Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1196 New Cave House

Chapter 1196 New Cave House

Although Tiangongyuan said that it was in charge of all kinds of creations in the Miaodao Xianzong, its status in the sect was actually very embarrassing.

Ordinary disciples never dared to think about the high price of building caves in Tiangongyuan, but most of the true disciples like to build caves by themselves, so usually, Tiangongyuan has nothing to do except orders from the sect, so it can be said that it is idle.

Elder Dayou, the master of Tiangong Academy, still remembered Gongliang, and when he heard that he was going to build a cave, he immediately took people to the island to survey the terrain without saying a word.

After the survey, Nian Dayou looked at the island and said to Gongliang, "This is in the middle of mountains, and building a wall doesn't fit the terrain. The little old man suggests that you don't build a wall, you just need to set up a formation, and place it at the spiritual point on the island." Just build a few palaces."

Hearing his words, Gongliang thought for a while and said, "Let's build a wall! It's better to build a wall, lest poisonous insects and beasts come running around."

Seeing that he insisted on this, the elder didn't say anything, anyway, he was just suggesting, as for how to do it, it depends on what the master wants.

The two made an appointment at the moment, and the work would start in three days, and the old man would take people back to prepare things.

The reason why Gongliang insisted on building the wall was actually a subconscious self-protection, and he felt that this was the only way to be safe.Otherwise, the formation is just a layer of light mask, no matter how you look at it, it is unreliable, and there is no strong city wall that can give people a sense of security.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Hearing that a cave is going to be built today, Jing Shu, Yan Shu, and Yu Shu also want to go and see it.Yuan Gungun didn't want to go there at first, but seeing everyone leaving, he didn't seem to fit in well if he didn't go, so he took Xiao Xiangxiang to follow.

The daughter and daughter happened to bring a group of Shui people over for a meal, and when they heard that Gongliang was going to build a new cave, they clamored to see it too.

One person is leading, and a group of people is also leading.

So Gong Liang drove the jade boat and took the crowd to the direction of the island.When he got to the place, he saw that the old man had already brought people waiting there, so he jumped off the jade boat and greeted him: "Good morning, old man, I kept you waiting for a long time."

"You're welcome, we've just arrived here not long ago, let's get started!" the elder said disapprovingly.

"let's start!"

When the elder heard the words, he nodded to the person who brought him.

A person next to him immediately flew off the ground, pinched his fingers, and released a shield to protect the island; another person flew into the sky, took off the gourd at his waist, held it in his hand, and opened the gourd cover.In an instant, a flame flew out from the mouth of the gourd and burned the bushes and weeds on the island.

Another person pinched the finger and urged the wind to drive the flames forward.

It didn't take long for the bushes and weeds on the island to be burned by the raging flames, leaving only a piece of ashes.

Someone took out a pointed iron plow and threw it into the ground, and the plow turned into a stream of light and shuttled back and forth across the island.In a short while, the land was turned over.The remaining ashes of the burned vegetation on the island were also dug up by iron plows and buried deep under the fertile soil.

Then, someone poured the big rain to pour the land.

Since then, there has been no ashes on the island, and the person who released the mask before pinched his fingers again and put away the mask.

After the Tiangongyuan team finished handling the land on the island, they returned to the old elder and stood aside.

At this time, the old elder walked out from the crowd, step by step, walked slowly over the island, pinched the seal, and operated the method.The island suddenly shook violently, and the ground not far from the stream suddenly sank, forming a wide and long deep pit.The deep pit surrounds the island, forming a deep circle.

When the deep pit around the island was formed, the elder took out an object from the storage bag at his waist and threw it, and the object would grow when the wind caught on.

In an instant, it turned into a tall and broad circular wall and landed on the deep pit, tightly fitting without any loopholes.

Gong Liang raised his eyes and saw four city gate towers scattered across the round city wall, but only the north and south sides had gates, and the other two sides did not.

After building the city wall, the elders kept moving, pointing their fingers down, a ray of light penetrated the ground, connected to the water eye, and communicated with the spiritual vein of the water system.

In an instant, a thick fountain spurted from the depths of the ground veins, the spring flow splashed, and the water splashed with the wind, filling the air with a moist breath with aura.The elder reached out to touch the storage bag at his waist, took out a dragon turtle the size of a child's fist from it, and threw it into the water eye.The little dragon tortoise landed and turned into a five or six meter tall dragon tortoise, suppressed above the water eye, the thick fountain was immediately suppressed, only a thin stream rushed into the hole under the dragon tortoise's belly, and spewed out casually.

