Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1434 I finally have money

Chapter 1434 I finally have money

Gongliang and the others all carried storage rings with them, and there was nothing to put in the room, thinking that their pockets were empty, they didn’t even have a crystal, and they couldn’t afford the accommodation fee, so after seeing the room, they hurriedly asked Agu to take them to A place to sell things.

A Gu happened to be going, otherwise he wouldn't have changed his clothes.

Leaving the inn, he took Gongliang and the others to walk on the street for a while, and got into an alley.

"Agu, didn't you say that the price of Tianyu's collection is relatively high? Why don't you go?" Gongliang asked.

"Tianyu Qionglou only accepts the best things, and the next order is better. You sell the colored stones you picked up earlier, and keep the ones you dug later, and we will sell them in Qionglou."

Qionglou is Tianyu.

Tianyu is the name of the building, and Qionglou is the name of the store.

In the middle of the alley, there was a shop without a signboard, and Agu walked in familiarly.

When he got inside, Gong Liang discovered that the store was very large, about [-] square meters, with a counter on the left, a wall on the right to store things, and a door at the back leading to a small courtyard.The layout looks like a person from the heavens, without the steel imprint of the machine clan at all.

The person in charge of the counter saw Agu, his eyes lit up, "Agu, what good things did you bring again, are you satisfied with the psychic gemstone from last time?"

"It's okay." Agu responded, and said, "I'm not changing things today, I'm bringing people to do business with you, you have to be good and don't kill customers."

Gongliang raised his eyebrows, how many painful lessons will it take before a stone man can understand the word "slaughter"!
"Look at what you said, I rely on the word 'integrity' to do business, not the group of scammers on the street. Don't worry about my work, the price of collecting things is definitely higher than outside, as long as it is less, I'll make it up for you." The palmer said proudly.

That is to say, because of this, otherwise Agu wouldn't just bring Gongliang and the others here because there were so many things collected in Meleg Star City.

After speaking, Agu asked Gongliang to trade with him.

Gong Liang took out the colored stones he had picked up in the Gobi Desert earlier, Xiantian Gengjin, Taibai Jingjin, Zihui Kongjing, Emerald, Green Gold, Tiger Eye Jade, etc. and put them on the counter.Looking at the flickering light of the colored stones, thinking that so many things would leave him, he felt a dull pain in his heart—he had never wanted to believe that these ores, which were regarded as top materials in the ancestor star, were abandoned like shoes in the heaven.

"Is that all?" Juren, who had been expecting a little bit, looked disgusted when he saw what he took out.

"Yeah," Gong Liang nodded.

"These ores have too many impurities, so I can't give you a high price. I can only count you three thousand Heavenly Crystals."

Gong Liang glanced at A Gu, saw him nodding, and then agreed.

"Do you want Jin Tianjing or Yu Tianjing?" Juren asked.

"Golden Tianjing!" Jin Tianjing is a little more, and it feels better in the hand.

Three thousand gold sky crystals, if replaced by jade sky crystals, there would be thirty pieces, not enough to replace them with purple sky crystals.The Ju people put away the colored stones and put the crystal on the table.The round sky crystals shone with golden light, looking so cute.Gongliang was not in a hurry to put Tianjing in the storage ring, but put it away after appreciating it carefully, and now he finally felt a little more at ease.

"Are you collecting spirit stones here?" Gong Liang asked again.

"Accept, but it depends on the quality, not too bad."

Gong Liang took out a high-grade spirit stone from the storage ring and gave it to him.Juren glanced at it, and said: "The aura in this spirit stone is mixed. If I accept it, I can only give 1 yuan to one Sky Crystal."

Gong Liang wanted to scold people, the high-grade spirit stone of the dignified ancestor star has been reduced to the level of low-grade spirit stone here, how can this be exchanged?
Even if the currency depreciates, can't it be so fast?

He was afraid that there would be no spirit stones available in the sky, so he specially changed a batch, but he didn't expect it to become like this.It's just that there is no sky crystal in hand now, so it's useless to keep the high-grade spirit stone, just change it!In the previous life, I didn’t feel anything when I saw people selling cars and houses for money, but now I finally understand the feelings of those people, it’s all forced by life!

