Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1171 Zongmen Treasure House

Chapter 1171 Zongmen Treasure House

When Gongliang entered the valley, he flew into the valley and collected the wood grains and rice grains.

"My lord, this thing can't be planted anymore." Ji Lao earnestly persuaded from the side.

"I won't plant it anymore. I didn't expect this thing to consume the vitality of the earth veins. If I knew it, I wouldn't plant it."

"It's good if you don't plant it, it's good if you don't plant it."

Gongliang counted the Muhe rice grains, there were 560 in total, and he took out ten of them and handed them to Mr. Gongjia, "I don't know how it tastes, sir, take it to Xiongnu to cook, and everyone will try it tonight."

"it is good."

Mr. Gongjia smiled and took the wood and rice grains.

At this time, the fragrance in the valley was still strong, so Gongliang called out the Nine Heavens Pagoda to absorb the fragrance.

The pagoda is now shaped like a cone, and it is in the valley, so it is not afraid of being discovered.

In just a moment, Jiuchongtian absorbed all the fragrance in the valley and turned it into a ball of water droplets full of vitality.Gongliang put away the Nine Heavens, walked up the hillside with the water drops, and poured them into the ancient flat peach trees.After the ancient flat peach tree absorbed the water droplets from the fragrance of wood grains, it began to grow rapidly. The branches became thicker and taller, and the leaves also grew a lot.

Although the ancient flat peach tree grows very fast, it seems that it has no intention of blooming and bearing fruit.

Mi Gu flew over to look for Baba, and seeing the fast-growing ancient flat peach tree, he flapped his wings curiously and observed it around the flat peach tree.Turning around, I found that there was nothing unusual about the flat peach tree except for its stupid growth, so I didn't care about it anymore, and threw myself into Papa's arms and acted like a baby.

Gong Liang patted the little guy's head, greeted Mr. Gong Jia and others, and flew towards the city wall.

Back on the wall, Gongliang asked Migu to play with his friends, took out a hundred grains of Muhe rice from the storage ring and gave it to E Lingyu, "Sister-in-law, it is said that this Muhe was eaten by the ancestors of the ancient people." , I think the taste should be good, you can take some back to taste."

E Lingyu didn't take all of them, but took ten pills.

"There is vitality in this thing, so it is considered a treasure. Don't give it away indiscriminately, but keep it alive. It may be useful in the future."

E Lingyu said this, stopped for a while, and said: "After this incident, the vitality of the land veins in your valley has been sucked out. It may be difficult to recover. It is better to choose another cave. You will go to Duzhiyuan to take charge of it some other day." Let’s go to the main hall of the cave to see if there is a suitable cave, if there is no one, I will look for it for you, and I will pick a suitable one for you.”

"Then I will trouble my sister-in-law."

Although Gongliang had no intention of changing the cave, but his wife said so, he had no choice but to listen.

"Is there any trouble, it's just a trivial matter. Since there is nothing else in the valley, I'll go first." E Lingyu said, and shouted to the side: "Tun'er, come here, we're going back."

Dolphin, who was talking to Mi Gu, quickly said, "Mother, I want to play here."

"Alright then! Remember not to play too late."


E Lingyu said a few more words to Jing Shu and the others before leaving with Lan'er and Xin'er.


Halfway through the journey, E Lingyu suddenly heard someone shouting behind her, looked back, and saw Yinghuang coming with Zhimu on a cloud, she couldn't help but asked with a smile: "Junior Sister, where are you going?"

"Yinghuang came here specially to find Senior Sister."


E Lingyu looked towards Yinghuang and Zhi's mother, seeing that Zhi's mother seemed to have something to say, she seemed to have something to say, "Then come and sit with me."

"it is good."

So, Yinghuang and Zhimu flew to her house together with E Lingyu.

Muhe and rice grains are also rare treasures, and Gongliang felt that he should take some to honor his master, so he took his follower, Mi Gu, and flew to the cave where Master Liduishan was.

