Chapter 1216

After another three days, Yuan Gungun still didn't wake up, but the aura on his body became stronger and stronger.

Above the abyss, in the distant void, the mysterious realm of the monster race suddenly appeared, piercing through the void and entering the eastern land.

Those with great powers from all the eastern sects felt it, and looked up one after another.

"Is even the monster race born? The world is about to be turbulent, and the ancient race must hurry up and prepare." In a top-secret place, a haggard old man of the human race looked at the sky and muttered to himself.

"Finally back. My monster clan is about to rise in this land, and no Eastern land master can stop my monster clan's footsteps, hahahaha"

In the center of the secret realm, in the towering grand hall, the majestic king looked at the approaching Dongtu and laughed wantonly.

"Shake and shake, shake and shake, the wind blows and shakes. Ten thousand years of hatred, ten thousand years of hatred, looking back at the afterglow, carrying the extreme dream away.

Shake, shake, shake, on the Nether Road, draw a sword and die. "

In the void, the dragon skeleton giant ship suddenly appeared.

Today's dragon skeleton giant ship is no longer the battered appearance that Gongliang saw in the old days. It has a new look, like a new building, and even the scarlet blood flag that was broken into cloth strips and hung on the flagpole in the past has become a brand new one. Flags, fluttering in the wind.

In the hall of the giant ship, the emperor of the world reclined on the throne, reciting poetry softly.

The singing seemed to bring back memories of the emperor's past, and a glimmer of light gradually appeared in his empty eyes.

The old scene reappeared, in the endless mountains, landslides and ground cracks, on a messy land, the corpses of monsters and humans lay everywhere, blood pooled into a lake, and the scarlet blood stings the eyes.Scenes, everything, intertwined into blurred shadows, constantly circling in the mind, making people sink and unable to extricate themselves.

"Am I wrong?"

Recalling the past, the emperor asked himself.

"No, I'm right. What's wrong is the fairy who regards our human race as a humble ant; it's the monster who regards our human race as a captive blood food. Yaoyaoyao, since you left, you shouldn't come back. Here, it is no longer your The world that waits to do whatever it wants, and we, the human race, are no longer livestock raised by your monster race."

The eyes of the emperor in the world were blood red.

The deck at the bow of the giant dragon skeleton ship is slowly separated, the huge naval gun slowly rises from below, the bow is proudly raised, the deep muzzle is aimed at the front, a powerful force is brewing, and it is about to spit out .

The patriarchs of the monster clan in the secret realm of the monster clan were shocked when they saw the giant dragon skeleton ship.

"That is"

"Isn't that the human king who was killed by our clan in the endless mountain? Why is he here?"

"How did he live, isn't he dead?"

Seeing the huge dragon skeleton ship, the majestic king narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "A mere ship dares to block the way of our clan's rise, and it doesn't know how to live or die. Let me bump into it. What kind of emperor is it? It's just a lifeless ant."

The patriarchs of the various clans in the palace looked at each other when they heard the words.Saint Meng Ji sat aside, did not speak, but frowned slightly.

After receiving the order, the monster master who was operating the secret formation immediately sent the secret realm and rushed forward.


The muzzle of the huge naval gun that had been brewing for a long time suddenly spewed out a cloud of cold flames, penetrated into the void, and bombarded the mysterious realm of the monster race.It's just that there is a formation protection outside the secret area of ​​the Yaozu, and the artillery fire from the naval guns can't hurt it at all.


Regardless of whether it caused damage or not, the huge naval gun spewed out artillery fire again, bombarding the previous position.

One shot after another, the superposition of power little by little, finally tore a slight crack in the tight secret formation.


Only then did the majestic king realize that the artillery fire of the huge naval gun seemed to be different, with a devouring force, the bombardment did not disappear on the formation of the secret realm, but attached to it, continuously devouring the aura of the formation to strengthen his body, Then destroy the forbidden runes on the shield of the secret formation.If this continues, there may be loopholes in the shield of the secret realm.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly ordered someone to repair the formation to remove the cold flames from the artillery fire.

At this moment, the emperor of the world stood up from the throne, walked slowly to the bow of the ship, and looked at the monster clan's secret realm that was getting closer.

"Shake and shake, shake and shake, the battle clouds and stormy waves, the fate of the time begs, and the memory of each other has no support for the long rhyme. One word, one cry, the soul returns."

The emperor of the world sang poems, and the huge ship of the imperial dragon skeleton slammed into the secret realm of the monster race at high speed. The speed was as fast as a meteor falling into the sky, and it was impossible to find.

Suddenly, the emperor seemed to have returned to the scene where he led his people to kill the demon clan in the past, but it was a pity that they all turned into wrecked corpses and dried blood in the end.Is he wrong?That's right.In the old land, cowardice and lowliness, licking their buttocks to survive, could not let the monster race leave them a way of life. What they wanted was blood.The beacon journey is the future hope of the human race, so he is not wrong.