After suppressing the water eye, the old elder took out a triple palace and threw it at the spiritual vein junction point behind the water eye.

The palace fell to the ground and turned into a triple deep courtyard.

There is a large gathering of spirits in the hall, and the aura in the Lingmai acupoint suddenly stopped drifting out, and gathered in the palace instead.In a short while, a lot of spiritual energy gathered in the hall, forming a spiritual mist, making the palace look like a fairyland.

So far, everything on the island has been built.

The old man flew down from the sky and nodded to the group of Tiangongyuan.

The people of Tiangongyuan took action immediately and began to widen and dig deep the mountain stream outside the city wall.

The group of people are all professionals, and they all have special corresponding spiritual weapons, and they don't need to go down to dig the soil and sand by themselves, they only need to use the magical weapons.But after a while, the mountain stream in front of the island changed its appearance, it was no longer as small and shallow as before, but became wide and deep, enough to raise dragons.

After dealing with the mountains and streams outside the island, everyone in Tiangongyuan returned to the elders.

All this is said to be very fast, but in fact, after a busy trip, it is almost evening.

The sky is full of rays of light, and a round of red sun is slowly sinking to the west.

Seeing that the matter was settled, the elder said to Gongliang, "Go in and have a look, if you are not satisfied, we will deal with it."

"En." Gong Liang nodded, and flew to the island on a cloud.Jing Shu and the others looked at it, and they all followed after a hula.

Stepping on the island and stepping on the soft ground, Gong Liang grabbed a handful of soil and inspected it carefully. He found that it was full of fertile soil without any roots or roots. It seems that everyone in Tiangongyuan did a good job.After sensing it, the soil is full of spiritual energy and full of vitality. It is almost certain that as long as the spiritual grain is planted, a good harvest will be obtained.

The land on the island has been overturned, and there is fertile soil full of aura everywhere, and there is nothing to see.

Gong Liang threw away the dirt, clapped his hands, and walked forward.

Jing Shu, Yan Shu, Yu Shu and the others followed behind him, and after Mi Gu and a group of little guys came in, they had fun and ran around, having a great time.

When I came to the dragon tortoise that suppressed the water eye, I looked carefully, and saw that a small pool had formed in front of the tall dragon tortoise spraying water.Where the water eye is, it is also where the water system spirit vein is located.Gong Liang felt the moisture in the air, so he couldn't help but nodded.With this water system spiritual vein, there is no need to water the island to plant spiritual grains.

Go further and you will find the palace.

The palaces designed by Tiangongyuan are no different from the secular palaces, some of them are just the effect of gathering spirits.

The spiritual fog in the hall is getting thicker and thicker, driven by the desire to turn the fog into rain.

All of a sudden, the spiritual mist in the hall fled towards the last major hall. Gong Liang saw it strangely, so he followed the spiritual mist to the direction of escape.Entering the last major hall, looking around, I found that the hall was actually a large formation for gathering spirits.And in the center of the main hall, where the heart of formation was located, there were several freshly baked mid-grade spirit stones lying quietly.

"There is a lot of spiritual energy here. With this gathering spirit array, we should be able to harvest thirty or forty middle-grade spirit stones a day." The elder elder appeared beside him at some unknown time.

Gongliang knew that most of the true disciples' caves had the spirit-gathering array, and some of them made a fortune from it, but he didn't lack these spirit stones.

So when I heard the old man's words, I was not happy but worried, "This will not affect the aura of the island!"

"No, even if the impact is minimal. If you are worried, you can adjust the speed of the spirit gathering of the formation." After the elder elder finished speaking, he went to the center of the formation to fiddle with the formation and demonstrated it to Gong Liang.It was very simple, and he understood it immediately.

After inspecting everything on the island, Gong Liang came out of the island again, released his consciousness to look at the mountain stream surrounding the island, nodded involuntarily, very satisfied.

Immediately, he paid Lingshi to the elder, and sent a bunch of self-brewed Wanguo wine and spirit fruit produced by the space.

Gong Liang asked him to choose the best materials for the construction of the cave this time, so the price was much higher than the previous construction of the cliff and valley.However, now he has money and can afford it.

After sending off the elders and his party, Gong Liang turned his head and smiled at Jing Shu, "We are moving."


Jing Shu responded softly, she was very satisfied with the environment here, and couldn't help but began to look forward to life here.

(End of this chapter)

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