Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1481 Sincerely dominate Weiwu Dexin

Chapter 1481 Sincerely dominate Weiwu Dexin
Waking up early in the morning, Yuan Gungun felt a little pain in the short tail behind his buttocks.

Turning around, I saw Migu happily pulling her tail, jumping around on the ground.

Why did this little boy wake up so early?Yuan Gungun murmured in his heart, and asked helplessly, "Gu Gu, why are you pulling my tail again?"

"I'm going to pull you up, shake you, and throw you away." Mi Gu said seriously.

Not to mention, she looks really cute when she speaks seriously.But the tormented Yuan Gungun didn't think so, angrily punched Gong Liang on the bed and shouted, "You don't care about Mi Gu, she's always pulling my tail."

"She wants to play with you, so you can play with her." Gong Liang said.

"I don't want to play with her." Yuan Gungun said angrily.

"Aren't you good friends?"

"Not anymore." Yuan Gungun didn't want this kind of friend who was always pulling his tail and spitting poisonous saliva.

"But what if Gu Gu wants to play with you?" Gong Liang thinks that it's okay for Mi Gu to find Yuan Gun Gun to play with. One is lively and the other is lazy.And life lies in exercise. If he gets sick sooner or later lying on the ground all day, he is also doing it for her own good.As for the feelings of Yuan Gungun's deity, is it important?

"But I don't want to play with her." Yuan Gun Gun said loudly.

"Then I can't help it." Gong Liang said he was helpless

Looking at her grandfather's tail, Gong Liang is also convinced by her strange brain circuit.In order to prevent her from doing stupid things again, he quickly asked Mi Gu not to pull her tail.Mi Gu obediently let go of his chubby tail, and threw himself into Papa's arms, wanting to hug him.

Yuan Gungun doesn't want to stay in the house any longer, lest the little brat Mi Gu come and pull her tail again.

This little thing is annoying, she can't be beaten, can't be scolded, even spit at you when she gets angry, and Gongliang protects her.You have nothing to do with her, you can only avoid the limelight.

Back in the room, Yanshu was not there, so she walked to the room where Jingshu and Yushu lived.

The door of the room was not closed, so Yuan Gun rolled it open and poked his head in. He saw Jing Shu and Yan Shu sitting on the bed reading a book, and Yu Shu was making alchemy underground.

After taking a look, he felt that something was wrong with the alchemy furnace, so he quickly closed the door and quickly started the Tianheng scripture.Pressing the door with both hands, a form of "Hengji Shenkui" was moved from the heart, countless fairy energy gushed out from the cave, like a box, covering her and Xiao Xiangxiang densely in it.


A loud noise came from inside the house.

The Yushu Pill Furnace exploded, and countless fragments shot out along with the powerful airflow.Although Jingshu and Yanshu were reading, they were staring at their sister all the time. Seeing the explosion of the pill furnace, they quickly cast spells to restrain the blasted pill stove and air flow, so as not to damage the inn.

Seeing this, Yan Shu's eyes brightened slightly.

The sixth extremely weak among the five blessings and six extremes of supernatural powers that are suddenly operated, barren and weak.That is thin, weak.

Slim pointed out that a ray of moon-yellow light fell on the shock airflow caused by the explosion of the alchemy furnace, and the surging airflow quickly weakened.Seeing this, Yanshu was overjoyed, and then resorted to her supernatural powers.The weakened airflow then broke and dissipated, leaving only dust and pill furnace fragments on the ground.

With a sweep of Jingshu's sleeves, the dust floated out of the window, and the shards of the alchemy furnace were put into the storage ring.

These will still be useful when refining weapons in the future. If she didn't know how to refine weapons, only the pill furnace broken by Yushu's refining tools would make them bankrupt.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong in the room, Yuan Gungun put away his newly learned body-protection technique, Heng Ji Shen Kui.Pushing open the door and walking in, seeing Yu Shu who was frowning, she stepped forward and asked concerned: "Yu Shu, your alchemy furnace exploded again?"

Yushu glanced at her, and responded lightly, "Yes".

"What pill did you make today?" Yuan Gungun asked heartlessly.

"Nine Heavens Immortal Pill," Yu Shu said with a weary expression.

"You're new?"


Ever since she listened to the Confucian master's lecture, Yu Shu felt that the way of alchemy had improved greatly, so she planned to refine an elixir that was suitable for her sister's realm and that her son could take.It's just that she thinks highly of herself, it's pure luck that she was able to refine the elixir of Chong and Taiyu Xingyu's blood, and that elixir is just a low-grade elixir, so it's not difficult to refine.

But to refine the elixir that Gongliang and Jingshu took, at least the realm between Shenwei and Wuxiang is required. How could she, who has not yet become a fairy, be able to refine it.

