Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1282 Spirit Divination Turtle

Chapter 1282 Spirit Divination Turtle

"Gu Gu, hurry up and take out the treasure you found."

The girl took out the tortoise shell she got from the spirit tortoise and placed it on the long table made of thick ancient wood, and said to Mi Gu.

After they left the sea area of ​​the Spirit Turtle Tomb, they didn't continue to stay in Yuanhai, and went directly to Diao'ao Island, the cave residence of Miaodao Immortal Zong Gongliang.They are usually fine, and they will find excuses to have a big meal on Diao'ao Island. With so many treasures today, how can they not celebrate?

No, the girl from the Great Wilderness is already busy catching fish, killing geese and burning fire.

Taking advantage of this time, they took out the things they got from the Spirit Turtle Tomb to look at.

As the daughter of Wangyuan River God and the saint of the dragon whale clan, the daughter has extraordinary eyesight.Although I was in a hurry when collecting the turtle shells, the quality of the turtle shells I got was good.She collected a total of five spirit turtle shells, each of which was full of aura.If you look carefully, you can see that on the nodes between the spines of the tortoise shell, there is a marrow bead in each, emitting a shining precious light.

Spirit turtle shells found by other aquarists are also good.

After all, it is the tomb of the tortoise, and all the tortoises that can enter the cemetery are the tortoises that have reached the end of their lifespan. No tortoise has a lifespan of more than a thousand years, so even the most common tortoise shell in the tomb of the tortoise is very extraordinary.

However, among the turtle shells on the table, the best one is Yuan Gungun.

Yuan Gun Gun has the ancient heritage of the saints, with profound knowledge and amazing eyesight. Each of the turtle shells received exudes a deep and ancient aura, and the spinal cord beads are even more extraordinary, with a surge of spiritual energy. The precious light shines in all directions, which is extraordinary.

When Mi Gu heard what his daughter said, he turned his head and glanced at the spirit turtle shell on the table, and then proudly took out the treasure he got from the turtle tower.

First, she took out the stone plate engraved with the yin-yang, eight trigrams, celestial stems, earthly branches, 24 solar terms, celestial stars, and placed it on the bottom, and then took out a turtle shell that was as holy as jade, containing spiritual light, and naturally dense with mysterious patterns, and placed it on top.

She thought that the turtle shell would float on the stone plate like in the tomb of the tortoise, so she let go of it when it was half a meter away from the stone plate.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he let go of his hand, the holy tortoise shell fell on the stone plate with a "clang".

"Well, why don't turtle shells fly?"

Mi Gu was very surprised. He grasped the shell of the turtle and observed it. He shook it vigorously for a few times, and suddenly heard a few soft noises from inside. His eyes lit up, and he poured the shell of the turtle onto the stone plate. "Keng Keng Keng", with a few crisp sounds, three jade objects that were as warm as jade and full of spiritual light slid from the turtle shell and fell onto the stone plate.

"The turtle shell gave birth to the baby turtle shell."

Migu was extremely curious, and picked up a jade object that looked like it, but it didn't look like a turtle shell, but rather like a jade shell that she and Papa found at the seaside before.

Yuan Gungun stared at the side with his eyes wide open, his expression of surprise was beyond words.

"Mi Gu, show me the turtle shell."

Hearing Yuan Gungun's words, Mi Gu angrily gave it the turtle shell.Yuan Gungun held the tortoise shell and carefully observed it front, back, left, right, up, down, up and down.After a while, he said: "Mi Gu, you have got a big baby!"

"What big baby?" Mi Gu asked excitedly, flicking his nine-colored tail.

"This is no ordinary spirit turtle shell."

Yuan Gun Gun said with a serious face: "There are countless species of scale turtles in the world. These turtles are either born or become spirit turtles by chance. They are what the outside world calls the lineage of spirit turtles. But among the spirit turtles there are There are many types, one of which is particularly unique from ancient times, that is, the spiritual turtle.

The tortoise family, together with the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn, was called the Four Spirits in ancient times, which shows its magic.And the spirit turtle is a legend in the lineage of the spirit turtle. It is born extraordinary and has the appearance of gods and ghosts.

Look at this tortoise shell, which is dark and colorful. It rises up like the sky and falls down to the ground.Xuanwen is intertwined like a row of constellations, and the five lights are as clear as Xuanjin, profound and mysterious, rare in the world, so you can know the changes of life and death, good and bad, and know the past and future.It is said that the spirit turtle has become extinct in ancient times, and it is hard to find in the world, but I did not expect to see it today. "

Yuan Gun Gun returned the spirit divination turtle shell to Mi Gu, looked at the stone plate, and said, "This should be the astrology plate. The yin and yang, eight trigrams, celestial stems, earthly branches, 24 solar terms and astrology charts on it are used to observe the time and identify the direction during divination."

