Chapter 158

The aroma of cooked meatballs wafted from the steel pot continuously, making Yuan Gun Gun, who likes meat, feel extremely uncomfortable.

From time to time, its eyes lingered on the pile of cooked meatballs beside Gongliang and the balls bouncing in the steel basin.

After a while, it frowned and thought deeply, eating only a few meatballs should not kill the panda!

But he hesitated in his heart, what if the panda died?

Such a complex problem is really testing it.Suddenly, I thought of those strangely colored poisonous snakes caught by Migu. They were still too round to eat, so they lay down on the ground and continued to study the bouncing little meatballs with their good friend Xiaoji.

Mi Gu stood by the pot, took the meatballs that Gong Liang had picked up and let cool, and ate them one by one.Finally, she was full and her stomach was bulging, so she reluctantly put down the black deer meatballs in her hand.

Sometimes, there are too many delicious things, which is also an annoying thing.


Lu Fei kept circling the high mountain, his eyes staring at the jungle below all the time, scanning every inch of the land like infrared rays, but he couldn't find any trace of the egg thief.

So, it flew to the distance to expand the scope of the search.

Suddenly, a smell of meat wafted from below, and it couldn't help but flew over following the smell.Looking down, someone is cooking in the forest.Suddenly, it found that there was something at the corner of the mouth of a winged monster next to the man, which was egg liquid.It felt the familiar smell of eggs from inside.

These are the people who stole its eggs.


Sui Fei screamed, flapping his wings and rushing down.

It vowed to eat these egg thieves, pull them into a poop and bury them in the ground, allowing weeds to grow.

Hearing the cry, Gong Liang raised his head and saw a bird of prey swooping down. He quickly took out his short spear and threw it at it.

Lu Fei moved his wings slightly, dodging the thrown short spear lightly, and continued to charge down without changing his body speed.

Seeing that one short spear was useless, Gong Liang took out two short spears and threw them vigorously.The speed of the spear was like lightning, and a light and shadow flashed by, and it was in front of Lu Fei.However, there was a look of contempt in Lufei's eyes. He flapped his wings and easily dodged a short spear. With one movement of his sharp claws, he grabbed another flying short spear and threw it aside.

Gong Liang didn't expect that Lui Fei could be so fast, he quickly took out the spear and giant bone from the space, ready to meet the enemy.

Yuan Gungun was already scared to pee, and ran to the woods with Xiaoji to hide.

But Mi Gu was not afraid, and glared angrily at the flying Li Fei, Papa cooked delicious food for me, but you still came here to make trouble, how naughty.

"Mi Gu, hide in the woods." Gong Liang turned around and said to Mi Gu, then he grabbed the spear made of Wanduan steel and was ready to meet Lu Fei.

Mmmm, Migu nodded in response, but his eyes turned cunningly, and flew to a nearby tree.


The scorpion fluttered down from the air, and the strong wind from the wide wings blew the fallen leaves in the forest, the branches and weeds bent down, the pots and stoves were overturned, and the firewood was flying.The withered grass in the forest was immediately ignited and burned; the prepared black muntjac meatballs were also scattered all over the place by the fan.

But Gongliang didn't care about these things, he pointed his spear straight at Lui Fei who was rushing towards him.

Li Fei flapped his wings, and the whirlwind brought about made the spear slide to the side, and the sharp claws on one foot then grabbed Gongliang.

Gongliang quickly pulled out the big dog's leg with his left hand, and slashed at the sharp claws that Lu Fei had caught.

With a sound of "Keng", the big dog's leg cut a stream of sparks on the sharp claws of one foot.

Gongliang was stunned for a moment, but then he withdrew his big dog legs and stabbed Lufei's chest forcefully with his spear.

When Lu Fei saw it, he quickly pecked at the spear with his sharp beak, but it was too late, a hole was stabbed in his chest, and blood spurted out instantly.

The injured Lufei became violent and flapped his wings vigorously.The wind in the forest was even faster, and some of the more fragile branches were broken off one after another.Borrowing the force of the wind, Lu Fei's sharp claws jumped up from the ground to grab Gongliang.Gongliang quickly raised his spear to meet him.The rapid gust of wind made it impossible for Gongliang's spear to pierce into Lufei, and could only barely block the sharp claws of Lufei that kept grabbing him.

