Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1418 Super Battleship

Chapter 1418 Super Battleship
The majestic monument is extremely tall, shaped like a sharp cone with four sides, small at the top and large at the bottom, standing majestically, piercing the sky.

Below the monument is engraved a predecessor named Xingkong Gulu who gave his life. There is also a three-story altar built on the ground, and the history of the monument is engraved on the base.

Mo Yu led a group of real immortals to the altar and bowed three times in front of the monument.Gong Liang took out freshly picked flowers from the fruit space and presented them in front of the monument, solemnly saying: "May all heroes live forever!"

A breeze blew from an unknown place, and the flowers swayed, as if they were responding.

Mo Yu and other real immortals were surprised when they saw his demeanor.Immediately someone reacted, took out a sacrifice, placed it in front of the monument, and respectfully worshiped: "May all heroes live forever!" Others followed suit.

"May the heroes live forever!"

"May the heroes live forever!"

The wind was softer, blowing on the flowers and gifts presented by everyone, soft, warm, with a hint of joy.

After the worship, Mo Yu took a group of real immortals to sit by the altar to rest.The majestic monument is not only for future generations to remember, there is also a wide secret room built under the monument, and there are formations around it.The reason why the secret room was built was to provide a place of refuge for the people of the ancestral star when they encountered danger, and it was also to provide a resting place for those who set foot on the ancient road of stars.

Because he had to do business after the break, Mo Yu didn't enter the secret room, and took everyone to rest beside the altar.

So passed the night.

In fact, the universe and the starry sky are chaotic, without the sun and the moon as a reference, the boundary between morning and evening is very blurred.So much so that Mo Yu and other true immortals who came out from the ancestral star almost forgot about day and night, and could only analyze the roughness based on their feelings.

Early in the morning, Ao Chengcheng came to look for Mo Yu.

After the two sides communicated, they took people to fly to the place where the foreign demons were.

The teams gathered by the two parties are quite large. It is estimated that there are more than 200 people on the side of the aliens, and more than 100 on the side of the human race.

Originally, when entering the universe and starry sky, alien creatures acted on their own bodies, but now they have turned into humans to lead the way.Mo Yu and the real immortals followed in battleships.For those who leave the ancestor star, the land of thousands of miles is only a blink of an eye.

When they were approaching the stronghold of the foreign demons, Ao Cheng and the alien creatures stopped.

At this moment, they are about a hundred miles away from there.

Gong Liang unleashed his consciousness and went forward. The stronghold was located beside the scattered nebula. A huge interstellar super battleship was docked there, and there were seven smaller frigates beside it.Some small spaceships that looked like bugs kept coming in and out of a frigate, and they didn't know what they were doing.

These spaceships were exactly the same as what Gongliang and the others encountered yesterday, and they were indeed unmanned spaceships.

"Are you ready?" Ao Cheng said via voice transmission.

Mo Yu and the real immortal on the ship looked at each other, and said, "Get ready, Brother Ao, just deal with the seven small ships behind, and leave the big one to us."

"Okay." Ao Cheng was not polite, and directly led the strange creatures to kill the seven frigates.

Regardless of whether it was the largest battleship or a frigate, when they flew close, they were immediately detected by the ship's radar and launched an attack.A stream of gunfire spewed out from the ship, like sparks in the dim void, appearing so bright and eye-catching.

But to alien creatures, these things are full of death breath.

One by one hurriedly dodged, and some simply turned into their original forms, rushing towards the frigate with their hard bodies against the attack.

At this time, unmanned spaceships flew out of the ship, and crashed into the alien creatures without thinking.

"Boom. Boom"

The spaceship hides a powerful explosive, which explodes when it collides with the alien creature.The alien creatures were unprepared, caught off guard, and were blown out of blood holes, even the alien creatures that had transformed into their original forms with rough skin and thick flesh were not spared.

When Ao Cheng saw it, he transformed into a dragon body and roared wildly.

A sound wave hit the spaceship like a tide, and the spaceships carrying explosives exploded and fell into the depths of the dark universe.

Taking advantage of Ao Cheng to attract the attention of foreign demons, Mo Yu hid the battleship and flew towards the super battleship quietly.When he was about to approach, he turned his head and said to the real immortal on the ship: "Everyone, I plan to send the battleship to hit the opponent's ship, but the power is not enough, and I need your help. Now, please put the immortal energy on your body into the ship. Source Crystal."

