Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1349 Dragon Whale Heart Words

Chapter 1349 Dragon Whale Heart Words
"Junior sister is polite."

San Yimeili thought he was chic, and smiled at his daughter with a toothy grin.He likes this kind of white and fat girl the most, and he doesn't know if he will cry if he punches her in the left eye later.

When the daughter and daughter saw his teeth emitting a cold light, they couldn't help shivering.

The same is true for the most ferocious, cruel, ruthless, and immoral man-eating dragons in Yuanhai. They like to open their mouths and show their teeth, and then swallow them in one gulp, and then spit out a whole row of complete skeletons.

The girls' hairs stood on end, their bodies were tense, and they were very tense.

He didn't even care about saluting to his opponent, he just nodded his head hastily and retreated quickly.

San Yimeili grinned, this fat white lady of Miaodao Xianzong is really cute, I have to be merciful later, so as not to cry too much after losing the game.Thinking of his pride, San Yi could not help but laugh: "Hahahaha."

The girl standing still by the ring saw her opponent smiling from a distance, and suddenly remembered the first time she and her mother went out to sea to play.

That day, the wind and the sun were beautiful, and there was no cloud in the sky.

The azure blue sea and the blue sky complement each other, making her so interesting that she couldn't tell which is the sky and which is the sea.

She and her mother sat on the back of a super huge dragon whale and set off from the mouth of the Wangyuan River to the depths of the deep sea.

Time seems to pass quickly, but also seems to be very slow.After an unknown amount of time, she saw a big ship sailing slowly from the east to the west on the horizon in the distance.That boat is so small, smaller than a peach pit.But the mother said that the boat was very big, bigger than the Dragon Whale, but they felt smaller when they looked at it from a distance.

She didn't believe it, so she stared at the big boat with wide eyes.

At this moment, an extremely huge man-eating dragon jumped out of the sea, opened its terrifying mouth, and swallowed the big ship in one gulp.

Up to now, she still clearly remembers that the man-eating dragon swallowed the big boat and grinned at them, and there was a bloody figure struggling between its white teeth in its mouth.That scene is her eternal dream charm, and it is also the deepest memory in her life.

Although the cannibal dragon was beheaded by his mother in the end, she will never forget it.

The girl who was already anxious, afraid that she would not be able to advance to the next level, saw San Yi's ambiguous and ferocious appearance like a man-eating dragon, hurriedly closed her eyes, picked up the jade bone flute, put it to her mouth, and began to play.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Seeing the nervous look on the face of the fat and white lady of Miaodao Xianzong, San Yi Mo Li burst out laughing again.

"Occasionally I have to spit on him, making him itchy, painful and uncomfortable."

Seeing his arrogance, Mi Gu said in the audience, and good friends around him expressed their support.

Yuan Gungun thought of the inhuman days when he was spat on by little kids, and secretly broke into a cold sweat for San Yi Mei Li.This is not the first time Migu and the others have done this.Last time, a person who beat his daughter and vomited blood did not escape their poisonous hands.

Although the daughter and daughter won in the end, they did not make him feel better. They still let him taste the baptism of poisonous saliva, and gave him the opportunity to change his mind and realize his mistakes deeply.

Although they are all sneaky and no one knows who they are, the slogan is important.

How could the Kuixuan sect and the great masters of the various sects not know about this kind of thing, they just saw that there was no harm, so they treated it as a child's play and let it go.

It's just that it's so sad to lose to the female opponent, not only to accept the lesson of failure, but also to face the painful baptism of Migu's poisonous saliva!
The daughter put the jade-shaped bone flute to her mouth, and her mind became extremely quiet, so she played the bone flute.


Xiuran, a strange scene appeared on the ring.A cute little dragon whale screamed softly and came out of nothingness, playing in the arena as a deep sea, sometimes jumping up, sometimes sinking, sometimes dancing around the girls, with admiration in their eyes.

The girl and girl closed their eyes tightly, ignorant of all this.

The melodious sound of the flute drifted around, centering on her and spreading around.

In it, all the past of the daughter and daughter are tied, and the endless thoughts; in it, there are mother's love, father's smile, children's joy, and their own.Everything turned into beautiful notes that floated into the distance, flew into the sky, penetrated into the deep space, and danced gracefully with the stars and moon in the sky.

