Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 142 Ten Thousand Fruit Wine

Chapter 142 Ten Thousand Fruit Wine

That night, Gongliang was warmly received by the entire Maoren tribe.

In the cave, with a bright bonfire, Gongliang and Ada, the chief of the Maoren tribe, were sitting on a soft blanket, with several petite girls with long hairs serving them attentively.

In front of the bonfire, a group of red and long-haired hairy girls danced fiery dances, showing infinite charm with their gestures.

Perhaps it was the bravery of killing the round-scaled iguana that made the hairy girl fall in love with the Yanbu boy in front of her.One by one, they took advantage of the opportunity of dancing to show off and coquettishly to Gongliang.Some even took the opportunity to sweep their tails in front of Gongliang, then twist their buttocks and wink at him.

Gongliang looked at them coldly, not to mention that he didn't have a pedophile, even if there was a pedophile, he wouldn't fall in love with them when they saw their long hair, okay?

Another petite hairy girl moved her body over while dancing.

I saw her buttocks flicking, her tail swaying gracefully in front of Gongliang, showing the utmost grace.

But the smell of monkeys wafting in the wind made Gong Liang, who likes cleanliness, sick when he heard it, and he didn't know how long these people hadn't bathed.

Gongliang couldn't help looking at the Maoren tribe chief for help, he didn't expect them to go down, he just hoped that these girls would restrain themselves.

It's a pity that the chief of the Maoren tribe just persuaded him to drink with a smile on his face, and ignored everything else, so he could only continue to bear it.Unexpectedly, these girls seemed to be in high spirits, a wave of red long-haired girls went down, another group of golden long-haired girls came up, and then another group of snow-white long-haired girls, Biping Tingting, came swaying gracefully.

In the hairy people's department, these girls may be one in a hundred, beautiful as a flower, and the existence of sinking fish and wild goose.

But in Gongliang's eyes, he was no different from a monkey.

It's just that these long-haired girls in the hairy people department have no self-knowledge at all. They all think that they are angelic figures, and take advantage of the opportunity of dancing to play with countless tricks, just hoping to win his favor.

The so-called "Men follow good talents, women Mu Shaoai." It is human nature, so what can Gongliang say?

So he could only endure, endure, endure, and he couldn't bear it anymore. Early the next morning, he bid farewell to the chief of the Maoren tribe.

The head of the Maoren tribe was surprised: "I'm leaving so soon, I won't stay for a few more days, and I want to take you to see the ten thousand kinds of fruit forests that my Maoren tribe has planted for generations?"

Gong Liang quickly found an excuse and said, "The temple festival will be in one year, I want to go there early, so as not to be late."

The head of the Maoren tribe nodded and said: "Then you must go. If that is the case, I will not stop you. But since you have saved my Maoren tribe, I can't be silent about it. Let's go, I will take you to get some Wanguo wine made by our Maoren tribe." After Ada finished speaking, he took Gongliang to the small cave where the tribe lived next to him.

There were no rules for the small holes dug by the Maoren. Some were outside, some were inside, and some were still deeper. After walking for a while, they came to a stone gate.

The place where the stone gate is located is also a stone cave, in which there are people from the Maoren tribe living.If you don't look carefully, you can't see the existence of Shimen.

Gongliang feels that this place is indeed a very hidden place, if it is used to hide things, it will be impossible to find it.

Several Maoren tribe members who followed stepped forward and pushed open the stone door, and the Maoren tribe chief led Gong Liang in. Inside was a wider stone room with stone wine jars in the corners.

Arrived here, far from the destination.

There is also a stone gate beside it. The head of the Maoren tribe pushed open the stone gate and continued to walk inside.

When they got here, they couldn't bring the torches in, and the people from the Maoren tribe didn't continue to follow. Only Gongliang and the patriarch Ada went in together.

Inside is also a stone room, without oil lamps or torches, only pieces of white stones inlaid on the sides of the stone walls, emitting a shimmering yellow light like moonlight.Gong Gong stepped forward to look curiously, but he didn't know what it was.

The head of the Maoren tribe looked at it and said, "This is a moonstone. It can glow at night, but it doesn't last long. It has to be taken outside to absorb the moonlight every once in a while before it can be used again."

That is charging, and electric vehicles also need to be charged.Gongliang muttered in his heart.

The stone room is filled with a scent of fruit wine, which is very strong. If you listen carefully, you can hear a little ticking sound.

With the light of the moonstone, Gong Liang saw a small hole about [-] square meters in the middle of the stone room.

