreover, only one season can be planted in a year. After one season, the grade of the high-grade spiritual land will drop, which cannot be restored in ten years.

But since he came to Miaodao Xianzong and planted wood grains, it has been seven or eight or nine years, which is not like one season a year.

Although the outside of the valley and the sky were crowded with people, Mi Gu, Yuan Gungun, Xiao Xiangxiang, and Nv Nu and other water tribes were still engrossed in eating roast goose.

After being eaten by a group of big appetites, five fat roast geese disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing that Mi Gu didn't like it, he quickly grabbed the roast goose and stuffed it into his mouth quickly, and even secretly took some and threw it into the storage ring.The same is true for Yuan Gun Gun, but its technique is more subtle, not as blatant as Mi Gu.

Soon the roast goose was eaten up, and there were still some rice and vegetables cooked with top-grade purple rice.

Nvnu and its aquarium friends didn't dislike it either, and ate up everything in two or three strokes.

Gongliang watched and shook his head again and again, those who didn't know thought these guys were reincarnated from starving ghosts.

(End of this chapter)

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