Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1355 Puppet Cave

Chapter 1355 Puppet Cave

Making salt-baked eggs is very simple, just spread a layer of salt in an iron pan, then put the eggs in, and then cover with a thick layer of salt.

After the fire is fired, the hot air in the pot will condense the salt layer on it, forming a circular dome.When eating, just open a small hole on the side, and you can slowly dig out the eggs inside.

Because the eggs of red fire ants are pregnant with spirit fetuses, after breaking the shell, you will see a red fire ant embryo lying quietly inside.

Migu likes to eat this food the most, and it tastes much better than any fruit, meat, or vegetables.

In Gongliang's hometown in his previous life, whenever the weather was cold, there were people selling chicken fetuses everywhere, that is, salt-baked chicken fetuses, sometimes called maodan.But there is no hair in the salt-baked chicken fetus, but the embryo of the chicken.The salt-baked chicken fetus is sweet and salty, tender and delicious, very delicious and nutritious, so every time he hears someone selling it, he will buy some to eat.

Mi Gu shared some of the salt-baked red fire ant eggs with his friends, and put the rest in the treasure bag for eating slowly.

The reason why it is placed in the treasure bag of storage is because it can contain living things. If it is stored in the storage ring, the soul fetus in the red fire ant egg will immediately become a stillborn fetus.

In this way, there will be less spirituality, and the taste will be much worse.

Jing Shu watched from the side and helped her make a box that could keep warm for a long time. The salt-baked red fire ant eggs inside would always be hot, not cold.Migu was so happy, he hugged Jingshu's neck and rubbed his face all the time, his skin was almost torn.

After playing with Jingshu for a while, Migu flapped his wings and flew over to watch Papa make tea eggs.

Compared with salt baked eggs, tea eggs are much more troublesome to make.

First of all, boil the eggs of red fire ants, take them out and smash them into pieces, then put the tea leaves, water, spiritual salt and Tianxiang leaves into a pot to boil, boil the thick juice, take out the tea leaves and put them in the red fire ants The eggs are boiled and tasty.

Generally speaking, if the tea eggs want to be delicious, it is best to soak them overnight in the water from which the tea leaves are boiled, so that they are more tasty.

Migu couldn't bear it.

The scent of spirit tea and Tianxiang leaves boiled from Kongsang Mountain in Miaodao Xianzong, together with the fragrance of red fire ant eggs, drifted under her nose one after another, making her stomach growl.Not only her, but even the spiritual pet of the Miaodao Xianzong and all the aquarium were so greedy that they swallowed their saliva.

"Papa, are the tea balls ready? I want to eat balls. There are so many balls."

Mi Gu stared straight at the boiling tea eggs in the pot, and asked softly in Papa's ear.

This little glutton, Gongliang was also speechless, so he could only say: "Okay."

"Come here, everyone!" Gong Liang said to the soul pet Aquarium who was drooling at the tea eggs in the pot next to him.

The spiritual pet aquariums hurried over and lined up neatly.Gongliang first distributed the boiled tea eggs to Mi Gu and Yuan Gungun, and also distributed a few to the three Jingshu sisters, and then distributed them one by one to the soul pets who were eager to see through.

For a while, the air was filled with the fragrance of tea eggs.

Seeing that they liked it so much, Gongliang wanted to continue cooking.

Mi Gu quickly whispered: "Babababa, let's go back and cook."

It's not hard to guess what the little guy is thinking, it's just that he feels distressed when he sees the delicious balls being eaten up by his friends, and he wants to wait until he goes back to cook them, so as not to be eaten by his friends after they are cooked.Although she doesn't mind sharing good food with good friends, it's a little bit, not giving them everything.

If so, what else would she eat?Eggs are her favorite.

Gong Hao glanced at the little guy with a smile, didn't say anything, just put away the cooking utensils.

A group of soul pets licked their mouths after eating the tea eggs, feeling a little unsatisfied.The tea eggs are really delicious, but unfortunately they are no longer available.Little Migu is a stingy ghost who drinks cold water, but she is not stingy for a day or two, and her partners know it well, so they didn't say anything.

In the early morning of the next day, Gong Liang took Mi Gu and the others to escort the elders, and escorted the disciples of the sect to Dongtian, the secret place where the Kuicui sect arranged for them to practice.

Gongliang didn't know the situation of the place where the Kuicui Sect practiced, and he didn't inquire about it, but listening to the conversations of the sect's elite disciples along the way, he got a little understanding of the situation in the secret cave.

The cheat book used by the Kui Sui sect to train the elite disciples of the sect is called Dongtian, but it is more like a large treasure trove of storage.

It's just that this treasure trove of storage is a bit different and unique.