My daughter and other aquariums listened to it chattering a lot, and felt that it was not clear, but it seemed to be very powerful.My mind is in a mess, whether I understand or not.

Mi Gu was also dizzy when he heard it, and finally only knew that the tortoise shell he got was very powerful, and he didn't understand the rest.

She tilted her head and stared at the shell of the spiritual divination for a while, then said, "Go, what's the use of this turtle shell?"

Yuan Gungun felt a black crow fly past his eyes, "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow". Just now I said so much, it was all in vain.But thinking that she was not as smart as myself, he said in plain language: "Spiritual tortoises are born with magical powers, as long as you put three jade shells in the shell, close your eyes, stick the shell on your forehead, and think hard about what you want. Then pour the jade shells on the astrolabe, and you can find what you want through divination and hexagrams.”

When Mi Gu heard what it said, he was eager to try it, and then he packed three jade shells and stuck the turtle shell on his forehead, thinking about what he wanted.

In the inner space of the tortoise shell, the marrow beads located between the spines suddenly burst into brilliance, and the three jade shells suddenly shuttled between the brilliance like a stream of light.There are also five colors of light that turn into colorful mist and escape from the surroundings, covering the turtle shell, making the inner space of the turtle shell look like a fairyland.

After a while, the three jade shells stopped.Migu opened his eyes and poured out the jade shell.

"Kang Keng Keng"

With a soft sound, three jade shells jumped and fell on the stone plate, distributed in different positions of the 24 solar terms, celestial and star charts of yin and yang, eight trigrams, heavenly stems and earthly branches.

"What does this mean?" Migu was curious.

Yuan Gungun took a look and said, "When you were looking at the turtle shell just now, what were you thinking?"

"I'm looking for treasures, lots and lots of treasures." Mi Gu said, flicking his nine-colored tail and blinking his big beautiful eyes.

Same as I thought.Yuan Gungun murmured in his heart, pointed to one of the jade shells and said: "Look at this jade shell, it landed on the top of the ridge, the ridge is water, and the long flow does not stagnate, which means that the treasure you are looking for is flowing. of rivers and brooks.”

After finishing speaking, it pointed to another jade shell and said: "This one fell on Qisu in the west, which means that the treasure you are looking for is in the west. The other one means that the treasure is far away from Diao'ao Island." About twenty miles. To sum it up, if you go west for about twenty miles, you will find the treasure you are looking for."

"Wow, get out, you're amazing!"

Starlight was shining in the eyes of the girls, and they were almost chubby little fans.

Other aquariums also cast admiring glances at Yuan Gun Gun.

Migu didn't care about this, when he heard Yuan Gungun's words, he immediately put away the turtle shell and astrolabe disk, "I'm going to find the baby." Then, he flapped his wings and flew out of Diao'ao Island.

"Gu Gu, wait for me, I'm going too."

The daughter and daughter hurriedly followed, and the other aquarium also wanted to know if there was any baby, so they also followed.

Yuan Gungun was too lazy to go, so he found a place, took out the soft animal skin and spread it on the ground, lying down comfortably.

Migu's six wings vibrated, and his speed was so fast that he flew twenty miles away in an instant.Looking down from above, there is really a stream, and Migu flies down.The creek is about six meters wide, shallow, and the bottom is crystal clear. You can see the fine sand and stones at the bottom of the stream at a glance.

She turned her head and looked around, but she didn't find any treasures.

But since it's here, I have to look for it anyway.

So, she set up the awning with her hands, raised her eyebrows and raised her eyes, and a formless and shadowless light shot out from it, illuminating the dark void, and the surrounding ground and underground scenery immediately came into view one by one, without missing anything.


Suddenly, she seemed to have found something extraordinary, she made a sound of surprise, then closed her vertical eyes, flew down into the stream, took out a small shovel made of cake from the storage ring, and dug down vigorously.

"Gu Gu, here we come."

At this time, Nu Nu and other talents rushed over and saw her digging in the stream, so they flew over and asked, "Gu Gu, what are you doing?"

"There's a weird thing down there, it seems to be a baby."

"Gu Gu get out of the way, let me come."

The octopus near the side heard the words, and immediately stepped forward, dancing its octopus, like a whirlpool, continuously pulling away the fine sand below.Mi Gu and the others retreated quickly to avoid being touched by the claws.

In just a moment, a deep hole was dug out of the flat stream.

"There's really something down there."

While digging, the octopus sensed that there was something full of aura below it, but it seemed to be a little strange, so it dug harder.After a while, he finally dug the thing out.

Mi Gu frowned when he saw the things he carefully picked up from the pit.

Because this thing doesn't look like a treasure in any way, it looks like a mess of broken stones.

 In a bottleneck, there is no way.



(End of this chapter)

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