Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1346 Super Invincible Giant Cannon

Chapter 1346 Super Invincible Giant Cannon

"Machine. Machine gun???"

When Gong Liang saw the giant puppet shooting at the remnants of the ancient Vedic religion, he was stunned and incoherent.

The squatting disciples of the Kui Cui Sect were not dumbfounded, but had turned into licking dogs, their eyes glistened, and they almost stuck out their tongues to lick.

Mo Siyin looked at the minced meat shot by the giant puppet, and was very satisfied with his research results. He jumped in front of Gongliang and asked happily, "Brother Shishilang, what do you think of the machine gun I made?"

Looking at the thing that the giant puppet is holding in both hands, it is really difficult for Gong Liang to match it with the machine gun in his mind.

Even the Gatling, anti-aircraft machine guns, machine guns, howitzers, and mortars in my impression couldn't match it. The so-called "machine gun" in front of me was simply a portable large-caliber artillery in the shape of a machine gun.

"How did you do this?"

Gong Liang swallowed, and asked with difficulty.

"This is similar to the Liannu. You can make it after thinking about it. It's not difficult!" Mo Siyin said so much, not to mention how proud he was. You must know that the whole sect is the only one who can make this. thing.

Migu was very curious about the huge power shot by the things in the giant puppet's hands, and immediately flapped his wings and flew around, up and down, and observed.

The giant puppet didn't get instructions from its master, and stood there stiffly after shooting, not moving.

Several disciples of the Kui Cui Sect chatted silently, then jumped out of the puppet, showed a [-]% sincere smile, and cautiously said to Mo Siyin: "Senior sister, what kind of weapon is this, can you teach us? ?”

"Teach you?"

Mo Siyin was not as gentle as he was to Gongliang in front of them, and said domineeringly, "That depends on what you can offer in exchange."

Kuicui Zong does not forbid the members of the Zong to share their refining experience with fellow sects for a fee. It is useful to the Zongmen, and Kuicui Zong will even collect high contribution points. everything.

Every year in the Kuizui Sect, there are people who make countless profits by virtue of their own refining experience; there are also people who share their unique refining experience with others to obtain a large amount of refining materials, which are the most precious treasures in the world.

Mo Siyin himself also shared his experience in refining weapons.

Then relying on a bunch of materials given by Gongliang, and things given by the master and Zongmen, such a super giant giant puppet was refined.

If she did it bit by bit by herself, she wouldn't know it would take until the year of the monkey to perfect it.

Hearing that Mo Siyin intended to pass on to them the domineering weapons that shot down the remnants of the ancient Vedic religion, the disciples of the Kuicui Sect opened their storage bags and approached her, saying, "Senior Sister, take a look at my things. If you like anything, feel free to let me know." take it."

"And mine."

"And mine."

"Senior sister, look at mine."

Mo Siyin was not polite either. He picked up the front storage bag and didn't put it directly into his own storage space. Instead, he put everyone's things under his feet and put them away in piles.

When the disciples of the Kuicui sect saw the things that were picked out, their heartache was beyond words, but more of it was the joy of getting the domineering weapon.

After a while, things were picked out, in twos and threes, not many.

"You are not enough for five people, at most enough for me to teach one person how to refine a super invincible giant cannon." Mo Siyin frowned.

Gong Liang had a toothache when he heard the name, but when he looked at the things in the hands of the giant puppet, he felt quite vivid.

Several disciples of the Kuicui Sect looked at each other in blank dismay, and remained silent for a long time.After a while, a few people got together to discuss and recommend one person to learn something, and the rest can only learn when they have all the things together.It must be a very good friend to be able to persevere under the pursuit of the remnants of the ancient Vedic religion, and will often form a team in the future to find materials for refining puppets.

At this time, it is very important to have a domineering weapon in the team that can defend oneself and kill the enemy without being chased and killed in embarrassment.

This is also what the disciples of the Kui Cui Sect value most, rather than abandoning everything in the future for the sake of some immediate benefits.

After they discussed it, Mo Siyin put away the things on the ground, took out a blank jade slip, and engraved on it the experience of refining the super-giant invincible cannon.After engraving, hand it over to the disciples of the Kuicui Sect, and pointing to the weapon in the giant puppet's hand, he said grandly: "The super invincible giant gun is also entrusted to you for research. your things."

Finally, he solemnly exhorted:
"Remember not to pass on what I have taught you to others, otherwise don't blame me for being rude. When you report to the sect, don't blame the law for being ruthless."

It's not that no one does this kind of thing, it's just that the consequences are very serious.

Hearing the word "Law", the disciple of Kuicui Sect who had received the experience of refining weapons couldn't help but shuddered, and said quickly, "Don't worry, senior sister, I will never spread it indiscriminately."

"So best."

Mo Siyin said lightly, then jumped to Gongliang's side and said, "Elder Eleven Lang, let's go back!" Gongliang nodded, and flew up the giant puppet together with Mi Gu, who flew back, and returned to Kuicuizong together.

On the way, Gongliang finally refrained from asking why the machine gun turned into a super invincible cannon, and even more refrained from asking where the super invincible cannon bullets came from?
Isn't the reason why the world is so wonderful because there are so many unknowns?
Maybe the things she made out of such random changes are more suitable for herself, and it may not be more suitable for Kuicuizong.

Perhaps the things she modified in this way can bring some sparks to the practice world, bear different fruits, and change the pattern of the practice world.

The disciples of the Kuicui Sect watched the few people leave, and then turned around and patted the disciple who had received the refining experience on the shoulder and said, "Zhongyan, whether we will be chased by the remnants of the ancient Vedic religion after we come out later depends entirely on you. "

"Don't worry, I will be able to refine it soon with my sister's refining experience and the super invincible giant cannon as a reference." Zhong Yan clenched his right fist and said excitedly.

Back at the place where Miaodao Xianzong stayed, the daughter and daughter and others came to ask where Migu had gone and why it took so long to come back.

The little guy was beaming, dancing and excitedly talking about how he followed Baba and Sister Siyin to see such powerful weapons, how he heard someone calling for help, how he discovered the remnants of the ancient Vedic religion, and how he saw the giant puppet take The gory story of something "chug.chug" killing a bunch of people.

Good guy, it took only half a day for her to make up a passionate story that combines suspense, thriller, war, science fiction, gun battle and other elements.If it wasn't for Gongliang who was with her at the time, would he have thought that the two of them were not going to the same place?

However, the story told by the little guy is indeed so pleasant to listen to. Haven't you watched all the soul pets and aquariums listening with gusto and concentration?
Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Gong Liang continued to accompany the elders to escort the disciples of the Miaodao Xianzong to participate in the competition.

(End of this chapter)

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