Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 149 Spinning

Chapter 149 Spinning

In the end, Gongliang still failed to bring the personalized animal skin masked wooden umbrella that he made to the silk spinning meeting.

Canfu went home and got one for him, and took his sexual animal skin umbrella back to show Miss Canfu.The two mothers looked at the animal skin umbrella at home and laughed for a long time.

Mi Gu looked at the umbrella held in Gongliang's hand, gesticulating and expressing his opinion, saying that this umbrella is more beautiful than the one just now.

Although he knew that the animal-skin masked wooden umbrella he made was ugly, but he couldn't dislike whether it was his own, so Gongliang gave her a hard look and said, "What do you know, dad, that umbrella It is more practical, this umbrella is beautiful, and it will be blown away when the wind blows."

Mi Gu muttered a few times and ignored him, because it was not good-looking anyway.

Canfu laughed beside him.

The drizzle dripped on the umbrella, like a bead curtain, slipping down from the edge of the umbrella, stirring up some water droplets on the ground.

The green mulberry forest next to it is shrouded in mist and rain, as if covered with thin layers of white gauze.

The fresh air comes with the rain and mist, mixed with the smell of soil and trees, which makes people feel refreshed, just like a fairyland in fairy tales.

It's falling, it's raining, and the rain is about to stop, but you can still hear the sound of water droplets dancing on the green mulberry leaves.

Under the cocoon-shaped wooden house, there is a small water hole formed by dripping water, splashing a few wonderful water flowers from time to time, light and clear, yet happy.The mist on the stream receded slowly, and the beautiful scenery of the mountains and the rain was presented in front of Gongliang's eyes. Everything in his sight seemed to have been cleaned again, and it looked extraordinarily clear, extraordinarily magical, and extraordinarily charming.

After walking for a while, they came to an old but very large cocoon-shaped wooden house.

There was already a row of umbrellas in the corridor in front of the wooden house. Canfu and Gongliang put down the umbrellas and walked in.

As soon as he entered, Gongliang knew he shouldn't have come.There are a bunch of warblers and swallows in the room, all holding a fat silkworm and talking.All of a sudden, a strange species broke into it, causing their eyes to cast over.

Gongliang felt inexplicably guilty.

He hurriedly hugged Migu for comfort, no matter how he also hugged something, it was a little closer to them.

Xiaorou, who Gongliang met last time, saw Canfu enter the door, and complained, "Why are you here, everyone is waiting for you?"

"Sorry, I went to look for him. He just came to our Green Mulberry Department and doesn't know anything, so I specially brought him to see it."

"Okay, okay, no need to explain, let's go!" Xiao Rou pulled her over.Only Gong Liang looked around with a dazed expression, not knowing what to do.As a big man, he couldn't squeeze in among the women, so he had to stand at the back and stretch his neck to look forward.

In the middle of the lobby, sat an old woman, surrounded by a group of young girls like stars, chatting chirpingly.

"Grandma Silkworm, everyone is here, should the competition start?" said a girl.

"You guys are the most noisy people every year, no wonder the patriarch doesn't like to come now." Granny Silkworm said to the girl angrily.

"Grandmother, my mother can't come because she has something to do. But she said that whoever wins the first place will make her a colorful dress." Canfu said beside her.

When the girl in the room heard her words, she immediately jumped up for joy.

The mother-in-law silkworm looked at it and said, "I can't wait to see you all happy, so let's start! As before, whoever silkworms spin the most silk will win the first place."

With an order, the girls with silkworms stood neatly in two rows in the lobby and put their silkworms on the ground.Those white, tender and plump silkworms began to spin silk against the ground.These silks are red, green, white, purple, and various, completely overturning Gongliang's previous impression of silkworms.But it is true, these are not the silkworms he has seen, how can he expect the same.

"Baby, why did you only vomit so little? Where did the green mulberry leaves you usually eat go?"

Suddenly, the girl named Xiao Rou exclaimed.

Gong Liang looked carefully, and saw that the yellow silkworm in front of her had finished spinning and was lying there.Not a lot, just a small bundle.All silkworms nearby vomited more than it.

This made the girl very dissatisfied and felt very humiliated, so she couldn't help poking its belly angrily with her fingers.

The silkworm named Baobao ignored her, seeing Gongliang on the corner, or to be more precise, seeing Migu in Gongliang's arms, his eyes lit up, and he crawled over quickly.When he came to Gongliang's feet, he began to yell at Mi Gu, but he didn't know what he was calling.It's a pity that Mi Gu was watching those silkworms spin silk, so he ignored it.

The little thing yelled twice more, seeing that Migu ignored it, he was not afraid of life, and even climbed up Gongliang's legs.

Gongliang didn't know what to say about this little thing. To be honest, it was really scary to be slowly crawled up his legs by such a big bug, so he quickly picked it up.


Seeing Migu, the silkworm cried out excitedly.Mi Gu took a look at it and murmured, the silkworm calmed down and stayed peacefully in Gongliang's arms.

The girl named Xiaorou didn't know if she was angry with her silkworm, but when she saw it being held in Gongliang's arms, she didn't stop to look at it.

After a while, Canfu was also defeated.

"Why didn't you get the first place?" Gong Liang asked.

Silkworm frowned and said, "It's so hard to get the first place. It's the first time my silkworm spins silk. It's impossible. Look at that silkworm with a big and fat head over there, it's possible to get it." First."

"Who said that, I feel that sister Qing's silkworm may be the first." Xiaorou said out of nowhere.

"Sister Qing's silkworms are smaller, okay?" Canfu argued.

"It's not about being big enough to be number one."


Seeing that the silkworm agreed with her words, Xiaorou raised her brows triumphantly, turned her head and saw the silkworm lying in Gongliang's arms peacefully, she couldn't help hugging it angrily, shook its body and said, "You Look at you, you play or eat all day long, but you only vomit a little at the end, and you don’t know how many people will die laughing at you tomorrow.”


Silkworm ignored her, turned to Migu and barked, like a pug, wagging its buttocks.

Xiao Rou pinched it angrily, but she didn't dare to use too much force for fear of hurting it.

After a while, the Qing sister that Xiaorou said really won the first place.

The girls came forward to congratulate her one after another, and asked her how to raise silkworms.Speaking of it, this silk spinning conference is not like a competition, but more like a social event and a platform for exchanging experiences.A group of girls gathered together to talk, Gongliang could only stay by the side, and left with Canfu and Xiaorou after they finished talking.

(End of this chapter)

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