Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1439 Rongchang City

Chapter 1439 Rongchang City

In order to prevent the fierce big fish in the lake, Gong Liang searched the small lake and found that there were only a few red-backed white fish with a length of one or two meters left, so he was relieved.

One red-backed white fish was obviously not enough for them to eat, so they caught two more.I don't know if it's because it grows in an area with strong aura. The meat of the red-backed white fish is very delicious, and the aura contained in it is extremely amazing.Mi Gu said that the fish tasted like chicken, but unfortunately Gong Liang didn't taste it.

All night.

When I woke up the next day, I cleaned it up casually, and planned to continue on the road.

Suddenly, Gong Liang looked back at the lake, and thought in his heart: Maybe the lake can be taken to the artificial Gobi desert in the fruit space.

Just do what he wants, he dug a pit in the center of the artificial Gobi desert in the fruit space, and then put all the mud, water, fish and other things in the lake into the pit.Not only that, he also took in the small island in the center of the lake, and finally there was only a big empty pit left on the spot.

After processing, the group continued on their way.

Along the way, Gongliang opened the fruit space to collect external spiritual energy. The thin spiritual energy in the fruit space became stronger and stronger. The top-grade spiritual things planted before began to mutate, and the first thing to change was the top-grade spiritual field that had reached its peak.Once it transforms, it begins to absorb the spiritual energy around it. After a day and a night of transformation, it finally enters the ranks of Xiantian, but unfortunately it is only inferior.

Even so, Gong Liang was pleasantly surprised, because it meant a good start.

Sure enough, it didn't take long.

The top-grade Lingdao in Xiantian has also transformed and entered the ranks of Xiandao.It's a pity that the potential is exhausted, and it is impossible to advance further.In the future, if you want high-grade fairy rice, you have to buy fairy seeds from the outside world and cultivate them.

But with Xiandao, there is no need to worry about using a large amount of spiritual grain to trade with others in the future.

With the metamorphosis of the high-grade spiritual objects inside, the spiritual energy in the space gradually became insufficient, so that Gong Liang had to collect a large amount of spiritual energy from the outside world.In order to avoid being discovered, he had to change places constantly, so that the driving time slowed down again and again.

After about half a year like this, a group of people arrived at the capital of Earthdust Star.

During the past six months, Gongliang has continuously absorbed the aura of the earth dust star, and finally made the thin aura of the fruit space thicker and synchronized with the earth dust star.

The spiritual things inside benefited from this, and they advanced one by one, and the fairy rice was ripe for a season.

The city of Rongchang, the capital of Dichenxing, is hundreds of feet high. It is entirely made of hard boulders unique to Dichenxing.

Seeing the city wall, Gong Liang put away the armored chariot and led Mi Gu and the others to the city gate.

Earthdust Star belongs to the most inconspicuous star in a remote corner of the western star field. Although there are few creatures living here, there are also many races.

There was a group of people lined up at the gate of the city. Gong Liang took a rough look, and there were orcs who looked like humans (I don’t know if they were monsters), feathered men with wings and pointed ears, dwarfs who looked like children, and two There are monsters with a body, and some monsters, beasts and elves that have not turned into human forms. Anyway, there are a lot of strange things, but there are very few human races.

The heavenly soldiers guarding the city gate seemed to be accustomed to this, and after checking, they let them in.

When it was Gongliang's turn, he handed over the nameplate run by Moleg Star City.

After looking at it, the gate guard said, "The nameplate of Meleg Star City can't be used here. If you want to go in, you have to do it again, otherwise you won't be able to get in."

Gongliang is kind, and under the guidance of the heavenly soldiers, he takes Migu and the others to a room next to the city gate to register.The nameplate run by Moleg Star City is like a temporary pass. You can enter and exit the city with this pass, but you cannot take transportation between cities, and there is a time limit, so you cannot stay in the city for a long time.These are all kinds of methods used by the heavens to deal with the destruction of the heavens by the extraterritorial alliance.

"Are you going to enter the city, or go to other places?" The registration official asked with the name tag Gong Liang handed over.

"We're going to Ziwei Starfield."

"You can't go with this name tag, you have to get a photo ID."

"Then do a selfie."

If the name tag is the access card, then the photo ID card is the ID card, which covers your name, age, place of birth and other information for easy reference.It is also a document for people in the heavens to avoid being mixed in by foreign evildoers and to prove their identity.

