Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1399 Stop reading and listening to sightseeing

Chapter 1399 Stop reading and listening to sightseeing
In order to become a true immortal, besides transforming the true energy in the body into immortal energy, forging the innate Tao body, purifying the soul, making the three into one, and achieving the supreme immortal foundation, there is another thing that needs to be paid attention to, and that is the state of mind.

There are two very famous poems in Zen: one is "The body is like a bodhi tree, and the heart is like a mirror stand. Always wipe it diligently, so as not to stir up dust."

One is: "Bodhi does not have a tree, and a bright mirror is not a stand. There is nothing in the first place, where is the dust?"

The last poem, Taixuan, has reached the realm of "mountains are mountains, mountains are not mountains; water is water, water is not water".Those who are new to practice can't do it at all, so they must start from the first state.After the comprehension is thorough, and when the opportunity comes, you can comprehend the second song.

The only reason why you need to pay attention to your state of mind when proving to be a true immortal is because immortals are mortals.

People who eat whole grains must have the seven emotions and six desires.

Although one has been able to make a bigu after reaching this level, but before becoming a fairy, there must be some experiences, some of which are often unforgettable.

These things have been in my heart for a long time, and I have forgotten them, but when the catastrophe comes.These things will be like a movie film, passing through the heart one by one, and finally turn into demons, impacting the soul.If you don't deal with it well, you will end up dead.

Therefore, cultivation of the mind is emphasized when proving the Dao of the True Immortal.

The first Zen poem is to regard the ordinary body as a bodhi tree and the mind as a bright mirror stand.

Wipe it when you have time, so as not to be covered by dust and have a flawed mood, which is similar to the Confucian saying that I examine myself three times a day.

The cultivation of the mind is not a secret in all sects, but many people spend their time cultivating their own powerful skills, but rarely practice the way of the soul, and only some elders who pay more attention will emphasize it from time to time.

There are three main realms of the mind-cultivating method: stopping thinking, listening to rest, and sightseeing.

Needless to say, stopping thoughts is to remove distracting thoughts.

After removing distracting thoughts, there is listening to the breath, that is, meditation.

The way of listening to rest, concentrating on staying inward, and concentrating on maintaining tranquility.One breath and one breath are all natural, in line with the heaven and the earth.Listening with both ears inside, get rid of all external interference, just like entering the silence of everything.Over time, nature is always quiet.In the end, the heart and breath are dependent on each other, there are no distracting thoughts, and even the breath does not feel to exist, and you have reached the state of tranquility.

Sightseeing is refinement, real and often illusory, if real is false, if there is nothing, intentional or unintentional, very mysterious.

To practice this method, you need to visualize nothingness with your mind.

Nothingness, empty, silent.

Suddenly one day, a little bit of fluorescent light appeared, that is the light of the soul, that is, the light of the soul.At the beginning, it was dotted, drifting, and extremely weak.As the visualization time becomes longer, the number of light spots increases and begins to spill out.At this time, you should use your mind to absorb it, and turn the emptiness into substance.Afterwards, when I visualized, there were more and more light spots that seemed to be real, and gradually gathered into a ball.

Yuan Tuo Tuo, the light is burning.

Since then, the light of nature has become perfect, all evils will not invade, and it is difficult for all demons to enter. It is a pity that there are very few people who can reach this state.

The way of listening to breath and sightseeing may seem easy, but it is actually difficult.

Although listening to breathing is called listening to breathing, there is actually no listening; although sightseeing is called sightseeing, there is actually no viewing.There is no interest in listening, and there is no interest in hearing; there is no light in sightseeing, and there is nothing in sight.Breath without breath is called true breath; light without light is called true light, from which there is true tranquility.

Therefore, harmony is unimpeded, there is no leak in the heart, and nothing can fall.

This is the state of the second Zen poem "Bodhi does not have a tree, and a bright mirror is not a stand. There is nothing in the first place, where can the dust be aroused."

If one wants to cultivate to this level, one must fall into a protracted period of hard work, and one does not know how long it will take to complete it.Gongliang is able to stop thinking, listen to rest, and achieve a small success in sightseeing, but if he wants to achieve the state of true tranquility with no leaks in his heart, it is estimated that it will be difficult to achieve it in his entire life.

In addition to this kind of penance, there is another way to avoid the attack of demons when proving the Tao.

