Chapter 1250

In the Eastern sea area, the waves are rough.

A huge wave pushes a huge wave, rushing onto the beach one after another, rushing into the Eastern Continent frantically.

One after another sea beasts came with the tide, baring their teeth and claws, roaring and rushing ashore. Wherever they passed, there was no living creature.

The first ones to wash ashore are sea crabs. There are many kinds of these crabs. The big ones are as big as mountains and the small ones are the size of a fist. Crabs, blunt-fronted crabs, long-eyed crabs, jaw crabs, money crabs, and hermit crabs that live in various shells.

After the crab group, there is a Limulus sea beast.

Among these horseshoe crabs, there are huge giant horseshoe crabs like heavy tanks; three-spined horseshoe crabs with three sharp thorns on the tail;

Behind the horseshoe crabs are huge sea turtles, including the real snapping turtles handed down from ancient times, the fiery loggerhead turtles, the boulder turtles shaped like hard rocks, and the brightly colored tortoiseshell turtles with sharp edges. Leatherback turtles, snake-necked turtles, ratites and more.

Behind the sea turtles, there are mountain-like giant turtles, including giant white-headed turtles, primitive ancient turtles, round plate turtles, porpoise-nosed spotted turtles, two-clawed turtles, and so on.

After these huge crustacean sea beasts flooded in with the tide, they were followed by strips of the shortest and long arms.

Among them, there are ancient real lobsters, lobster lobsters, splendor lobsters, red crayfish, rock ridge lobsters, long-beard lobsters, fantail sheath prawns, crystal prawns, nine-noded prawns, sharp-fronted prawns, and centipede lobsters. Aunt, bobtail aunt and so on.

After the huge crustacean sea beasts and carapaces passed, there were all kinds of strange sea beasts.

There are octopus, green eel, earth dragon, squid, flounder, stone head, crisp, horse mackerel, water cover, spot car, stingray, and octopus. Heavy lips, stacked armor, ink fountain, Zhang Ju, dragon loach and so on.

In the sky, giant manta rays, flying fish, and floating jellyfish are constantly passing by.

At the end, there are huge flood sharks, dragon whales, and the sea clan with the blood of the dragon clan.

Looking around, the sea beasts are densely packed and boundless, making one's scalp numb.

In the mountains in the distance, the elders of Xuanzong led a group of small sect lords and elders to set up a supreme killing formation. Seeing sea beasts rushing in with the tide, he couldn't help frowning and asked the formation master: "How long will it be better?" ?”


An elderly formation mage wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, then buried himself in the formation again.

After a while, a beam of light rose from the mountain, and then spread out to both sides like a fan, turning into a light-shaped barrier to protect the coast.The next moment, there was also a beam of light rising into the sky in the distance, turning into a light-shaped barrier, connecting with the light fan here, forming a light-shaped embankment to protect the sea.

The sea beasts that flooded into the Eastern Continent with the tide saw the light-shaped barrier that suddenly appeared in front of them. They didn't know what it was, so they couldn't help but stop.

After observing for a while, seeing that the tide water poured into the light-shaped embankment was safe and sound, it continued to rise with the tide and entered the light-shaped barrier.

The light-shaped barrier that was originally harmless to humans and animals suddenly emitted boundless murderous intent after the sea beast entered.The sea beast sensed the murderous aura almost pervading the world, and turned around to flee.It's a pity that it was too late, and the light and shadow turned into a vortex, which swept all the sea beasts that entered the barrier, and strangled them all.

The murderous aura can only be sensed when it enters the light-shaped barrier, and the sea beasts behind it don't feel it, and still rush into it one after another, being strangled by the light and shadow vortex.

This scene also happened in other seaside.

On a sea surface far away from the Eastern Continent, countless huge sea beasts float and sink with the waves.

A Dragon Whale with a Crystal Palace on its back is quietly crawling on the sea surface, guarded by dozens of Dragon Whales and Flood Sharks.On the nine-color coral throne in the palace, Ao Shi, the Lord of the Deep Sea, was sitting, with his son Ao Hong standing beside him.

