Chapter 1242

On the border of the ancient country of Feng, on Mount Rongmao.

Ge Wuqi and his juniors looked at the approaching black line, frowned and said, "Let's go to Liangqiu."

Although the Lingshan Sect is only a small sect with only dozens of people, it is very famous in the ancient country, especially after Ge Wuqi won No. Straight into the sky, resounding throughout the Eastern Continent.

So when he arrived in Liangqiu, when Ge Wuqi asked the officials of Liangqiu to gather the people and close the city gates, all the officials of Liangqiu did so.

Liangqiu was originally just a towering circular mound, and later the Liang family settled here, so the name Liangqiu came about.

Later, the population gradually increased and gradually formed a small city.

Ge Wuqi stood at the top of the city, looking into the distance, worried.The medicine-pounding bird standing on his shoulder sensed his emotions and gently rubbed his head against his hair.Ge Wuqi patted its head, expressing that it was fine.Originally, this time he took his juniors out to practice, and by the way, wiped out the monsters infected by the magic energy nearby, but he didn't expect to encounter this.

The juniors also looked into the distance worriedly. After watching for a while, someone couldn't help asking: "Brother, is that a monster?"

Ge Wuqi sneered and said, "Where are there so many monsters? The ones in front are still the same, and the ones behind are all monsters. If I read correctly, there should be monsters chasing after them, otherwise these monsters would never be so tame , came straight to Liangqiu."

Official Liangqiu stood aside, hearing that he was talking about monsters, monsters, and monster races, he trembled in fright and said, "Immortal Elder, what should we do?"

Ge Wuqi glanced back at Liangqiu City, and said: "Whether it is a monster or a monster, it cannot be stopped by the low city walls of Liangqiu. Jing Zhong, Chong Yu, you two take your juniors to escort the people in the city to evacuate to Shan City." , The city wall of Yan City is tall and should be able to block the attack of the herd of beasts."

"What about you, brother?"

Ge Wuqi took out the iron ruler, looked at the billowing smoke and dust in the distance, and said, "We must let these ignorant idiots know that this is the border of our human race, and it is not a place where they can be fierce."


Some more emotional people immediately shed sad tears.

Ge Wuqi laughed straight at the sight, "Why are you crying? It's not a parting of life and death. Although your senior brother is not very capable, but if you want to leave, there is nothing that can stop me."

Hearing what he said, the juniors felt better about their depression.

Seeing the smoke getting closer in the distance, Ge Wuqi hurriedly asked Liangqiu officials to inform the people in the city to leave, and told his juniors to be careful along the way to avoid being attacked by monsters.

The Liangqiu officials were also good officials who cared for the people. As soon as they left the city, they asked the city government servants to beat the gongs and drums to inform the people that the herd of beasts was about to attack and they had to leave immediately.Otherwise, if the city is destroyed, it will be reduced to the blood of beasts, and it will be difficult to leave any bones.

The people in the city heard the words of Liangqiu officials, looked at the billowing smoke and dust in the air, and heard the roar of beasts in the wind. They were so frightened that they didn't have time to bring the food guy. They just rolled up the valuables and carried the rice grains on their backs. Together with Liangqiu officials, escape from Liangqiu.

Jing Zhong and Chong Yu stood in the air, waited for all the people in the city to leave, then took their juniors to say goodbye to their seniors, and chased in the direction where the people of Liangqiu left.

Ge Wuqi watched his juniors go away before turning around to look at the herd of beasts approaching rapidly.

"Boom boom boom boom"

Before the group of beasts arrived, the loud sound of the hooves of the beasts trampled on the ground could be heard from far away. Looking up, the smoke and dust turned into thick clouds, covering the sky and the sun.Immediately afterwards, a loud roar of beasts came to the ears, and the figures of the herd slowly appeared in sight.

The first batch consisted of more than a dozen monsters with blood-red eyes, ferocious faces, and completely lost their minds.

These monsters are ferocious, bloodthirsty, cruel, and manic. They have no heart of fear, and they don't even have the most basic animal nature. All that is left is the killing of bare fruits.

Behind the monsters are tall monsters.

Monsters and monsters have always been incompatible. Monsters can only kill monsters just like other things.Today, the two are mixed together, and they are attacking the human city in such a harmonious way. No one believes that there is no figure of the monster race behind them.

It's just how dare the Yaozu be so bold?After finally returning to the Eastern Land and settling down in the Endless Mountain, isn’t he afraid of the anger of the Eastern Land Sect?