The emperor has firm eyes.

The giant dragon skeleton rushed forward at high speed, hitting the shield of the Monster Race Secret Realm.

With a "boom", the dragon skeleton giant ship suddenly exploded on the shield, the huge power shook the void, the shield of the secret realm was shattered, and even the formation base that arranged the formation was also destroyed. Affected by this backlash, Qi Qi spat out a mouthful of blood, his face pale.


Meng Ji suddenly opened his eyes and disappeared into the hall.



The patriarchs of the various tribes of the Yaozu looked at each other, not knowing why a mere ship was able to destroy the ancient protective formation passed down from the secret realm.

The protective shield was destroyed, the secret realm lost its protection, and the wind from the void surged in.Under the strong wind, the vegetation in the environment was bent and broken, and there were many people who were uprooted.Some weak monster races were even swept up by the strong wind and disappeared without a trace.Without the formation, the secret realm could no longer float in the void, and fell rapidly.If it lands like this, not only the secret realm will not be protected, but even the lives of the monster clan in the secret realm will be difficult to save.

Thinking of this question, the majestic king quickly issued an order, "All those who have cultivated above the supreme level, immediately follow the patriarchs of all clans to hold star banners and set up the next week's star battle array, so as to receive the power of the stars and protect the secret realm."


In the secret realm, the powerhouses above the supreme level agreed in unison, and one after another followed the patriarch of their own clan to set up the formation.

After a while, the power of the stars poured down, finally slowing down the decline of the secret realm, and the wind couldn't rush in. It was just such a short time of practice, and the secret realm was already in a mess.

After a while, the saint Meng Ji appeared in the original position, looked at the demons in the hall and said: "The foundation of the formation in the secret realm has been destroyed. I am afraid that it will be difficult for the secret realm to leave this realm in a short time."

The patriarchs and kings of the monster tribes in the hall couldn't help frowning when they heard the words.

The secret formation is left by the ancient ancestors, mainly to prevent accidents, and the monsters can hide in the secret to escape the void and avoid disasters.Now that the formation foundation is destroyed, not to mention whether it can be repaired, even if it can be repaired, I don't know how many years it will take.In these years, it is enough for the secret realm to take root in this world, and it will be difficult to peel it off in the future.

Thinking of this, the imposing and majestic king secretly hated him, wishing he could peel the man's skin and bones, and swallow him in his stomach.

The Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation of the Yaozu was created by the power of the Yaozu in the ancient times according to the laws of the movement of the primordial stars. The power is terrifying.

In the past, to set up this formation, 360 five-pole big Zhoutian star flags were needed, which were used to correspond to the 360 ​​five main stars in the sky.

In addition, [-] small Zhoutian star banners are needed to correspond to [-] secondary stars.After the layout is completed, it can be combined with the power of the powerful monster clan to form a powerful Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation.

This array is very powerful, once it is deployed, it can attract the power of the stars of Zhou Tian universe.The power of hundreds of millions of stars is enough to destroy the world.

In the past, the Yaozu fought against the gods and fairy courts, which caused the world to be broken, and the help of this formation was indispensable.

It's just that now there is an array protection on the outer membrane of the domain, and the monster race can no longer unscrupulously receive the power of the stars of the universe as they did in ancient times. Furthermore, the star flags have been used many times since ancient times, and the rank is already low. decline.During the Great War of the Ancients, a lot of star flags were lost, so now the Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation has long since lost the mighty power of the ancient times, and at most it can only protect the Yaozu.

After a while, under the support of Zhou Tianxing Douzhen, the secret land finally landed safely on the sea area close to the East Earth Continent.

The secret realm was originally a piece of land in this world, but it was stripped of this world by the monster clan, and now it has returned, the world has a feeling, and it is raining.

In an instant, countless ointments, shaped like drops of water and colored like gold silk and jade, fell from the sky, covering the whole world.

There was fluid flowing through the place where the emperor of the world sent the giant dragon skeleton ship to collide with the secret realm and explode, and Xiu Ran went to a place.After a while, a phantom slowly appeared, which was the emperor of the world.It's just that the body shape is vague, almost transparent, as if it will disappear at any time.

The emperor of the world looked down, as if looking through the void, seeing various scenes in the world.

It seems that what he did in the past is not useless.

The emperor of the world smiled, and his almost transparent figure suddenly shattered, turning into dots of fluorescent light and floating down.Even if he dies, he wants to leave his soul in his homeland on earth.

For some reason, the human race on the Eastern Continent suddenly felt a burst of sadness in their hearts and an urge to cry.Qiqi couldn't help raising their heads, and looked towards the direction where the emperor of the world fell. The place that made them feel sad was right there.

Those with great abilities in the Eastern Land felt it, and bowed down one after another.

This worship is not for the sky, not for the earth, not for the common people, but for what the emperor of the world has done to the human race.

His meritorious deeds will be remembered by the human race forever; his greatness will be praised by the human race forever.

(End of this chapter)

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