Ao Hong looked at the light-shaped embankment rising continuously from the seaside of Dongtu Continent, and then frowned unconsciously.

After observing for a while, he turned to Ao Shi and said, "Father, does the light barrier seem strange?"

Ao Shi nodded and said: "This should be the formations set up by various sects in the Eastern Land to prevent our people from entering the land. At night, you let the Dragon King of the Ten Fangs lead the elites of the Sea Clan to test it out. Such a large-scale formation must not be able to take care of it. There must be Weaknesses. If they can be detected, all the sea beasts can attack."

"Yes," Ao Hong replied.

As for the sea beast that was strangled, the two didn't take it to heart at all.Yuanhai is so big, less sea beasts are nothing.

The dragon kings of the ten directions are second only to the lords of the five abysses such as Dongyuan, Fengyuan, Ganyuan, Hongyuan, and Mingyuan. The red-shin dragon king, the northern black-brachial dragon king, the southeast green-browed dragon king, the southwest orange-robed dragon king, the northeast indigo-faced dragon king, the northwest yellow-bearded dragon king, etc.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, Ao Hong notified the Dragon King of Ten Fangs according to his father's will.

When the ten dragon kings heard the command of the Lord Yuanhai, they immediately led their elite troops to kill the light-shaped barrier in ten ways.

"I've been waiting for you."

The suzerains of the eastern land had expected that there would be an attack from the sea clan after the formation was set up, so after the killing formation was set up, the elders of the various suzerains did not rush back, and all stayed behind to protect them.At this time, when he saw the Hai Clan killing them, he couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Those who stayed behind to guard the formation were also eager to defend the formation and kill the enemy, but hid aside and waited for the Sea Clan to come in.

After a while, the elders of Xuanzong, seeing Ziqiulong Wang leading the elites of the sea clan into the light-shaped barrier, nodded to the sect masters and elders guarding the formation.

The fish has entered the net and it is time to collect it.

In an instant, Unshielded Xuanzong and the elders of the various sect masters quickly pinched Yinjue, injecting true essence and mana into the formation.

The majestic true energy rushed into the formation, urging the killing intent in the formation, and the Wuming vortex suddenly appeared, surrounding the purple horned dragon king and the sea clan elite brought by it, and the force of spinning and tearing continuously tore their flesh. Flesh, grinding their spiritual will.

"There is a trap, let's go."

As soon as Ziqiu Dragon King saw the vortex, he knew he had fallen into the trap of the Eastern Earth Sect. He immediately yelled and flew up.

It's just that the formations activated by Bushi Xuanzong and the elders of the various sect masters are not easy, as soon as they fly up, they are pulled back by the majestic whirlpool.


The sea clan elites it brought couldn't bear the spinning and tearing force of the vortex, so they transformed into their original form, and a stream of blood arrows shot out from their bodies, which were quickly absorbed by the Wuming vortex and turned into nourishment for the formation.

"It seems that these monsters are about to be overwhelmed, everyone, please work harder." Elder Bushi Xuanzong said with a smile.

"it is good."


The elders of all sect masters nodded in response, and they all poured true energy into the formation.

In an instant, another abyssal vortex appeared in the sky above the Wuming vortex.The two vortexes slowly approached, merged into one, and turned into a terrifying giant mill, enveloping the Purple Horned Dragon King and the elite sea clan brought by it.Boundless gravity pressed down from the sky, trying to crush them into powder; another force of tearing came from all directions, constantly pulling their bodies.


A Sea Clan with a weaker cultivation base couldn't bear the tearing force of the terrifying giant mill, it shattered into pieces, was swallowed by the giant mill in the blink of an eye, and disappeared without a trace.

The Ziqiu Dragon King looked terrified and didn't dare to stay any longer. Then he transformed into a huge dragon body, used his natal supernatural powers, slapped the giant mill, and flew out.

Although the power of the giant mill is astonishing, the supernatural powers used by the Ziqiu Dragon King who transformed into a 99-foot-long dragon body are not vegetarians. They broke through the giant mill in an instant and flew out.The elders of Xuanzong and the elders of various sects are willing to let it go and inject true energy again.