Seeing the appearance of his good friend, Yuan Gungun suddenly thought of the ancient palace in his mind.

There are countless classics in there, and I don't know if there are any alchemy scriptures. If there are any, I will copy some for Yushu another day, so that she will not fry the furnace every day.

Hearing the voice, Gong Liang came over to check, and found out that there was nothing wrong, so he was relieved.

Seeing him, Yushu rushed over with tears in her eyes, hugged him and said with a choked voice: "My lord, I blew up the alchemy furnace again. I was not careful. I originally wanted to make alchemy for you and my sister, but who knows?" It will blow up as soon as it is practiced. Son, do you think this slave is so stupid?"

Yushu looked up at Gongliang, her eyes filled with tears, her pitiful appearance almost melted his heart.

Gongliang was not willing to talk about her, but praised her: "You are so smart and beautiful, who said you are stupid? Last time you only studied a elixir, and you forgot about the fact that you made the blood elixir of Chong and Taiyu Xingyu It’s just an alchemy furnace. It doesn’t matter how much you fry it. Although I don’t know how to make alchemy, I also know that this thing needs to be practiced. Support you."


Under the comfort of Gongliang's soft voice, Yushu finally calmed down.

Thinking that he was still in the son's arms, the two elder sisters were still watching, Yuan Gungun and Mi Gu were also staring at the side, and quickly came out of Gongliang's arms, wiped the tears on his face, and asked embarrassingly: "Young master, Nunu really Is it pretty?"

"Of course, who dares to say that you are not beautiful. You can ask Migu, and she will say that Sister Yushu is so beautiful."

Fearing that she would not believe it, Gong Liang turned to Mi Gu, "Do you think Sister Yushu is so beautiful?"

Sitting on Yuan Gungun's neck, Mi Gu, who was playing with her two panda ears with both hands, nodded quickly when she heard Papa's words, "Well, Sister Yushu is so beautiful." Thinking that Jingshu and Yanshu were also in the room, He added: "Sister Jingshu and Sister Yanshu are also so beautiful."

This bowl of water is flat, and no one can offend anyone. I don't know where I learned it.

Yuan Gungun disagreed, "None of you are beautiful, you are all hairless, and you have to wear thick clothes in winter. Only I look the best, and you don't need to wear fur."

Gong Liang rolled his eyes, who is talking to you idiot.

Yu Shu was amused by her, and Gong Liang gave her a few pill furnaces so that she could practice without worrying about the pill furnace blowing up.In fact, Yushu was crying because the pill furnace exploded, she just wanted to find someone to comfort her.

Jingshu and Yanshu had seen everything in their eyes, so they didn't go up to persuade them.

"Mi Gu, can you get off my neck?" Yuan GunGou said to Mi Gu.

"No." Migu happily shook its ear and shook it back and forth.

"Then can you stop scratching my ear, it's very itchy." Yuan Gungun discussed kindly.It's okay for her to be hostile to this little ancestor who keeps spitting poisonous saliva on you, making you motionless, painful and itchy.

"No, I like to scratch your ears. It's fluffy and soft. It's super fun."

Migu said sincerely.

Yuan Gungun felt that it wasn't fun at all, but unfortunately he couldn't be persuaded, so he could only let her play.On the contrary, the pink fox Xiao Xiangxiang defended her good friend and said: "Gugu, don't bully Gungun, please, she is so pitiful."

Gong Liang rolled his eyes, what else can you say besides this sentence.Besides, where is this stupid guy?

Migu listened to the persuasion, and when he saw what it said, he jumped off Yuan Gungun, threw himself into Paba's arms, and lay down quietly.

After a few days, everyone digested the understanding of the master of the school's lecture.It coincided with the opening of the gates of the Destiny School for people to visit, so Gong Liang immediately took people to the school to appreciate the style of the school opened by the most holy place of Confucianism.

The Destiny Academy is different from the Confucian holy land that Gong Liang has seen before, the academy and the Academy are different.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a huge stone standing on the left and right sides. On the left one was written "Stars are humble scholars, but my virtue is sweet", which is similar to "Si is a humble room, but my virtue is sweet". wonderful.On the boulder on the right, there are eight big characters engraved with the words "Hu is the destiny, and the sincerity dominates".

This sentence is domineering and makes people's blood boil.

What is destiny?It's just the master of the mind.

The world is as big as the heart is, and there is no need to confine yourself to the rules and regulations of the world.

That's why the last time the Master of the Academy gave a lecture, the first sentence he said was: "The Destiny is the ruler of the true king, the creator of the universe, and the Dao." It's just that I don't know how many people can understand it.

(End of this chapter)

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