Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1427 The Great Emperor's Scripture

Chapter 1427 The Great Emperor's Scripture

Gongliang didn't know if it was his own illusion, so he couldn't help but walk a few steps closer, stood in front of the incense table, and saw that the character of Emperor was indeed shining.
Xiuran, the emperor's character melted into light and escaped into the eyebrows.

A picture appeared in my mind, in a grand hall, with a majestic throne of twelve jade steps.The golden case in front of the seat, a majestic imperial pen splashing ink.The tip of the pen was placed on the white paper, and under the sway of the imperial pen, an incomparably powerful "Emperor" appeared.

The character of the emperor is complete, and the majesty of the sky is brilliant, causing a sensation in the universe, shaking the universe, and reaching the world.

The sea is the sea of ​​stars, and the barrenness is the star barrenness. Countless stars are gathered together, and the star beasts that traverse the universe and starry sky take this as their home.

The word "Emperor" was printed on the white paper, as if it had life.Fly out from the golden case, escape into the void, and disappear.

Billions of stars in the universe, a piece of white paper fell, or turned into temples, or turned into boulders, or refined characters into soldiers, or flew into books.All these are to hide oneself and wait for fate.

Gongliang is that predestined person.

The word Emperor in the brain shines brightly, breaks into dots, turns into paragraphs of words and prints in the heart.

Gongliang was overjoyed, what was really lacking.This is a practice method, but it can only be cultivated to the Taiyu realm.

However, this is nothing. Anyway, he doesn't have any skills to practice now, so let's practice with this first.If not, just throw it away.The more Gongliang looked at it, the more delighted he was. It seemed that he was also the baby that Uncle Tian Gong liked, otherwise there would be nothing to do.

By the way, you have to choose a name.

This exercise only talks about cultivation, there is no record of the name of the exercise, so a name must be given.

Since the exercises come from the characters of the emperor, it is better to call them the classics of the characters of the emperor, the art of the characters of the emperor, and the method of the characters of the emperor.After thinking about it, it's a bit weird, why not call it Dijing, Difu, Dijue, and Difa.Well, the Emperor's Scripture sounds good, but it doesn't feel good to call it that way. Why don't you add another word and call it the Ancient Emperor's Classic or the Ancient Emperor's Classic.It also feels that it does not fit the situation. After all, judging from the picture just now, the emperor character should be newly written not long ago, and the use of ancient and ancient is a bit off topic.

It might as well be called the Great Sutra, or the Great Sutra.

Well, the name Great Emperor Zhenjing sounds good, so that's it.

Who would have imagined that a kung fu technique that can only be cultivated to the realm of Taiyu would have such an awesome name.It's just that this is purely personal preference, and it doesn't matter to outsiders.


Suddenly, Migu's anxious cry came from next to his ear.

When Gong Liang came back to his senses, he saw Mi Gu flapping his wings and looking at him anxiously.The three Jingshu sisters, Yuan Gungun, and Xiao Xiangxiang were also in the temple, and even the Pandaren Protector appeared and looked inside.

"What's wrong?" Gong Liang asked with his arms around Mi Gu.

"My lord, you have been standing here for three hours." Jing Shu said.

"My lord, are you okay!" Yanshu and Yushu asked with concern.

"I'm fine." Gong Liang nodded to the pandaren protector outside.

Wu Yi and the others responded and disappeared.Gongliang really didn't expect that it took so long to be dazed just now, and he didn't notice it at all with his cultivation level of proving the Tao, and he felt terrible when he thought about it.

It was not too late, he said a few words with Jing Shu and the others, and then took Mi Gu back to his room to sleep.

Just laying on the bed, thinking of the exercises in my mind, but I couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard I tried.

Mi Gu couldn't sleep either, so he sneaked onto Papa's body, lay on his chest, stretched out his arms to hug Papa, and smiled happily.