Under the infusion of true essence, the power of the broken giant mill increased, and it closed suddenly.

The Ziqiu Dragon King, who had already escaped from the dragon's head, felt a tingling pain in his body, but in order to leave, he couldn't control it so much. He gritted his teeth and pumped his body hard, quickly escaped from the terrifying giant mill, passed through the light-shaped barrier, and flew back to the deep sea.

When he was outside, he turned his head and looked, only to find that there was no dragon scale left on his body, only the bloody flesh that had been stripped of the dragon scale remained.


The Ziqiu Dragon King couldn't help roaring, and amidst its roaring, the waves of the deep sea rolled up huge waves and rushed into the inland of Dongtu.Fortunately, the nearby people have been moved away by various sects. Otherwise, this huge wave flooded into the inland, and I don't know how many people would die.

It left safely, but the elite sea clan trapped in the formation were not so lucky. They were soon crushed and crushed by the terrifying giant mill, turning into nourishment for the formation.

After the Ziqiu Dragon King roared, he stared at the direction of the light-shaped barrier with scarlet blood eyes, his chest heaving and falling.If you don't avenge this revenge, you will not be a dragon.


Just after finishing the oath, I saw other Dragon King brothers fleeing in embarrassment from various formations, some alone, some with a couple of elites, some with claws and tails and horns broken, and some with only half disabled torso.

For a moment, he couldn't help taking a breath.

Turning to look at myself, only some scales are missing, I feel quite lucky.

After a while, the dragon kings of the ten directions gathered on the sea, looking at the light-shaped embankment in the distance, full of hatred.

The Green-browed Dragon King with broken claws, tail and horns proposed: "Brothers, I was confused before and divided our troops into different places, which made this difficult. Why don't we work together and attack one place. I don't believe that the formation is so magical that it can block the attack. The combined strength of you and my brother."

"Okay." The Black Brachial Dragon King, who was lucky enough to escape and was only half disabled, responded immediately.

The other dragon kings looked at each other and felt that this matter was feasible, so they nodded in agreement.

After the discussion, the Dragon King of Shifang and the rest of the Sea Clan elite transformed into their original forms, and headed for the nearest light-shaped barrier to kill.

"Good time, everyone, please wait for me." Seeing this, the elder Xuanzong laughed loudly and said via voice transmission.

The formations were located in various places by the sea, and the elders of the sect masters who stayed behind to guard the formations heard the sound transmission and injected true energy into the formations in unison.The light-shaped barrier suddenly burst into bright light. Looking from afar, one can see the light on the light-shaped embankment surging like waves, and waves of incomparably pure and huge power are circulating in each formation.

The Dragon King of Shifang had his eyes covered by the killing intent, and he couldn't see the change of the seawall at all. He just wanted to break through the formation and kill the people inside.



A series of super huge dragon bodies rushed into the formation roaring, using various means to destroy the formation.

It's just that the light-shaped embankment is a formation of long snakes biting their tails. There is me in you, and you in me.Once a formation is attacked beyond its limit, the mana of other formations will continuously flow in to help resist the attack.

At this time, the formation guarded by the elder Xuanzong and others obviously exceeded the limit that they could bear.

Therefore, when the dragon kings of the ten directions rushed into the formation, the magic power of the formations in other places and the true energy of the people who guarded the formations were continuously injected into the formation.

In an instant, a larger abyssal vortex than before appeared beside the Dragon King of Ten Fangs, spinning and tearing their huge dragon bodies at high speed.

The Ziqiu Dragon King, who had just received the power of the formation, felt bad, and quickly shouted: "No, this formation is weird. Brothers, hurry up and work together with me to open a passage to leave."

The other dragon kings also felt changes around them.

Hearing its words, he immediately used his natal supernatural powers, followed behind it, bombarded a place, forcibly tore a hole in the terrifying and abnormal deep vortex, and flew out.

Returning to Yuanhai again, turning to look at the light-shaped barrier, everyone felt lingering fear.

If I hadn't left early this time, I'm afraid I would have died here.

Although they escaped safely, they also lost a lot of manpower. All the sea clan elites who survived before died this time, leaving only the ten dragon kings themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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