Looking down, the waving notes render the world like a beautiful brocade, and like a scroll of inspiration.

Listen carefully, but it is an incomparably moving and mysterious sound of nature.

The sound of the female flute is not high-pitched or passionate, but like gurgling water, it sneaks into your heart quietly, making you want to stop.

The person who heard the voice quieted down inexplicably, as if his soul had been sublimated, and his heart felt empty and full.But without exception, everyone who heard the sound of the flute let down their vigilance towards their daughters, they were defenseless, and could not raise any hostile intentions.A heart seems to be bound in circles, as long as there are thoughts that are bad for women, they cannot move.

After a long time, there was a break.

The venue and the people nearby were all intoxicated by the beautiful flute sound, unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

"It's been a long time since I've heard such a sweet heart language from Dragon Whale, it's really wonderful!" After hearing the sound of the flute, the leader of Xinyinzong sighed.Suddenly finding that everyone in the competition venue was intoxicated by the sound of the flute, he quickly took out a small bell from his sleeve and rang it.


A soft bell that was not too loud, rippling around like water ripples.

In the competition venue, people who were addicted to the sound of the distant flute slowly woke up.

Only San Yi, a disciple of the Black Lotus Sect facing her daughter, smiled wryly. Hearing the sound of her flute, his heart seemed to be bound, and he couldn't be hostile to her at all, let alone hurt her.He had a feeling that if he hurt her, he might be the one who hurt her in the end.

How can we play like this?

"I surrender."

San Yi shouted ambiguously and freely.

In fact, don't mention how bitter it is in my heart. I thought she was a white and fat girl who could be picked up casually, but I didn't expect to be tricked by accident.It seems that a lesson must be learned in the future, the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength, and cannot give the opponent any chance, any chance, any chance! ! !
"Oh girl wins"

"Girls are amazing"

“Girls are awesome”

Hearing that the other party had conceded defeat, before the daughter and daughter could react, the spirit pet aquarium under the ring had already boiled up, shouting loudly and cheering loudly.Mi Gu grabbed the hammer with both hands and beat the Tiangu vigorously to express his celebration, and Yuan Gun Gun shook his charming big fat buttocks on the spot.The other spirit pet aquariums watched and danced too.

Gong Liang on the cloud covered his face, expressing that he didn't know these guys, it was too embarrassing.

The girl and girl were not embarrassed at all, they shook their fat buttocks to celebrate with their good friends as soon as they stepped out of the ring, and they were extremely happy.

Finally made it into the top ten.

Although she had thought about this ranking, she only dared to hope for it, and never thought of realizing it.She didn't expect to actually enter the top ten today, how could she be unhappy?In the evening, Gongliang must cook a delicious meal to celebrate.

Thinking of the delicious food made by Gongliang, the daughter and daughter swallowed in disappointment.

She hasn't had a good meal for a long time. Gongliang is just lazy. He hasn't made anything since he came to Kuicuizong, and he runs around with the Kuicuizong girls all day. He must tell Sister Wujing when he returns.

Gongliang felt more wronged than Dou E, it was like [-] degrees of high temperature and snow in summer.

What does it matter to him that she advances in the competition?He went out to play with the lady of Kui Cui Zong, so what business did she have to do, and he went to make a small report?How can there be so many things for a little fart dragon carp.

"Mi Gu, shall we still spit that saliva at night?" After being happy, Yi Ling Chong asked quietly.

"Put, that man is too arrogant." Mi Gu said with certainty.

So, when it was getting dark, Mi Gu took a few friends who were proficient in escapism to escape quietly to the place where the Black Lotus Sect was staying, and there were also spirit birds flying in the air to detect the enemy.In order to prevent accidents, there are also some clever friends who are ready to guide you at any time.

When he got to the place, Mi Gu opened his third vertical eye to see where the person was, then took out the mirage beads he got from Papa to cover his body and escape into the ground.

When he arrived at the man's residence, Mi Gu took advantage of his unpreparedness to spit on him, and then returned quickly, not thinking about it at all.

Naturally, all this could not be hidden from the leader of the Black Lotus Sect, but there was no reaction.It wasn't until the next day that the poison from the saliva was removed, that he heard the screams from San Yi Mo Li, and then he laughed unscrupulously.

"These little things are really interesting, hehehehe"

(End of this chapter)

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