Chapter 139

Three days later, the rain stopped.

Gongliang stayed for a few more days, waiting for the sun to dry the wet ground before leaving the wooden house and moving on.

Mi Gu grew up gradually, becoming more and more restless and restless.

Gong Liang was afraid that carrying her on his back would cause any trouble, and he was also afraid that wild beasts would suddenly run out from behind and snatch her away, so he simply carried her on his chest.

The little guy was very satisfied, sitting in his newly made strong rattan basket, staring at his big eyes, looking around curiously, while looking at his mouth, he spit out some inexplicable words, and he didn't know what they meant.

Yuan Gungun and Xiaoji led the way, and the group walked forward slowly.

In the wilderness, there are verdant forests, one piece after another, as if there is no end in sight.

After walking for a few days, an endless cliff suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking the way.

The knife-cut cliffs rise from the ground, reaching the top of the sky, and the dangerous peaks stand upright, which is daunting.Looking from a distance, the cliff is so high and steep, as if it has been cut by someone with a giant axe.

Approaching the cliff, I saw countless thick mountain vines hanging on it, with green leaves on the vines, some with small flowers, some with green fruits, and some with pink fruits.

Seeing the mountain vine, Gong Liang nodded in satisfaction. These things are enough for him to climb up.It's not that he wants to hang himself here, the main reason is that there are cliffs everywhere here, so there is no good way, anyway, it's the same from anywhere, it's better to climb up from here.

He stepped forward and pulled the thick mountain vine, which felt quite strong, so he wanted to try to see if the mountain vine could bear the weight of his body.

Suddenly, there was a noise from above. Looking carefully, I saw a group of monkeys screaming on top.

While screaming, the monkeys jumped down while pulling the mountain vines. After a while, they came to the top of Gongliang's head, and somersaulted.

one, two, three

After a while, there were monkeys standing in front of Gongliang.He was shocked when he saw it, and he quickly grabbed the Qinglong Yanyue knife that was used to open the way, just in case.

Yuan Gun Gun and Xiao Ji quickly hid behind him, only Mi Gu stared at the group of monkeys in front of him.

At this time, an old monkey with white hair in the front of the monkey group said, "Don't be afraid, little guy, which tribe are you from?"

Gongliang's eyes widened when he heard this, the monkey has become a spirit, and it can even talk.He had never seen such a thing in the Great Wilderness, and today he has learned a lot.Suddenly, I felt something was wrong. After looking carefully, I found that these monkeys actually looked like humans, but they were covered with long fur and were relatively short, which made people mistake them for monkeys.

Suddenly, he remembered the name of a tribe marked on his map by Rui, the leader of the snake-manipulating tribe, and asked quickly, "Excuse me, are you here the Maoren tribe?"


The old monkey laughed and said, "Of course this is the Maoren tribe, and I am the head of the Maoren tribe, Ada. Apart from my Maoren tribe, which other tribe will live on the cliff here. Little guy, you haven't told me yet , which tribe are you from?"

"Old man, I'm from Yanbu." Gong Liang replied hastily.

"Zudiyan Department?" Ada asked again.

"Yes." Gongliang nodded

"I didn't expect to see people from your Yan tribe again. I remember that hundreds of years ago, someone from your Yan tribe came to our Maoren tribe, lived there for a while, and helped us dig a rather large cave. Let's go up and have a look." Ada pulled up the mountain vine and was about to climb up.

Gong Liang looked at Yuan Gun Gun and Xiao Ji beside him, wondering: "This"

Originally, he could have put them into the fruit space, but now that everyone is watching, he doesn't want to expose the space.

When Ah Da saw Yuan Gungun and Xiaoji, he immediately knew what he was thinking. With a big wave of his hand, he saw the long-haired clansmen behind him step forward to hold Yuan Gungun and Xiaoji, and quickly climbed up.

The fat Yuan Gungun was dragged to jump on the cliff, screaming "Aww" in fright.

Gongliang watched and shook his head, this guy is really timid.

Ah Da grabbed the mountain vine and followed closely to climb up.Gongliang hurriedly pulled the mountain vine to climb up.After a while, I came to the cave that Ada mentioned.

The cave is in the middle of the cliff, with a wide space inside.There are many caves nearby, and the hairy people in the caves are not afraid when they see strangers coming, and they come out of the caves they live in to look at the strange things.In no time, the wide cave was filled with long-haired people.They all have long hair, and they are not tall, only forty to fifty centimeters. If you don't look carefully, you will really think they are monkeys.

The color of their long hair is also different, there are black, yellow, white, all kinds.

Back in the cave, Ada turned around and said a few words to the tribe, and some tribe went to get things.

After a while, several hairy girls with long golden hair all over their bodies came out with some fresh fruits and grilled meat.

The head of the Mao tribe began to persuade Gongliang to eat.

Gongliang first tore up some animal meat for Yuan Gungun and Xiaoji, and then gave Migu some fruits before he ate it himself.

After a while, someone brought out another stone urn.

A hairy girl with long golden hair came over gently, knelt between the head of the Maoren tribe and Gong Liang and opened the stone urn, a scent of wine came out immediately.The long-haired girl took two more stone bowls from the side and poured a bowl for each of them.

Ada, the head of the Mao tribe, picked up the stone bowl and said to Gongliang, "This is the special product of our Mao tribe. It is made from all the fruits in the mountains, and they are naturally cultivated in the cliff caves in the mountains for several years. In the past, your The people of the Yan tribe like to drink it the most, and you can't drink it in other places. Come and drink it."

The kindness is hard to come by, Gong Liang took a sip, and it tasted really good.Much better than the messy fruit wine he made himself.

Seeing his appearance, Ah Da laughed and said: "How about it, it's not bad! This is not ordinary wine, there are some great medicinal spirit fruits in it, drinking it can make you live longer. Come, drink it."

Ah Da persuaded Gongliang to eat and drink again.

Maybe it's because the kindness of the senior Yan tribe who helped them dig the cave is still there, and the head of the Maoren tribe is very polite to him.

Ah Da took a sip of wine, and said: "Speaking of which, your Yan tribe is also powerful. Not only do you rule the roost in the ancestral land, but you still dominate the world outside. Our hairy tribe is not good. Before, there was a hairy man who killed the dragon. , let my Maoren tribe barely squeeze into the ranks of the thousands of tribes in the wilderness, but unfortunately died later, and our tribe was reduced to one of the ten thousand tribes again."

"Isn't there only a hundred copies of the Great Wilderness? Why are there tens of thousands of copies?" Gong Liang wondered.

Ada blew his beard and stared at him and said: "The wilderness is vast, and my barren people have lived here for many years. There are more than a hundred tribes. The hundred tribes are just the collective name of some powerful tribes among the tribes. There are countless tribes besides the hundred tribes." , is the so-called Wanbu. There are actually some unpopular tribes besides Wanbu, but no one knows about it.”

In fact, Ah Da did not say something, that is, the real Baibu of the Great Wilderness refers to the Baibu moved from the ancestral land.

And the ten thousand tribes that were counted later, or those tribes that are not in the mainstream.Some are tribes separated from the hundred tribes, and some are tribes born and raised in the wilderness.

As a native of the wilderness, he naturally didn't want to see other tribes move into his territory.It's a pity that the hundred tribes who came out of Zushan were so powerful that they wiped out these uncooperative tribes and occupied their territory, becoming the master of the wilderness ever since.Later, the tribes willing to attach to Baibu were included in the management, and this was called Wanbu.

As for those tribes that are not popular, no one cares about them.

(End of this chapter)

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