One million high-grade spirit stones were exchanged for one hundred Jade Sky Crystals, which was just enough to exchange for one Purple Sky Crystal, but Gongliang didn't change it, only the Jade Sky Crystal.

After the exchange, Gong Liang asked again, "Do you collect spiritual rice here?"

"That depends on the quality." Juren replied.

Celestial cultivators mostly use immortal rice, but there is also a market for spiritual rice. After all, not everyone in the heavens is immortal, and it is impossible for everyone to afford immortal rice, so there is a market for spiritual rice everywhere.

Spirit rice is piled up in warehouses in the fruit space, if it can be sold at a good price, it will undoubtedly be a source of income.

However, the price given by Juren for the high-grade spiritual rice produced by Gongliang is not high, only a little more than the high-grade spiritual stone.After all, spiritual rice not only contains spiritual energy, it is something that can save lives no matter what time it is.

Gongliang took out some seven-color rice to try again, and the price was even higher than the top-grade spiritual rice, but he still had nine-color rice.

After thinking about it, selling some, the Nine Color Rice will not be taken out.

He didn't know what level this thing was in the heavens, after all, it was useful to the body of the true immortal who proved the way, and if it was too conspicuous, it would be bad. "If you don't reveal your wealth, you will attract disaster by exposing it." This sentence is applicable no matter where it is used.

A bunch of things were exchanged for some Tianjing, and he finally had some confidence to speak.

Otherwise, my pockets are empty, and I dare not speak loudly, just like in the inn just now, I dare not speak because I have no money.

Gathering away the crystal, he planned to leave, but suddenly thought that the elves had saved some nectar from picking flowers, so Gongliang took out a jar, and tried to show it to Juren to see if it could be sold.If it can be sold, there will be another way to make money.

The Ju man pulled out the cork and smelled it, took a sip, tasted it, and then said: "This is the elf honey brew of the tree people! It's been a long time since I drank it, and it's still as good as ever. I want all you have, a jar Count you five crystals."

"Elf Honey Brew is more than this price." Agu said suddenly.

"Of course it's not just the price, but I also want to make some money. I can't lose money, can I?" Juren said without blushing or panting.

"Just tell me the real price. If you can buy it, I'll give it to you, and save you going to other places." Gong Liang said.

Juren glanced at Agu, his eyes were flickering, and after thinking for a moment, he said with difficulty: "Ten crystals, no more."

Seeing his appearance, Gongliang knew that he had made a lot of money, otherwise he wouldn't have increased by half at once, and he didn't even pay back the price like that.Fortunately, he didn't do it all for business, but took it out to test the market, to see if the honey brew could sell for money.Now it seems that Elven Honey Brew should not only be able to sell money.

After selling things, leave the shop and set foot on the street.

With money in his pocket, Gongliang finally had the confidence to take a good look at Melag Star City.But before going shopping, you have to taste the local delicacies.Besides, Agu has helped them so much, so I have to thank them.

"Agu, is there any unique food in the city?" Gong Liang asked.

Agu scratched his head, he didn't need to eat, and didn't pay much attention to this aspect.It's just that when I was shopping, I heard people say a few times that a barbecue is good, so I took Gongliang and the others over there.

When he came to the place, Gongliang found that the barbecue here is really unique.

Because the meat roasted by this family is not ordinary meat on the market, but a kind of colored finned monster unique to the Gobi Desert near Meleg Star City.

Although the poisonous lizard is poisonous, as long as the poisonous glands are taken out, and the internal organs and skin of the head and tail are removed, it will become a lump of non-toxic meat.This kind of meat has a special sweetness and unique flavor when roasted, and everyone who has tasted it is full of praise.It's just that dealing with the poisonous lizard requires some skills, and not everyone can do it.

Some people thought they were smart enough to go to the Gobi Desert to catch colorful monsters and roast them, but most of them were poisoned to death.

(End of this chapter)

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