Proving the Dao and being a true immortal cannot be obtained through hard work, but also requires the help of elixir and elixir. You must also take spiritual food in order to collect abundant spiritual energy and refine it for your own use.In this way, it is inevitable to have contact with people.After a long time of contact, there will be human affection, stories, and family members.These things fall into the heart, if one is not handled well, when the catastrophe comes, it will turn into a demon to kill you.

In the past, there was a strong man of Taixu who had no hindrance in his heart and prevented the true immortal from being taken advantage of by the demons in his heart, so he slaughtered the sect and killed all his relatives and friends.

I thought that in this way, my mind would be free from all hindrances and my demons would not be seen.

Unexpectedly, when the catastrophe came, those people killed by him would all turn into ghosts and come to collect debts. If they were not careful, they would turn into ashes and disappear in smoke.It was also from then on that the major sects began to pay attention to the cultivation of the state of mind.

What that person did was actually possessed by a demon. Since he was possessed by a demon, of course he would not die well.

No matter how stupid Gongliang is, he can't do this, but he still has other ways.

Counting it, he has very little concern. After all, he is not from this world, and he often looks at the world with the eyes of a bystander.

It's just that along the way, he has inherited a lot of favors.These favors are shackles, cause and effect.Some are relatively deep, engraved in the depths of my mind, I thought I had forgotten them, but they suddenly appeared when I became a fairy, and it would affect my state of mind.

The True Immortal who proves the Tao is going against the sky, every step is frightening.

All of a sudden, the state of mind is broken, and the consequences are doomed. Except for those who have advanced cultivation, others will encounter injuries that are not fatal.

Gong Liang is a desolate man, and he is often taken care of by his clansmen in his ancestral land.Leaving from the ancestral land, passing through various tribes of the Great Wilderness, and getting help from many tribes.When it comes to Dayan, it's nothing else, just helping to build a cave, and it's not a small favor.

Looking back on the past, Gong Liang realized that he had received help from many people along the way.

Although after he joined the Miaodao Xianzong, the Great Wilderness Hundreds and the Wilderness also benefited, especially the Great Yan's benefited a lot from it.

But the help when we are weak and the smoothness when we are strong, how can we compare.

Gongliang thought about it for a few days, in order to calm his mind, and to express his gratitude to those who helped him along the way, he decided to go back to the Yanbu of the Zudi, and make another trip from the Yanbu of the Zudi to the temple, Dongtu, and then to the temple. The way of the Miaodao Xianzong, to give his thanks to those who helped him, and to end the grace of this world.

For this, Gongliang prepared some things.

Under his command, Xiawo Supermarket and Wangxialou are two places that make money every day. Usually, spirit stones flow into his pockets like water, so there is naturally no shortage of spirit stones.So in the past few days, there has been a lot of purchases, and they are all things that are not available in the wilderness.

After a month or so of preparation, Gongliang finally took the three Jingshu sisters, Mi Gu, Yuan Gungun, and Xiao Xiangxiang on the journey.

The weather is fine today, and the sky is like a piece of flawless blue velvet trimmed with a semicircle of gold, soft, bright and shiny.

The more and more handsome golden-winged roc eagle chick poked his head down from a high altitude to take a look, then flapped his wings and flew away to the distance.This guy is more and more like Kunpeng, and it is estimated that he will not be called Golden Winged Pengdiao in the near future.Kui Long, who has been wrapped around Gongliang's wrist and never moved, knew that he was going back to the Great Wilderness, so he couldn't help raising his head to look in the direction of the Great Wilderness.

Seeing its two heads raised up, Migu wanted to make trouble, but Kuilong was such a ghost, he retracted so quickly that she couldn't grab it and play with it.

The little guy was so angry that he spat a few mouthfuls of saliva on Kuilong.

It's a pity that Kuilong's body is not slippery, and the saliva does not touch it at all, and it all slips to the ground.

When Migu saw it, he wanted to grab it again, but Kuilong seemed to be stuck in Gongliang's hand, and he couldn't grab it no matter how hard he tried.The little guy got angry and took out two pumpkin hammers to beat the Tiangu.Gongliang quickly stopped him, otherwise the little guy would have to make trouble.

Playing around in the boat does not affect the speed at all.

The jade boat flew quickly, leaving a white line in the sky, and slowly flew away into the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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