The roof of the small cave is very strange. It is carved into a semicircle protruding inward, like a ball with one side exposed. In the middle of the ball, water drops seep out of the stone continuously, dripping on a stone wine jar below. middle.

"This is Wanguo wine. Whenever the fruit is ripe, I, the hairy man, will pick the fruit and throw it into the cave on the cliff above. These fruits will naturally grow in the cave, and over time it will become Wanguo wine. When the time comes , the wine will seep into the stone layer and drip from it, and someone here will catch it with a jar. Our Maoren Department can collect more than [-] jars of this kind of wine a year. The taste is sweet but not greasy, and mellow Intense, like new honey, clear and transparent, very popular in all tribes, but it is not a rare thing."

After the chief of the Maoren tribe finished speaking, he led Gongliang to a sloping stone step on the right side of the stone room.

On both sides of the stone steps, moonstones are inlaid at intervals, making the long and narrow stone path look very bright.

After walking for a short time, they came to a stone room that was about the same size as the previous stone room, except that there were some earthenware wine jars on the side.

The environment and layout here are almost exactly the same as before, there is also a small hole in the middle, and a drop of liquid condenses on the half ball at the top of the hole, which has not dripped for a long time.

The chief of the Maoren tribe pointed to the liquid in the small hole and said: "This is also Wanguo wine, but the taste is better than the previous ones, but the quantity is small. Only a few jars can be collected a year, which is relatively rare."

After looking at it, the head of the Maoren tribe took Gongliang to the right side of the room and walked down the stone steps.

After a while, they came to a stone room similar to the one before.The room is the same as before, with a small hole in the middle, and the half ball at the top of the hole is slightly moist, as if something is condensing.

"This is also Wanguo Wine, but it is different from the above two.

The Wanguo wine here is all kinds of great medicines and spiritual fruits picked by my boss from the wilderness and cultivated in the cave above. Because they are all spiritual plants, not only the taste is mellow, but also the aura is amazing.Put it in the upper part, compared with those fine nectar and jade liquid, it is not inferior.It's just that this wine is rare, after it has been cultivated, the impurities are filtered out layer by layer by the beautiful jade in the stone layer, leaving only the most essential part, and sometimes it may not be possible to get a jar even after a few years. "

Hearing the introduction from the head of the Maoren tribe, Gong Liang discovered that the stone in the small cave was different from the other two places, and it turned out to be jade-like stone.

The head of the Mao tribe went to the side, pushed open a stone door, and took out a wine jar from inside.

This wine jar is completely different from the ones above, it is completely carved out of jade like in a small hole, the whole body is clear, with the moonstone shining, you can still see the liquid flowing inside.

The head of the Maoren tribe opened the wine jar, took out a jade spoon from it, took some wine from it, poured it into a small jade bowl, and asked Gongliang to taste it.

Gong Liang took a sip, and suddenly felt a coolness falling into his stomach. It felt like eating ice cream in winter. His whole body was refreshed and his hair was comfortable. He couldn't help but praised: "Good wine."

The head of the Maoren tribe stroked his chin beard and said, "Of course it is good wine, but it is very rare. Even if my Maoren tribe has collected it for generations, it is only a hundred altars. There are about thirty altars here, and you put them away. I The Maoren Department has nothing else, but I can only give you some self-brewed fruit wine, and I hope you don't feel disgusted."

"How can this work?"

Gongliang liked it very much, but the wine was obviously a valuable item of the Maoren Department, so how could he have the nerve to take it.

It's just that the head of the Maoren tribe was so kind that he couldn't refuse, so Gongliang had no choice but to accept it reluctantly.

After taking the things, they went up.When they reached the upper stone room, the chief of the Maoren tribe gave Gongliang another fifty jars of Wanguo wine, and at the top, he gave another hundred jars.

Gong Liang was a little embarrassed to take it. He thought it was just helping to kill a round-scaled iguana, and there was no need to do so.

But for the head of the Mao tribe, he saved the lives of his people.The people of the wilderness who are pure love have always repaid their kindness. How could they not repay such a great kindness?

Furthermore, Gong Liang came out from Zu Diyan's Department, and he will definitely return to the Great Yan's Department in the future.He was able to come out of such a lifeless place in the ancestral land. If he said that he would be an ordinary person in the future, he would not believe it if he killed someone.Therefore, it is nothing to be able to establish friendship with a future elite of a big tribe when he is weak, and even a little fruit wine.

It has to be said that the head of the Maoren tribe thought very deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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