Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1367 Same as above

Chapter 1367 Same as above

The majestic spiritual energy entered the heavy halberd, and the dead body of the silent halberd revived spiritually, emitting soft chants like cicadas.

The sound trembled slightly, shaking the body of the halberd, like thunder from tigers and leopards, washing the five internal organs and purifying the essence.A trace of impurity that is invisible to the naked eye is expelled from the body of the halberd with the sound of soft moaning, and is turned into ashes by the real fire of the sun.

The impurities were removed, and a clear light gradually appeared on the body of the halberd, which shuttled back and forth between the head and tail of the halberd.

As a result, the heavy halberd's spirituality was greatly enhanced, and the sound of the light chant became stronger and stronger. The vortex inside was constantly absorbing the power of the real fire of the sun, as if it was gestating something.If this continues, the heavy halberd will inevitably give birth to a new weapon spirit.

This is not the result Gongliang wanted, after all, the heavy halberd itself has the spirit of the halberd.

So, he took out the wuwu spirit from the storage ring and threw it into the vortex inside the halberd.

As soon as Wu Wu entered, the surging aura in the vortex rushed towards Wu Wu.The next moment, the body of the halberd suddenly burst into a blinding white light, and it turned into a scorpion, running around wildly, as if celebrating a new life.

Gongliang found that this time the appearance of Wuwu was not just an illusion like before, but a real existence.

After running wildly for a while, Wu Wu returned to his side and rubbed her head flatteringly.

Gong Liang stretched out his hand to touch it, and it was cold to the touch, as if he was touching a piece of stubborn iron.It seems that although the appearance is similar to the real 梼杌, the essence is still metal.After touching it for a while, the 梼杌 turned into a heavy halberd.

Looking at it, the halberd knife is sharp, the cold light is hidden, and the clear light is shining.

The body of the halberd is surrounded by black patterns, like a scale armor, and when held, it seems to be a part of the body.

Gong Liang sensed it, the weight fit his hand, and the length was enough, he danced casually, the blade flashed four times, the cold wind was hunting, and his power was unparalleled.Heavy Halberd spent countless gold refining ores to re-smelt it, and he has entered the ranks of Innate, which is regarded as ushering in a new life, so he plans to take a new name.

In the past, Zhuangzi said: "There is a fish in the dark north, and its name is Kun. The Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles away it is."

If this is the case, it is better to name it "Zhan Kun".

The name is domineering, but Kun is a fish after all, and it feels a bit strange to be a halberd named Zhan Yu, so the name was rejected.Zhuangzi said again: "Peng's migration in Nanmingye, the water hits three thousand miles, and the one who swings upwards ninety thousand miles, and the one who goes to breathe in six months."

If this is the case, it is better to name it "Nanming".

But "Nanming" sounds similar to "Netherworld", lifeless and unlucky, so remove it.

Otherwise, just call it "Xiaoyaoyou", it's not good, it's too common, and now the name Xiaoyao is almost rotten.

So, he took more than a dozen names such as Great Master, Tianyun, Wuya, Nine Armies, Tianxing, Emperor, Fuyou, Xuantian, Wanshibi, Ghosts and Gods Clothes, Wangxiang, Zhile, Shengzhu, etc., but none of them were named. Too satisfied, always feel a little less interesting.

Gong Liang scratched the back of his head, feeling that it would be too troublesome to name it, he might as well just call it "Black Dog".

When he said the name, the heavy halberd in his hand suddenly twisted violently, as if he was very resistant to the name.

"I'm just talking about it, and I didn't really give you this name." Gongliang comforted him for a while, and then he calmed down the turbulent heart.

"Otherwise, it's okay to call it Daxu. Daxu is equivalent to Taixu, and it can be regarded as an imposing name." But he felt that this name was too empty, which would damage the majesty and dignity of his man's stalwart, so he discarded it again.

"Taiyu is also good."

Taiyu is a great realm after proving the true immortality, so it seems a bit arrogant to use it as a halberd name.

Gongliang was afraid of being beaten to death, so he vetoed it.After much deliberation, there was no result, Xiu Ran, a sentence popped up in his mind.