The registered house is not big, only about a hundred square meters.

On one wall of the house, hung a square bronze mirror shining with clear light, on which information of people who entered and exited Rongchang City kept appearing.On the desk of the registrant, there is also a round bronze mirror,
"Do you have familiar people in Ziwei Starfield?"

"Yes, my master and the sect are over there."

"What is your name?"

"Miaodao Xianzong Changwu."

The registrant asked Gongliang some questions, reached out and tapped the bronze mirror, and some information appeared on it.After looking at it for a while, he nodded and said: "There is indeed a Miaodao Xianzong over there, and there is also Changwu. Are you from the ancestor star?"


"Recently, the Celestial Realm and the Cooper Alliance have confronted each other, and the space channel is unstable, so that people from the ancestor star and other star regions are scattered in the four star regions. The above specially issued an order that once people from other star regions are found, they must go through the formalities, No delay. But in order to avoid being mixed in by outsiders, we still have to investigate. In this way, I will apply for name tags for you first, and you will come back to get your photo in three days."

"it is good."

In order to avoid trouble, besides himself and others, Gong Liang also applied for a name tag for the Pandaren Guards.

Yuan Gungun and Xiao Xiangxiang actually don't need a famous brand, because they are not human, and they don't care about you, but they insisted on it, and the registration official didn't say anything.In addition to their identity information, there was also the word "spiritual pet" on the card.Migu did not.

Rongchang City is the capital of Earthdust Star, so it is naturally more prosperous than Meleg Star City.

When Gongliang and the others entered inside, there was a hustle and bustle. On both sides were shops of different sizes, each with its own characteristics.On the streets, there are heavens and humans, monsters, remnants, and extraterritorial creatures. Only you can't think of it, and there is nothing you can't see.

Because the heavens arrange all the cosmic races from other star regions in remote stars, so there are especially many alien races on the earth dust star.

When these foreign races came to strange places, in order to make a living, they had to trade their special products with other races, and some even opened shops in Rongchang City, specializing in selling their own special products.

Treants and Melags also set up shop here.

It's just that the business of the Moleg star people is all over the heavens, but the tree people only operate in the dust star.

Since it is a special product of various ethnic groups, the things in the shop are naturally dazzling, each with its own characteristics.

Gongliang was dazzled by the sight and his heart was moved, but he didn't make a move right away, but first found a shop that sells grains to sell the fairy rice, and sold some fairy fruits in exchange for Tianjing.

Only then did he realize that it was his grandma's fault that he shot the upper-grade Spirit Valley in Meleg Star City.

Here, even the low-grade immortal rice that has just been upgraded in the fruit space can be sold for two Sky Crystals, while in Meleg Star City, [-] catties of high-grade spiritual rice can only be exchanged for one half-sky crystal.Thinking of the high-grade spiritual rice he had sold, Gong Liang felt very distressed.

Now the space began to produce fairy rice, and the spiritual rice was becoming more and more useless, so he threw all these spiritual rice into the black water pool to decompose into spiritual energy and feed back to the space.

After selling a bunch of crystals, the first thing Gongliang did was to change everyone's clothes into fairy clothes, and also bought some protective armor shields, as well as fairy soldiers to match his hands.

Although I bought the embryos in Meleg Star City, I won't need them for a while, so I'd better buy some immortal weapons first.

I bought a lot of things and spent money like water.

Every time he took out a Sky Crystal, Gong Liang felt heartbroken, but these were all necessary equipment, so he had to buy them, there was no other way.In addition to clothes, he also bought a book of all things from a big store, which recorded rare birds, animals, immortals, medicines, treasures, mines, and rare objects in the universe, so that he would not become blind here and not know anything.

In addition, he also bought Jingshu a book on utensils, which talked about how to refine utensils.

Although it is only a superficial technique, it is enough for Jingshu.

He also bought a book of Rune Xinyao for Yanshu, and a book of Danxin Jue for Yushu, which talked about the method of making talismans and alchemy, and it was also some elementary things, suitable for rookies like them who had just become immortals.

After buying these basic things, Gong Liang relaxed and took Mi Gu Yuandun, Xiao Xiangxiang, Jing Shu and the others for a stroll in the street.

(End of this chapter)

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