Ge Wuqi looked into the distance, and a figure disappeared in an instant.

As he expected, it was really the Yaozu who was leading behind.

However, these are not things he should consider now.The herd of beasts is approaching, he wants to block the advance of these monsters and monsters, and leave enough time for the people of Liangqiu to go to Yan City.

Ge Wuqi slowly lowered the iron ruler, pinched Yin Jue with his left hand on his chest, his true energy was circulating, and his aura surged like a tide, straight to the sky.

One city, one person, is enough to reach thousands of troops.

"Boom boom boom boom"



The beast herd was getting closer and closer, and the sound of the beast's hooves trampling the ground was deafening like a heavy hammer beating a drum.A roar of beasts was mixed with it, and it kept coming, stirring people's hearts.Although Ge Wuqi was confident that he could retreat completely, but seeing the mighty beasts running wildly from a distance, his palms still broke out in cold sweat.

However, behind them are the people of Liangqiu, the prestige of the sect, and the fearless heart.

Retiring without fighting, the heart of the Tao is shaken, how to become a Taoist, how to prove to be a real immortal, how to face the teacher.

Ge Wuqi grasped the iron ruler tightly, his eyes showed determination, and before the herd of beasts attacked, he soared into the air and flew towards the herd of beasts.


Before Ge Wuqi could make a move, the medicine-cracking bird on his shoulder made a melodious voice, just like the raindrops gently dripping from the eaves, and it was like the singing of a mountain spring, the singing of a nightingale, the roar of a small animal, and the voice of Lin Feng. voice.

These sounds are unremarkable, but blended together, it is the most moving and beautiful melody, the real sound of nature.

Although the sound of the medicine smashing bird was small, it was heard very clearly in the ears of every ferocious beast.

In an instant, the group of beasts was so intoxicated by the melodious clear sound that they couldn't extricate themselves and forgot how fast they were running.Accidentally staggered, the beast behind bumped into the beast in front, and fell to the ground one after another, in a mess.

The bloodthirsty demon beast infected by the magic energy heard the sound, and its blood-red eyes gradually became clear, but then it was occupied by the magic energy and became bloodthirsty and ferocious.


Suddenly, a loud roar came from behind, and the group of beasts who were intoxicated by the melodious voice immediately woke up and continued to run wildly forward.


Ge Wuqi looked at the back of the herd of beasts, sneered, and swept the rushing herd of beasts with an iron ruler in his hand.Yingying Chimang, like flowing water, poured into the herd.The group of monsters in front were immediately slapped away by the iron ruler and fell into the herd.

The iron ruler shook the beast's body with great force, and something seemed to burst in the monster's mind, and it no longer had the obedient appearance before, and began to attack the surrounding monsters ferociously.

Unwilling to be bitten, the monsters fought back one after another.

In an instant, the group of beasts in the middle was in a mess, only the monsters in front still rushed forward regardless.

It was much easier for Ge Wuqi to deal with the beasts instead of the herd.Immediately wielding the iron ruler, he killed the monsters in front one by one, and put the corpses of the dead monsters into the storage ring, intending to bring them back to exchange for some cultivation resources.The demon clan manipulating the herd of beasts at the back was very annoyed, and then appeared, entered the chaotic herd of beasts, and killed the bloodthirsty and violent beasts.Then he roared at the herd of beasts, pointed forward, and the herd of beasts made a mess and rushed towards Liangqiu City immediately.

Seeing that he finally stopped hiding his body, Ge Wuqi stepped on the void, walked up to him, and asked, "Why do you drive the herd of beasts to attack the human city? Are you not afraid that I, the Eastern Earth Sect, will blame you?"

"Ha ha ha ha"

The Yaozu people laughed wildly as if they heard some big joke.

Ge Wuqi's face suddenly turned cold.

After a while, the Yaozu people stopped their harsh laughter, and said with disdain on their faces: "The Dongtu Sect is just a clown. I see that your cultivation is not easy, so let you go. Otherwise, you will die."

Ge Wuqi smiled angrily, he has never been so despised by anyone after so many years of practice.

It seems that the monster clan in front of them must know that Dongtu is definitely not a place for them to act recklessly.

"Please enlighten me."

Ge Wuqi cupped his hands in a salute, and then swung his ruler out, the ruler glowed, as if he had a firm heart, with supreme killing intent.

(End of this chapter)

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