Chapter 1362
Fukong Mountain is located between the sky and the earth. It is not only the residence of the masters of the Miaodao Xianzong, but also a place for them to exercise before going to the sky and adapt to the strange weather in the endless sky.

Moreover, the Floating Mountain is also a coordinate, a beacon that guides the wandering void and the return of void hunters.

There are many secrets in the Miaodao Xianzong. If you are not at a certain level, even if you are in a high position, you can't know it.

For example, Fukong Mountain is hard to see with the naked eye because of its seclusion in the void, and the outer disciples don't even know this place.

Inner sect disciples have to have a certain status to know, even so, what they know is limited.They didn't know that above the infinite height of Fukong Mountain, there was a vast sea of ​​clouds that was comparable to the Eastern Earth Continent; they didn't even know that there were still a large number of creatures living in this sea of ​​clouds.

Donggao Jun sent the flying boat up, and at the same time told Gongliang about the situation of Wujing Tianque, among which was the matter of the sea of ​​clouds.

The public is very curious. He has never heard of creatures that can survive in the clouds, and he would like to see them when he has time.

The flying boat didn't go straight up against the bitter cold wind, but flew up in a "zigzag" shape.

"Junior brother, if you want to go to Wujing Tianque in the future, remember not to go up vertically. If so, the pressure of the whole world will be imposed on you, which is unbearable. If you fly obliquely, most of the world's coercion will It will be unloaded, and you can rely on the strong wind blowing from high altitude to go up without too much effort." Dong Gaojun pointed out.

Gong Liang felt that what the senior brother said seemed like a ship sailing against the wind in the sea, so he couldn't help but nodded slightly, memorizing the experience that the senior brother taught.

Further up, the sky and the earth are silent, the air is cold, like a severe winter, and the breath turns into ice.

The flying boat is protected by formations, and the freezing cold outside cannot invade.It's just that where the flying boat passed, the space was turbulent, the air was rubbing, and ice quickly formed and fell down.

Pass through the cold airspace, and then go up to the void layer.

A gust of wind blows from nothingness, almost annihilating all living beings.

A ferocious bird fluttered its wings from bottom to top, passed through the cold airspace, took a breath, and was about to make persistent efforts to pass through the void layer.Unexpectedly, a gust of wind appeared from the side out of thin air and slammed into it fiercely.With one click, the vicious bird's feathers flew up, and its flesh was bloody.

After a while, he ended up with no bones left.But there are also creatures that break through the wind of nothingness and fly straight up.

Seeing the vicious bird dying in the strong wind, Gong Liang was very lucky.

Fortunately, I told the golden-winged roc eagle chicken not to follow, otherwise it would be turned into meat sauce by the strong wind.

The double-headed dragon head coiled on his wrist looked up at the sky outside the boat, but he wanted to swim in the wind of nothingness to sharpen his tough dragon skin.But when he thought of protecting his master, he put out his thoughts.

After a while, the flying boat flew through the void wind layer without any risk, a light flashed in front of my eyes, and then I heard a loud rumbling noise.

Looking out, a cloud as thick as black ink wrapped in countless thunderclaps flew towards this side.

Dong Gaojun hurriedly flew the flying boat up, and explained as he flew: "It's bad luck, we encountered the Void God Thunder. We have to leave here quickly, so as not to be involved in the minefield."

In an instant, the boat disappeared into the distance like a flying shuttle, swift as lightning.

After a while, he finally left the Heavenly Territory when the Void God Thunder approached.Avoiding the minefield, there is a thick cloud above.

Gong Liang looked out and found that among the clouds, there were fierce birds and beasts flying by and fish swimming.Each head looks extremely extraordinary, and the realm is not low.

"Brother, is this the sea of ​​clouds you mentioned?" Gong Liang asked.

