Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 169 Braised White Lion Fragrant Mushroom

Chapter 169 Braised White Lion Fragrant Mushroom

Back at the inn, Gong Liang took out a wild ox from the treasure bag.

Huai Yi was dumbfounded, he didn't expect that Gongliang could hunt and kill such a big wild ox, the most important thing is that this big wild ox didn't have a single wound on it.

Gongliang didn't care what he thought, handed over the desolate cow to him, and didn't care about it anymore.I borrowed the kitchen from him and made dinner.

Apart from the novelty of the noodles themselves, the food in the inn tasted so bad that he didn't want to eat it anymore.

To be honest, he is a Virgo, and Virgo people will more or less have some hobbies.But things in this world are like that, and they cannot be changed at all, so if you can, you can make do with it, and if you can’t, you can only do it yourself, and have enough food and clothing.

When he came to the kitchen, Gong Liang cut a large piece of wild beef cartilage and tenderloin from the space, and then took out a few wild beef bones and boiled them in a pot on the stove.

He plans to use the wild beef cartilage meat to braise white lion mushrooms. When the time comes, the wild beef cartilage meat and white lion mushrooms will be tender and mellow, and the meat and vegetables will complement each other, a match made in heaven.

However, the wild beef cartilage and fresh white lion mushrooms need to be processed before cooking.

First, Gongliang marinated wild beef cartilage meat with wild ginger, water onion, wine, crystal rock salt, small fish meal, etc., then scalded white lion mushrooms, put them in and boiled them with wild beef bones. In the bone broth, simmer on the stove to taste.

The Argonaut tenderloin Gongliang intends to make steaks, so it is also marinated in the same way as the Argonaut cartilage meat.

After marinating the wild beef cartilage meat and wild beef tenderloin, he took out the ginger and water onion, added the wet potato powder and the egg white liquid of the scorpion bird, mixed well, put the oil in the pan, and picked it up for later use.

Adding ginger, water spring onion, wine, etc. to marinate, mainly to remove the taste of wild beef itself, and adding wet potato powder and bird egg white liquid to make the beef taste smoother and more tender.

At this time, the white lion mushrooms have been simmered to taste.

Gong Liang took out the white lion mushrooms and put them in the pot, then poured the wild beef cartilage into it, then put in the thickened bone broth, seasoned with crystal rock salt and small fish meal, covered the pot and simmered.Because the two are already cooked, the simmering time does not need to be too long, as long as the soup becomes thick, it can be packed.

Finally, put some oil in the thick soup and stir well to make the color of the soup look brighter and prevent it from congealing so quickly, then pour it on the white lion mushroom and wild beef cartilage.

The cooked wild beef cartilage braised with white lion mushrooms is golden in color and fragrant.Take a bite, the meaty wild beef cartilage has the natural sweetness of the white lion mushroom, which is really wonderful.

Mi Gu smelled the fragrance and deliciousness, and flew around anxiously beside him.Yuan Gun Gun's saliva has flowed into a small river unsatisfactorily, and the chick is a little more obedient, but he erects his neck vigorously, wanting to see the delicious food in the basin.

The remaining barren beef tenderloin is much easier to make, because it is already cooked, so it only needs to be drizzled with gravy.

The best way to make beef tenderloin into steak is to fry it, so as to ensure the deliciousness of fresh beef.It's just that it's very troublesome, so Gongliang cooked it directly in the oil pan.

He liked to eat black pepper-flavored steak in his previous life, but unfortunately there is no black pepper here.Although Sichuan pepper also has a spicy taste, it can be used as hot pot ingredients, but it tastes weird when used as steak seasoning.Therefore, Gongliang thought of a way, intending to replace black pepper with the spiciness of wild salamander to make it spicy.

He did what he did. He chopped the ginger and wild garlic, as well as the onions that he had collected and dried in the sun, ground them into a puree, put them in an oil pan and sauteed them with wild pepper powder, and then put water in to cook.

This wild pepper is not pure wild pepper powder, but secondary wild pepper powder mixed with yam powder, otherwise the pure wild pepper is too spicy, and he can't stand it.

When the water boils, season to taste.

Gongliang tried it, and it tasted good. It has a spicy taste, and it also has a delicious flavor mixed with other seasonings, which is very good.Then, he thickened the gravy and poured the spicy gravy on top of the wild beef tenderloin.

