Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 15 Meeting with Wu

Chapter 15 Meeting with Wu

"Hey, Hululu, Chirp Chirp"

At the dinner table, a bunch of voices came and went, and those who didn't know it thought they had entered a pig's nest.

This is how Gongliang and the others ate, and Brother Xiaoshi was even more outrageous.

At first, the two guys used spoons to scoop up the porridge, but then they felt too slow, so they put down the spoons and poured it into their mouths directly from the stone bowl. After eating, they stuck out their tongues and licked the stone bowl clean.

Gong Liang was afraid of them, so he would eat their saliva, so he specially asked Lao Wu, who made stone tools, to make him another stone bowl, with a special mark engraved on it to avoid confusion with other stone bowls.Even for the chopsticks, he asked Iron Yehan to help him make a pair of special iron chopsticks.He is a bit of a clean freak, he really doesn't want to drink saliva.When he thought of his eating guy being licked by the two Xiaoshi brothers with saliva, he felt horrified and terrified.

After eating, if you can lie quietly on the chair, it will undoubtedly be a very enjoyable thing.It's best to squint for a while, that's a day that gods don't change.

That's what Gongliang thought. After eating, he didn't do anything, didn't think about anything, and lay down comfortably with his feet straddled on a chair.

Who knew that at this time, Dashi and Heiyan brought Yuhan over, and he quickly put his feet down and stood up.

"Uncle Dashi, Uncle Heiyan, and Yuhan, you are here, sit here." He said as he went to the kitchen to fetch a kettle and pour water for them to drink.

Dashi came in and saw Brother Xiaoshi sitting on the chair with his stomach in his arms, he couldn't help but stare and said, "Didn't you guys eat at home? Why did you come to Ah Liang again?"

When Brother Xiaoshi was stared at like this, his two heads immediately shrank, and he explained in a low voice: "Come here and get hungry again."

Gong Liang didn't know how to describe the two brothers at all. It was too much effort just to eat something!

Heiyan didn't care about Dashi scolding his son, and said to Gongliang: "Ah Liang, I brought some things outside, and you can go out and take them in later to deal with them."

When Gong Liang heard this, he went outside, and saw a huge beast's head in the corridor outside, which was exactly the one he wanted last night.

Since he taught Heiyan how to make wine, every time he came back from hunting, he would send some animal meat over.When he first gave it away, Gongliang thought it would be an opportunity to express his gratitude, so he didn't refuse.It's just that when I saw him doing this every time, I immediately refused.After all, he also has a family and has to support his family.Unexpectedly, Hei Yan was sincere, seeing that he didn't want it, he left the things at his house without hesitation, and didn't listen to what he said.There was no other way, Gongliang had no choice but to bear it brazenly.

Fortunately, there were only three members of Heiyan's family, and there was enough animal meat, otherwise he felt really sorry.

However, he can't just accept other people's things with peace of mind, so every time he will send back some pickled wild vegetables or dried fungus and mountain mushrooms.

In fact, speaking of it, this is because the concepts of the two people are different.

Gong Liang passed on the wine-making skills to him, and he felt that it was equivalent to throwing away a disposable thing.But in Heiyan's mind, this is a craft that can benefit him for life, so he thanked Gongliang from the bottom of his heart.Although he doesn't say it with his mouth, he expresses it with actions from time to time.

In Gongliang's previous profit society full of copper smell, people only knew how to get, but they didn't know what to give. Only in this simple and primitive society, would there be people who would be grateful and grateful.

After seeing the beast's head, Gong Liang hurried in and said to Hei Yan, "Uncle Hei Yan, how can I eat such a big beast's head by myself, you should take it back and eat it yourself!"

Before Heiyan opened his mouth, Dashi said: "If you want to take it, you can take it. Heiyan bought it for you with less animal meat. You just thank him some other day. Now pack up quickly and go see the witch with me. "

"See a witch." Gong Liang said in surprise.

"Yeah, the wine that Hei Yan presented to Wu was praised by Wu yesterday. I heard that you taught it, and I want to meet you." After Dashi finished speaking, he said to Brother Xiaoshi: "There are two of you, we also want to go there together."

After coming here, Gongliang was always on guard at first, fearing that others would find out that he was no longer the original person.After seeing that no one noticed, I slowly communicated with others and integrated into everyone's life.As the leader, prophet, and wise man of the tribe, Wu must have wisdom beyond others, so when he heard that he wanted to see him, Gongliang was very disturbed.

The meeting with Wu was in the ancestral temple. Besides him, there were some tribal children who had not yet learned hunting skills.

Gongliang looked at it, and he was relieved, it's better not to meet alone.

Wu sat in front of a thick stone pillar burning with flames in the temple, and a group of children sat under it, and tribal warriors stood next to him.He looked at it, smiled and asked the child in front of him, "Little guys, what do you want to do when you grow up?"

Without even thinking about it, a child in front of him said in a rough voice, "I want to be a tribal warrior!"

"I want to kill the beast." Another child replied.

"I want to kill the beast too."

"I want to eat beast meat like my father."

"I want to eat beast meat too."

"I want to eat beast meat too."

In the ancestral temple, the voices of the children kept coming and going, but the most talked about was undoubtedly eating the meat of beasts.It seems that only eating can arouse the great enthusiasm of the little ones.

"Okay, okay," Wu waved his hand to calm everyone down, and then asked Yuhan who was holding the little white beast and said nothing: "Little guy, what do you want to do when you grow up?"

When Yuhan heard the question, she raised her chin and said, "I want to be like my father, become a warrior of the tribe, and bring Xiao Yuyu to kill beasts together."

"Ha ha ha ha"

The kid on the other side laughed out loud.It was really hard for them to imagine how she would kill a beast with a small white beast like a meat ball in her arms.

Wu didn't say anything to the children's laughter, but said, "That's right." Then, he asked Gong Liang who had been silent all this time, "What about you, what do you want to do when you grow up?"

"I think he should become a tribal warrior first," Gong Liang said.

The witch nodded, and said to the child who was looking at him below: "It is not easy to become a tribal warrior to kill beasts and eat beast meat. First of all, you must learn hunting skills so that you can harvest prey; secondly, you Learn to distinguish and collect herbs, and use the collected herbs to protect yourself. This road is still a long way for some of you. But some people have reached the age of learning hunting skills. Today I will let you learn how to identify And collecting herbs, protecting yourself when you are injured. Some people may have learned it, but they still need to learn it again. After remembering everything, you don’t need to learn it. Well, follow the leader down!"

Wu waved his hand and asked the tribal leader to take the children to learn how to distinguish and collect herbs and use them, but Yuhan and Gongliang were left behind.

(End of this chapter)

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