"Yes." Dong Gaojun nodded and said: "There are a large number of creatures from this world living in the sea of ​​clouds. In order to temper their bodies, these creatures constantly shuttle back and forth in the airspace such as the sea of ​​clouds, the wind of nothingness, and the thunder of the void, just to purify Bloodlines, break through the limitations of your own bloodlines, reach the transformation of the ancestors, and go to the outer world. Here, you have to be careful, the Supreme Realm can't run rampant, but your physical body is hard, but you can shake these things."

After Gongliang heard his words, he had a clear understanding of the class where his own strength was.


Suddenly, there was a baby-like cry from the boundless sea of ​​clouds.

Lord Donggao heard that the tone of his voice changed, and he steered the flying boat to fly far away.Gong Liang turned his head, and saw an extremely huge strange fish flying out from the sea of ​​clouds, flapping its fins and moving forward.The strange fish was huge, even though Mr. Donggao drove the flying boat to leave early, he was rubbed by the strange fish.

This time, the flying boat almost overturned, and the formation of protecting the boat was dim, which scared Dong Gaojun to fly the boat to the distance.

After leaving the strange fish's range of activities, Mr. Donggao breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "That is Yunkun, born in the sea, after growing up, flying into the sky to sharpen, waiting for time to enter the outer space to transform, and advanced Kunpeng. It's just this The road is very difficult, so there are very few kunpeng in the world. If you encounter it, you must avoid it, it has rough skin and thick flesh, and even a real immortal can't kill it."

"En," Gongliang nodded in response.


Suddenly, a fat head poked out from the sea of ​​clouds, fiercely biting the flying boat and shaking it wildly.

"Evil animal, I can't kill Yun Kun, and I can't kill you."

Lord Donggao was furious, and took out a jade ruler from his sleeve and patted it forward. With a crisp sound of "嘙", Fat Yi's head was broken, blood from his brain sprayed out, and he died immediately.After turning over, he fell down and disappeared into the vast sea of ​​clouds.

After this incident, Mr. Donggao became more careful, not only hiding the flying boat, but also constantly protruding his consciousness to check the surrounding movement, so as not to bump into the creatures moving in the sea of ​​clouds.

Fortunately, there is no danger.

After a while, the flying boat broke through the vast sea of ​​clouds.

Looking around, the sky that can only be looked up from below has become palpable.The sky is extremely blue, boundless, like a flawless sapphire, and like an incomparably broad blue silk satin, with a solemn and holy atmosphere in the bright colors.Occasionally, meteors will flash across, blooming silent flashes, like golden ribbons, adorning the entire sky, which is beyond words.

Looking down, the thick clouds are like fish scales, layered on top of each other, gathering together, filling the long sky, separating the sky and the earth, making people unable to see the scenery below clearly.

The flying boat passed through the clouds, its speed slowed down, and it flew forward at a leisurely pace.

After flying for a while, Gongliang saw a majestic giant city standing on the sea of ​​clouds.

Donggao sent the flying boat to the gate of the city, put the flying boat away, and walked in with Gongliang.The gate of the city is unguarded, but a large mirror is hung, and there is a layer of light covering the gate.

"This is the evil mirror, which can shine through the body and soul. It is hung here to observe the people who come in and out, so as to prevent evil spirits from entering. This layer of light shield is the light of evil spirits. If evil spirits enter, they will be killed immediately. There is also a defense The function is to prevent creatures from the sea of ​​clouds from rushing into the city. Although the city gate is unguarded, in fact, there are people paying attention to the movement here all the time, but you can't see it."

Jun Donggao talked to Gongliang as he walked.

It was Gongliang's first visit, so he turned his head and looked around curiously, and found that the city was no different from the city below, with houses, streets, restaurants and shops, and people coming and going, buying and selling things.It's just that compared to the street below, this place looks much deserted.

Mr. Dong Gao was not in a hurry, and took him to watch while walking, and finally came to a tall mansion.

Gongliang looked forward, and saw the word "Miaodao" engraved on the plaque of the mansion, and there was a couplet beside it, which read, "Leave life and death in the wild, and be free in the world."

 Sorry, there's only one chapter left, let's see if we can get two chapters tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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