Naturally, the true immortal on the ship would not refuse to agree, so he went to the central control room with him and injected the immortal energy into the energy source crystal in the room.

Replenished with energy, the battleship was covered with a layer of light, and the hull quickly doubled in size.Like a meteor, it rushed towards the super battleship.

Although the battleship is invisible, it is inevitable that there will be fluctuations when sailing in the void, and it will be detected by the electromagnetic waves on the super battleship.

"Let the laser cannons focus on this side." The super battleship owner pointed to the fluctuation space displayed on the radar.

The staff in the command room did as they said, and countless lasers flew out from the hull and shot at the forward position of the battleship.The battleship was hit, the stealth ability was broken, and the hull appeared, but at this time the battleship was also approaching the super battleship.

Seeing the battleship suddenly appearing, the captain shouted, "Quick, turn around."

The battleship flew quickly.


With a loud bang, the Mo Yu battleship did not hit the middle of the super battleship, because the opponent turned fast, and could barely hit the waist, but it was already a lot of damage to the super battleship.

"The main gun is attacking, hit me hard." The ship owner roared frantically.

The personnel in the command room quickly issued instructions, and the main guns of the ship spit out a series of particle cannons with great lethality.

The Moyu battleship has a shield, and the particles bombard it, only causing waves of waves.

Although the battleship was unharmed, the energy consumption was astonishing.Mo Yu quickly fought back and attacked. The giant puppet who was standing quietly by the parapet put down his spear and shield, fired the cannon, and blasted towards the opposite super battleship.There is also the Annihilation God Cannon on the ship, which also sprays out the Annihilation God Light.

The distance between the two ships was close, and the artillery fire flew out, immediately blasting big holes in the opponent's ship.

"Bastard, these native bugs dare to attack my battleship, hit me, hit me hard." Seeing the beloved battleship being blasted out of holes, the owner of the super battleship was furious.

It's just that the battleship Moyu is protected by a shield, and the artillery fire from the super battleship can't hurt the battleship, but the battleship can attack the super battleship.

Speaking of it, the super battleship is a bit at a disadvantage.

After confronting each other for a while, seeing that they could not cause any damage to the opponent, the owner of the super battleship said helplessly: "Stop attacking, and activate the ultimate protection." A faint light rose from the ship, protecting the super battleship tightly.

When the artillery fire from the Mo Yu battleship landed on it, it could only cause some ripples.

"Your Excellency Demorus, you may need our help." A man with red hair and green eyes in armor came from inside.

Demoros' face was gloomy. This guy belonged to two departments.

Their fleet is responsible for capturing life planets, and they are responsible for plundering, plundering everything worth plundering. They call people in this department "jackals".That thing eats even carrion, they plunder everything, pretty much the same.

"Can you deal with them?" Demoris asked, looking at Ao Cheng who had transformed into his original form.

"Don't talk about these star breakers, even if the universe is supreme, we are not afraid." The man said with a look of disdain.

"Then I'll wait and see." Demoros said coldly.

"Your Excellency will be satisfied." The man grinned like a bloodthirsty bat.

Seeing that the artillery fire could not do anything to the opponent, Mo Yu stopped.Looking back, one of the frigates next to it had already been smashed by Ao Cheng, and other alien creatures were also attacking the remaining six frigates, but there were so many of them here, but there was no result, it was really embarrassing.

Gong Liang looked at the shield on the super battleship, and thought that this thing should be composed of energy, so if consuming its energy, does it mean that it can be broken without attack.

Thinking about it, he took out a dozen or so god thunders and threw them on the shield of the super battleship.

How can the god thunder seeds refined by real immortals be taken lightly? More than a dozen god thunder seeds landed on the ultimate guardian of the super battleship and exploded. The shield dimmed slightly, obviously thinner than before.Although invisible to the naked eye, it is indeed thin.

Mo Yu, who had been observing the super battleship, also saw this situation, and was delighted, but distressed.

I don't know how much energy is needed to smash the shield of the opponent's battleship. If it takes too long, he won't be able to hold it.

After thinking about it, the movement was not slow, and all the artillery fire on the ship quickly blasted towards the opponent.All the true immortals who proved the way were not idle, and each of them used their best tricks to attack the super battleship to reduce the burden on the battleship.

Gongliang looked around, wondering if he could summon Tianlei.

After all, this is the void of chaos, not the ancestor star, and I don't know if there is any power of thunder here.

No matter what, you have to try it.It sank into the heart instantly, and the divine thunder of the early days communicated with the thunder of heaven and earth in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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