In Lidui Mountain, Changwu was very relieved when he saw the apprentice flying towards the cave.

Gong Liang took Mi Gu into the cave, saw the master waiting for him in the hall, and hurriedly went up to pay homage: "Gong Liang has seen the master, today the wood grains planted in Tu'er Valley are ripe, and I heard that they were eaten by the ancient ancestors." I specially brought it here for Master to taste." After Gong Liang finished speaking, he took out three hundred wood grains and rice grains from the storage ring and put them in a small storage bag and offered them to him.

Chang Wu took it, took out one and blew off the shell, and bit it directly.

Gongliang raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect Master's teeth to be so good that he could even put such a hard thing in his mouth.

Grain meat enters the mouth and turns into majestic vitality to nourish the body.Changwu couldn't help but praised repeatedly: "It's good, it's worthy of the Immortal Valley."

"Immortal Valley?" Gong Liang didn't even know what Master was talking about.

Seeing his blank expression, Changwu explained: "This is what the ancient immortals ate, so it is called Immortal Valley."

Gong Liang wondered: "Didn't the immortals eat morning dew and clouds and live forever? Why do they still eat?"

Hearing his words, Chang Wu shook his head and smiled, "Immortal Immortal, there is an immortal in front of you, and there is a person behind. As long as you are a human, you will have desires. Even if you don't have appetite, you can stop eating for a long time. But like you have Cultivate with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth; some eat top-grade spiritual rice and drink high-grade spiritual juice; This makes sense. What's more, the vitality in the valley is so great that it is very good for people who have become immortals, so how could they not eat it."

"Since this thing is beneficial to the immortals, I think it will also be helpful to the master. I still have some here, so I will dedicate it to the master."

"Need not."

Changwu waved his hand and said: "Although this is the Immortal Valley, your valley is too small and lacks vitality and aura, and the things that grow can't compare with the real Immortal Valley. To me, it's not very useful."

"I see."

"How many Immortal Valleys do you have on your body now?" Changwu asked again.

Gong Liang calculated: "I just gave Mr. Gongjia ten, ten to my sister-in-law, and three hundred to my master, leaving a total of 1000 two hundred and forty fairy valleys."

"You take out half of it."

Changwu said: "The Immortal Valley feeds on the vitality and aura of the earth veins. After growing, it takes a long time to recover the vitality and aura, and it has basically been abolished. Your valley can no longer live. I will find another high-quality cave for you as a teacher. These Some of the Immortal Valleys are used for management, and some are for the Zongmen to study to see if they can be planted in batches. The Zongmen will not want these Immortal Valleys for nothing. You can exchange these things for contribution points, and you can also use them to enter the Zongmen’s treasure house , take three things. Which would you like to choose?"

Gong Liang's eyes were as big as a cow's, is there still a choice?Of course it is to enter the treasury to get things.

Seeing his appearance, Changwu reminded: "The treasury is not so easy to enter. Although your Immortal Valley is good, it is a bit unsatisfactory. You can't go deep into the treasury to find things. I guess you can only look outside. If you can't be a seed , you don’t even have the qualifications to enter the sect’s treasure house.”

"Just outside, just outside."

Just kidding, Miaodao Xianzong's ten thousand years of accumulation can be put into the treasure house, even if it is the periphery, are there ordinary things?

"It's fine if you don't mind."

Chang Wu took out a token from his sleeve and gave it to him, "Tomorrow, go to Du Zhi Yuan to find the master, and he will take you to the treasure house."

Gongliang took the token, feeling a little familiar, and looked at it carefully, isn't this the token given to him by the senior supporter?Didn't it mean that this is the token of the suzerain of Miaodao Xianzong, why does the master still have it?It's just that he can't know what the inside story is.After reading it, put it away.

Changwu asked Gongliang about his cultivation before waving his hand to let him go back.

(End of this chapter)

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