Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1178 Frequent High Prices

Chapter 1178 Frequent High Prices

"The second Immortal Valley is now being auctioned. The starting price is [-] high-grade spirit stones. Has anyone bid?"

Because the last Immortal Valley was sold for [-] high-grade spirit stones, Gongliang directly set the starting price at [-] spirit stones this time.

When the auctioneers heard the starting price, they were stunned and forgot to bid.

The starting price of the first Immortal Valley was only [-] low-grade spirit stones. Why did the second one become [-] high-grade spirit stones? The price was a hundred times higher than the first one.Therefore, as soon as the starting price was announced, some people who wanted to auction Immortal Valley but were not very capable were immediately dumbfounded.

For those who are capable of participating in the auction, it may not be a bad thing for Gongliang to set the auction price high.

Because of this, the number of competitors is reduced, and I have a chance to be auctioned to Immortal Valley.

"Thirteen thousand spirit stones."

After a while, someone woke up and continued to bid for the Immortal Valley.

There are so many smart people that the price of Immortal Valley keeps rising, and it's not five hundred and one thousand, but three thousand in one go.

The Dongtu Continent and the Miaodao Xianzong have never had such a thing auctioned. Everyone only knows that the highest bidder wins, and the others are not clear.After a round of bidding, everyone has learned about the auction.There are many smart people. After hearing the starting price, they shouted a high price.Not for anything else, just to squeeze out the opponent as soon as possible, so that I have a chance to win the Immortal Valley.

"Fourteen thousand spirit stones."

Others felt the same way, so they began to increase the price.

The Immortal Valley sold [-] spirit stones just now, and now this one has also sold for the price of the first one. Those who wanted to auction heard the news, and all fell silent.

Seeing that no bid was made, the auctioneer couldn't help but feel complacent. It seemed that his plan was right.

Seeing that there was no bid, Gong Liang raised his pumpkin hammer and shouted to everyone in the field: "[-] spirit stones, [-] spirit stones, is there anyone else to bid? If he doesn't bid, this Fairy Valley will be his." That's right. Fourteen thousand spirit stones for the first time [-] spirit stones for the second time [-] spirit stones for the first time"

"Fifteen thousand spirit stones."

Suddenly, someone shouted in the air.

Looking up, Gongliang saw Yinghuang and Zhimu were leading Ashayi floating in the sky on the clouds, and there was also a teacher and sister-in-law beside them.

E Lingyu nodded and greeted him when he saw his eyes.

Now is not the time to talk, Gong Liang smiled back, and continued the auction: "Someone has sold [-] spirit stones, is there any bid? This Immortal Valley is a good thing, even if you don't eat it yourself It can be passed on to the descendants. If there are descendants who will make progress in the future, they may be able to rely on this opportunity to worship under the Master of the Elder Peak and become a true disciple."

Although Gongliang talked about it, it was a pity that no one bid.

Everyone is not a fool, and the high-grade spirit stone is not blown by a strong wind. It is impossible for him to say a few words, and then he will be excited and increase it.

"[-] spirit stones, [-] spirit stones, is there anyone who bids, is there any more, is there any more. If not, this fairy valley will belong to this fairy. If there is no, then [-] Five thousand high-grade spirit stones have been sold, please come and hand over this fairy quickly."

Seeing no bidders, Gong Liang had to end the auction.

Ashayi majestically brought the spirit stone over to receive the Immortal Valley.

Immortal Valley is not very useful to Yinghuang. The reason for the auction is firstly to support Gongliang, and secondly to give it to Ashayi to see if it can purify her blood.


Ashayi's attitude towards Gongliang is not very good, but he likes Mi Gu, Yuan Gungun, and Xiao Xiangxiang very tightly, and sometimes even calls himself a good friend of Yuan Gungun.

As for whether Yuan Gun Gun considers her a good friend, it is unknown.

Gong Liang didn't care about her attitude, so he gave her the Immortal Valley after taking the spirit stone, and then continued to auction the third spirit stone.

With the price of the first two Immortal Valleys as the basis, the auction prices of the last few Immortal Valleys are all around [-] spirit stones, which is not much higher.

Soon, the five fairy valleys were auctioned off, and there were still five left, but Gong Liang did not continue the auction, but said to the people who came to the auction: "Now five fairy valleys have been auctioned, and it is ten minutes away from the auction every day." There are still half of the number of pieces left, let us take a short break now, and let those who want to auction think about what price they should pay later to be auctioned in Fairy Valley. The people who auctioned off the bones of the Immortals like the supernatural powers should also think about it carefully to see if they want to make a move."

Speaking of this, Gong Liang deliberately paused, and then continued: "Everyone knows that I came from the Great Wilderness. There are many rare and exotic objects in the Great Wilderness, and spiritual ore treasures are everywhere. When I left the Great Wilderness, I brought some with me. Today is a rare opportunity, so I will share it with you.”

Gongliang took out the ten-square Tianxiangmu heart from the fruit space, and stimulated it with his true energy, and traces of fragrance flowed out from the Tianxiangmu heart, floating on the cliffs of the valley.

"smell good!"

"This fragrance is strong but not gaudy, elegant but not vulgar, refreshing, refreshing, good, good, good."

"This fragrance should be the unique smell of Tianxiangmu in the Snake Fighting Department of the Great Wilderness. Tianxiangmu is the lifeblood of the Snake Fighting Department. It never takes out. I didn't expect him to have it in his hand."

When the crowd on the cliffs of the valley saw Tianxiangmu, they started talking.

Gong Liang glanced at the crowd in the air and on the ground, nodded and said: "Everyone is right, this is Tianxiang Muxin from the Snake Fighting Department of Dahuang. Tianxiangmu is the lifeblood of the Snake Fighting Department. It’s just selling some Tianxiang fruit on the tree. The reason I have it is because when I passed by the snake department, they gave me some Tianxiang wood. Tianxiang wood is a good thing. Wearing it on the body can not only refresh the mind The brain can also clear the heart and eliminate filth.

If you scrape a little incense powder and ignite it to cooperate with practice, you can not be moved by distracting thoughts and take advantage of demons.

In addition, Tianxiangmu can also keep fresh.If it is used to store food, it will not go bad no matter how you use it, and even the food will be scented with the unique fragrance of Tianxiangmu.

Good things have to be shared with others, otherwise what is the difference from Jinyi Yexing?So Gongliang specially took out the ten directions.

Now, Shifang Tianxiangmu starts with a high-grade spirit stone. Is there any price increase? "

"Ten high-grade spirit stones." Someone on the field saw that Gongliang set the starting price of Tianxiang Muxin so low, and shouted in the heart of picking up the leak.

It's a pity that the eyes of the crowd are discerning, and then someone shouted: "One hundred spirit stones."

"two hundred."

"three hundred."

Tianxiang Muxin is undoubtedly a good thing, especially for new disciples, having this thing can do twice the result with half the effort, so they bid quickly one by one.Soon, Tianxiang Muxin's asking price broke through one thousand, moving towards two thousand high-grade spirit stones.

It's just that although Tianxiang Muxin has various benefits, there are many things that can be replaced.So when the price climbed up to [-] spirit stones, it was a little bit stuck.

In the end, the price of Tianxiang Muxin stopped at [-] high-grade spirit stones.

Gongliang is already very satisfied with this price. After all, there is a large forest of heavenly fragrance in the fruit space. With such a little price, the price of [-] high-grade spirit stones can be obtained. It is estimated that he will wake up laughing at night when he sleeps.

(End of this chapter)

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