"When the monarch and minister are in power, it is called tranquility. When the virtuous or not, it is called righteousness. When the movement and stillness participate in the world, it is called literature. When punishing and banning, it is called martial arts. Tranquility leads to peace, regularity leads to governance. Wen is bright, and Wu is strong. Peace is the foundation. "Government wins people, enlightenment wins heaven, and strength leads to prestige. Participating in heaven and earth, conforming to the hearts of the people. Civil and martial arts stand side by side, and destiny is the same."

There are so many words in this sentence, but there is actually one central idea: that is, the right person sits in the right position and does the right thing at the right time.

It's just that Gongliang didn't read the whole sentence, but the last sentence: "Civil and military stand side by side, and fate is the same."

It means that both morality and morality are combined, and the monarch will be universally supported by the people.

The word "Shangtong" is placed on the heavy halberd, which can also be interpreted as: All soldiers are invincible.

In fact, so much is because Gongliang likes this name.Therefore, the reborn Wuwu heavy halberd was renamed "Shangtong".

When he read out the name, the body of the halberd could not wait to show two simple script characters of "Shang Tong".Afraid that he would come up with some kind of moth again, Wuwu would give it a bad name like black dog, white dog, black spot, crooked nose, and back ears.

When Gong Liang saw the seal characters on the body of the halberd, he smacked his lips, thinking what the hell!

梼杌 said: Very much.

Gong Liang didn't bother to argue with it, so he just put it away.Looking up, the Great Mill of Heaven and Earth is still absorbing the refining sun's real fire in the sky to benefit itself.

At this time, he remembered that Migu seemed to be still in the fruit space, and he hadn't seen her for so long, the little guy should be anxious.Quickly separated a ray of consciousness into the space, only to find that the little guy was lying comfortably in the Ten Thousand Poison Garden and fell asleep with a "huwahuwa".

During the breath, streaks of colorful and purple gas spewed out from her mouth and nose, turning into clouds and mist that lingered around her, lingering for a long time.

Around her body, a group of poisons gathered at some point, and some spiritual alien strains also moved her body.

When the mist was sprayed out from Migu's mouth and nose, these things desperately devoured the mist.Some couldn't stand the huge poison and directly turned into blood, but the next moment, the poison immediately filled the position, and they breathed in and out.

Although the mist emitted by Mi Gu was formed by the impurities in her body, it was extremely poisonous.

If they can be absorbed and refined, by chance, these poisons may be transformed into extraordinary.Float a little more, maybe you can become an immortal creature.

Of course, the poison with this kind of thinking is indeed floating.

Gong Liang got to know Zhu Ji a little bit more, and he felt relieved when he knew that the little guy became like this after drinking the poisonous soup he cooked.Generally speaking, if the little guy eats something extremely poisonous, he will recover as long as he absorbs and refines it, but he doesn't know how long it will take.

Gong Liang looked around for a while, and left the space when he found nothing to do.

Cultivation has no time.

Five years in a hurry, during which Gongliang refined his talisman by the pool of the real fire of the sun, and Lord Donggao followed him to guard him for five years.

In fact, most of Wujing Tianque is a true immortal who proves the Tao, and each of them just wants to fly to the sky, and there will be no plot to kill other practitioners.He can leave completely, just come over once in a while to take a look.

But Mr. Donggao didn't leave from the beginning to the end, even if his friends invited him to a party, he didn't agree, and he stayed by his side all the time.

After Gongliang found out, he was very grateful, and he remembered this feeling.

Seeing him refining the natal magic weapon, Mr. Donggao couldn't help congratulating him, and then took him back to the Zongmen's residence to celebrate.It is inevitable to invite friends over during the period, and a happy gathering can be described as extremely lively.

After a practitioner proves to be a true immortal, he is at the end of this world, and it is difficult to advance further.

Although some people know the state of the future from the information sent back by the predecessors of Feisheng, they suffer from the lack of immortal arts and Taoism, and they cannot practice, even if they want to practice.

The consummated Heavenly Dao stared at them all the time, like watching rice worms in a vat, preventing them from stealing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth like thieves.

Once there is such behavior, thunder will fall immediately, and they will never stop unless they are smashed into scum.

Therefore, people who are now proving to be true immortals dare not practice, for fear of being approached by the Dao of Heaven.On weekdays, if he is not meeting with friends, he is reciting poems and painting; if he is not drinking and having fun, he is hunting in the sea of ​​clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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