In this way, the spicy wild beef tenderloin is ready.

He picked some wild vegetables, cleaned them, cooked them in the thick bone soup, and dinner was ready.

They ate in their own room at night, and Gongliang specially took out the tables and chairs from the space.When the finished food was put on the table, everyone buried their heads in it and started to eat it.

Although Mi Gu looked small, she was full of vigor when eating, with a fork in one hand to pierce wild beef cartilage, and in the other hand the venom juice that Gong Liang made for it, eating and drinking while eating, without wasting time at all.

Yuan Roll sat on the chair, burying his head in eating the spicy tenderloin in the steel bowl, and didn't have time to look up; the chick was also eating fiercely, don't look at it has no mouth, it can't lose to others in eating.I saw it using its sharp beak to cut the barren beef tenderloin into long strips, and swallowed it quickly without being afraid of choking.

After a while, a large piece of steak in its bowl disappeared.

The two birds were very pitiful, and they nodded and bowed vigorously to Mi Gu, calling softly, hoping that she would be in a good mood and give it something to eat.

It's a pity that Migu was busy eating, so it would be good if he didn't hit it, how could he give it something to eat.

Gongliang looked at it from the side feeling very sorry, after all, it was also successful in luring the cow today, so he took a piece of steak and cut it into fine pieces for it to eat.

The little thing was so happy that he chirped and cheered, as if he was saying thanks.It's a pity that Gongliang doesn't understand bird language at all, so it's a waste of time.

Gong Liang also forked a piece of white lion mushroom and ate it.The taste of white lion mushrooms simmered in beef bone soup is meaty and vegetarian, and the fresh and tender taste has the unique mellow aroma of white lion mushrooms, which is extremely delicious.If it is eaten with wild beef cartilage and meat, the taste is even more exquisite, and Gongliang almost swallowed it with his tongue.

For one dinner, all the things that were made, whether it was wild beef or beef bone soup, were swept away by them.The last group of people leaned on their chairs, unable to move.

Migu sat on the children's chair, flapping his wings and trying to fly, but he couldn't fly at all. He couldn't help touching his round belly sadly, feeling a little strange in his heart, who asked him to make so many delicious things!

Gongliang couldn't move either, he was too full, so he had to wait for his stomach to digest a bit before packing up.

The next day, he continued to dig the gold mine, and he dug for seven days before stopping.

Because he and Huai Yi had been digging frantically for the past few days, a corner of the mine had been dug away.Huai Yi felt guilty, afraid of being found out, so he didn't dare to dig anymore.There was already a pile of gold bricks as high as a mountain in the space, so Gong Liang just accepted them as soon as they were ready.

But the human heart is always greedy.

When he thought of Gui Fangguo having so much gold lying moldy in the hands of their countrymen, howling and screaming, a sense of justice drove him to rescue them.

So, he came up with an idea, planning to get a little more gold from Gui Fangguo before he left.

With the gold here, he would no longer have to worry about money when he went to the East.

"Boom, boom, boom"

Before dawn, some Guifang people who were still asleep were awakened by loud beating sounds, and they couldn't help getting up one after another to see who it was that disturbed people's dreams so early.

Following the sound, he came to the gate of the Chengmen Inn, and saw Gongliang holding a huge bone, beating hard on a large piece of desolate beef placed on a big tree stump hugged by three people.There were three large pots burning next to it, and the soup in the pot was boiling, and I didn't know what to do.

After a while, the desolate beef was beaten into a ball of rotten meat.

Gong Liang quickly seasoned the rotten meat, then made small balls and threw them into the boiling soup.

After a while, the meatballs floated up.Yuan Gungun next to him was already prepared, took a claw fence to fish out the floating balls, and put them in a steel basin on a wooden table next to him.

A smell of freshly baked meat dissipated immediately, making people's appetite whetted.

Beside the stove, the chick kept biting firewood to fuel the fire.Only Migu was idly flying around above Gongliang's head, looking around curiously.

Gongliang took out a large piece of desolate beef from the treasure bag of Nawu and began to beat it.After a while, the desolate beef was beaten into a ball of minced meat by the giant bone.

This time, instead of casually kneading the minced meat into small meatballs like the last time, he added wet powder and egg white liquid and stirred them well, and then kneaded them into smaller meatballs Put the meatballs that are more than doubled into a boiling soup pot and cook.

(End of this chapter)

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