This is not going to work, Gong Liang thought, put away the spear, picked up the giant bone that was put aside, and swung it towards the sharp claw that Lu Fei grabbed again.


The giant bone collided with Lufei's sharp claws, making a loud noise.

Gong Liang's arms were slightly numb from the shock.

I didn't expect that Lui Fei's strength was so great, and he would definitely not be able to please himself if he continued.Now that he had made up his mind, Gongliang didn't dare to hold back any more, and hastily resorted to the newly realized tornado.I saw him holding the giant bone with both hands, and began to rotate 360 ​​degrees to the left, turning faster and faster. The sharply rotating body brought out small but strong spiral winds, and rolled up the surrounding leaves and dead branches.

Migu on the tree next to him saw little stars popping up in his eyes, Papa is so powerful.

Seeing him grabbing the giant bone and turning it around, Lu Fei didn't know what he was doing, so he flapped his wings and stretched out his sharp claws to grab it.

But at this moment, Gongliang's body was like a spinning top, and he couldn't catch it.The one-legged sharp claws were immediately unloaded by the rotating force, followed by a series of heavy blows from the giant bones.

The power of the rotation, the power of the giant bone, and the power of Gongliang itself, the three are superimposed together.

Even the stone-hard one-footed claws were painfully beaten.Sui Fei hurriedly flapped his wings and flew up, intending to leave this bloody vortex.

But Gongliang didn't want to let it go so easily, he instantly burned the Yaziyan pattern, and a surge of beast blood essence poured into his body in an instant, increasing his strength dramatically. With this force and the huge force of the rotation, he grabbed the huge bone with heavy weight. Throw it at the right wing of Lufei.

There was a bone crack.

A pain like a heart-cutting bone came from the right wing.

Luifei didn't expect that the person in front of him could hurt it, and it was so frightened that it flapped its wings and flew into the air.

The clever Xiaomi waited early, and when Li Fei was about to fly away, he flapped his little wings and flew to it, spit a few mouthfuls of saliva quickly, and flew into the dense forest behind him to hide.


Suifei has never been humiliated like this before, so he doesn't care about Gongliang below, spreads his wings, and wants to chase after Migu.Suddenly, I felt dizzy, and then my eyes went dark, and my body immediately fell to the ground.

This Suifei was also unlucky, he was originally the king of the sky, but he didn't expect to fall into this jungle and meet the little monster Migu.

Gong Liang watched Lu Fei, who was beaten to death and only broke a part of his wing, but was sprayed to death by Mi Gu's saliva, with mixed feelings in his heart, and he couldn't tell what it was like.

With a "bang", Lu Fei's body hit the ground heavily, denting the weak ground.

Gong Liang went up to take a look, he was completely black, obviously dead.

I remember the last time when Migu spit out the Xiaoyang people, the Xiaoyang people would twitch a few times.Now it's straight up dead, unable to even move.It seems that this little thing's saliva is even more poisonous.

Mi Gu saw that Li Fei was dead, so he flew out of the forest and came to Gong Liang, flapping his little wings and wagging his tail to ask for credit, Papa, I am amazing!

"Well, our Migu is amazing!" Gong Liang praised the little guy while touching his head.To say she's not good would be a bit of a shame.

Yuan Gun Gun and Xiao Ji also ran out of the woods one after another, and when they saw the corpse of Li Fei lying on the ground, they ran over to trample on it to vent their dissatisfaction.

Just now, the gust of wind flapping the wings of the scorpion overturned the pots and stoves, and the firewood flew, igniting the dry branches, fallen leaves and grass in the forest, and now there is a tendency to burn more and more fiercely.

Gong Liang was afraid of causing a forest fire, so he hurried up to put it out.Then, I put the fallen steel stove back in place, took the pot to wash it, filled a pot of water and started it up again.The cooked meatballs scattered all over the ground were picked up, washed, and scalded again in boiling water. The uncooked meatballs continued to be kneaded into small meatballs and cooked in the pot.

Everything is as it was.

Only the body of Lu Fei lying in front of him was telling the sky that he was not aggrieved.

After cooking the meatballs and letting them cool down, Gongliang put them in a Tianxiang wooden box and put them in Migu's treasure bag for her to eat when she was hungry.

At this time, he felt a bit wrong, he should get some meatballs without venom to eat.Also, now that I look at the bouncy meatballs and smell the fragrance, I can't help but want to take a bite.

(End of this chapter)

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