The Kuuizong sect has been established for ten thousand years, and it is located in the northwest, facing the sect in the western region, and the evil spirits from outside the region will inevitably fight and fight.

Kueizong always used puppets to fight against the enemy, during which puppets fell and damaged countless people.These damaged puppets, which are difficult to repair for a while, will be placed in the secret cave to wait for repair.Some souls are incomplete, making them difficult to control, and they will also be put in, allowing time to complete them.

In addition, because there are too many puppets on the body, some people will store puppets that are not frequently used in it.

After a long time, the puppets inside piled up into mountains, densely packed, countless.

Kuicuizong also made a lot of determination to open up the secret cave.Letting the disciples of various sects in this time is said to be experience, but in fact it is similar to giving benefits.

The disciples who entered, regardless of their sect or rank, were allowed to take the puppet away as long as they were approved by the puppet in the secret cave.You must know that it is the accumulation of Kui Cuizong's ten thousand years of establishment, and any puppet's cultivation level is higher than that of the disciples of the sect who entered.Having such a puppet around is equivalent to having an extra bodyguard, protecting oneself in an emergency is equivalent to having an extra life.

Of course, it is impossible for there to be only puppets in the cave, as well as precious materials for refining equipment and all kinds of elixir.

It's just that the Kueizong has requirements for these, that is, the people who go in must pay a part of their income after they come out.

This is also the intended meaning, it is impossible for people to take everything away.When Gong Liang entered the secret realm of the Miaodao Xianzong, he also had to pay part of the elixir to get out.

"Daughter, you must put away the eggs when you go in. Baba will also make eggs that I have never eaten before, like the kind of balls that are salted, preserved eggs, steamed eggs, and eggs. Intestines, egg pancakes, there are so many. If you want to bring it out, I will let Papa make it for you." Mi Gu said to his good friend and daughter, flapping his little wings.

Gongliang rolled his eyes angrily, there are puppets everywhere in the secret realm, so there's nothing wrong with it.

Could it be that puppets can lay eggs, puppet eggs?What the hell.

On the other hand, the female and female nodded vigorously in response, "Well, I will definitely put away the balls when I see them."

When the disciples of each sect gathered, the elders of the Kui Cui sect opened the secret cave to let the disciples of each sect enter.The daughter and the good friends waved their hands, turned around and stepped into the secret cave with the elites of the same school.

The disciples of various sects entered the cave and were scattered to various places, but they did not gather together.

As soon as the daughter and daughter entered, they found that there was a vast plain in front of them. Looking around, there was a big winding river in front of them, flowing slowly to the right.

Behind the big river is a large grassland, and behind it is a dense and tall jungle.

The daughter is a dragon girl of the water tribe, who is naturally close to water.As soon as I saw the big river, I immediately ran over happily and stood by the river to watch the reflection in the water.After watching for a while, I felt a little hungry, so I sat down on the grass by the river, took out the salt-baked red fire ant eggs and tea eggs left yesterday, and ate them.

Not to mention, the salt-baked red fire ant eggs are really delicious, sweet and a little salty, especially the red fire ant eggs inside, which taste tender and have no bones.

After eating one after another, a pile of eggshells quickly piled up on the ground.

She is very smart, she took some more when she baked the eggs of red fire ants yesterday.Since the tea eggs are distributed by Gongliang, I can't ask for more.But later she took some from her good friends Mi Gu and Yuan Gun Gun, so now she has so many balls to eat.

While eating the eggs, she didn't notice a pair of eyes staring at her in the water.

After a while, the owner of the eyes finally couldn't help but jumped out of the water and crawled in front of the daughter.

The daughter and daughter were not frightened, but just looked curiously at the thing that jumped ashore.This is a fish, but it has a pair of fleshy feet like a salamander, and a pair of transparent wings like fins on its back.

This fish looks like an eagle to the girl, but it is not really like it, but like a god.

She has seen many strange fish in the water, so it is not surprising to see this fish.On the contrary, she felt a little moved that it would be great if Migu was here, she likes to catch such strange things to play with.

The strange fish crawled in front of her without any movement, just looked at the tea egg in her hand with wide open eyes.

"Want to eat?" the girl asked, shaking the tea eggs.

Wei Yu was stupid, as if he didn't know what she was talking about, just looked at the tea eggs.The daughter threw the tea egg over, and the strange fish immediately opened its mouth to bite it, swallowed it in one gulp, and then continued to stare at her hand holding the tea egg just now.


In the past, when Gongliang saw them eating, he would say that they were "Zhu Bajie eats ginseng fruit and doesn't know what it tastes like." Before, his daughter and daughter didn't know what it meant, but now they understand.

(End of this chapter)

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