Gongliang teased her, sometimes exhaling to flatten her stomach, and sometimes inhaling to inflate her stomach.The little guy's body rose and fell with his breath, turning upside down, as if he was on a boat, which was very fun.

After playing for a while, the little guy was also tired, so he fell asleep on Papa's chest.

Gongliang's mind was full of the cultivation techniques he had just acquired, and he couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard he tried.After thinking about it, he simply closed his eyes and practiced according to the Great Emperor's Mantra, which was transformed into the characters of Emperor, and a passage of words flashed through his mind:

"Great is the Tao, formless and nameless. Insignificant for billions of years, the zodiac is clear. The spirit is clear and bright, and the nine souls spit out essence.

It is the lord of the sky, the supreme emperor.Supreme dharmakaya, pure and natural.The god is strong and does not break the vacuum.

The spiritual map changes luck, and the mysterious image moves.Take the opportunity to meet, so save it. .”

The exercises are mysterious, and the characters in his mind turned into a rain of light as he practiced and drenched his body.His body is like the long-dried land, absorbing it hungrily.The light rain enters the body, turns into wisps of gas and lingers in the body, and the spiritual energy from the outside world is drawn and rushes in one after another.The spiritual energy gathered more and more, turning into mist and covering him and Migu together.

"Hoo hoo."

Migu stretched out his hands and feet, and fell into a comfortable sleep.

The spiritual energy kept pouring in, and the spiritual mist gathered and thickened, turning into spiritual rain and falling on Gong Liang and Mi Gu, penetrating into their bodies.

The fruit space quickly absorbed this majestic aura, refined the essence, and fed it back to the cave. The fairy energy in the cave began to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye.The spirit rain entered Mi Gu's body, and immediately turned into spiritual energy and shuttled through the body. It seemed that he couldn't bear the majestic spiritual energy, and his little brows frowned slightly.

The third vertical eye between the eyebrows suddenly appeared, drawing spiritual energy into it, and then flowing to the body.

Mi Gu's slightly frowned eyebrows suddenly relaxed.

When he woke up the next day, Gong Liang was surprised to find that he had entered the realm of the gods. What happened?I just casually practiced the Great Emperor's Manual last night. How could I enter the realm so quickly? Could it be that I am a legendary genius.

Gongliang is really unbelievable.

He couldn't help worrying about what kind of overdraft potential this was, the evil power that was encouraged by the seedlings, so he quickly sat cross-legged on the bed, carefully looking inside, to see if there was any loss in the body.

No result.

In other words, the Great Emperor's Sutra transformed into the emperor's characters is true, and it is an orthodox cultivation method, not some evil method.It's just that I didn't expect to practice so quickly. Could it be that I am really the protagonist in the novel, the legendary genius.

He thinks too much.

People from regions with weak spiritual energy to abundant spiritual energy will naturally be taken care of by the heavens and the earth, and some will even be filled with the spiritual energy of the heavens and enter the three realms overnight.

Of course, such people are rare.

Because Gongliang came from the ancestral star where the aura was thin, and because he was practicing the Great Emperor's Manual for the first time, he absorbed a little more aura.In addition, the earth dust star itself is full of aura, and its quality is higher than that of the ancestor star, so it can be upgraded overnight.After the body adapts to the aura of heaven and earth in the heaven, there will be no such good things.

It's just that he still doesn't understand this, and thinks that he is really a genius.

After a few days of returning to normal, he will understand whether he is a genius, a mediocrity, or a fool.

Gongliang thought happily: I am worthy of being the protagonist of heaven and earth, and I practice so fiercely.

There is also a seal in the Great Emperor's Manual, which cannot be practiced without being in the subtle state.Now that the cultivation base has reached the state of the gods, it can be cultivated.If you practice well earlier, you will have more skills to protect your body.Here, there is no big Dongtu sect like Miaodao Xianzong to rely on mountains to protect themselves, and everything has to be done by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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