Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 171 Peeing and Wild Beef Balls

Chapter 171 Peeing and Wild Beef Balls

The practice of peeing barren beef balls is very particular.

First, it is required that the pounded beef must be rotten, and there is no rough meaty feeling even when rubbed with fingers; second, the minced meat must be smashed until it becomes gluey and elastic, so as not to leak the soup when it is wrapped.

And the soup filling inside is also very particular.

Although the idea of ​​peeing Huang beef balls comes from beef tribute balls, the soup filling is derived from the Jiangsu and Zhejiang soup dumplings that Gongliang liked in his previous life.

Since it originated from Jiangsu and Zhejiang soup dumplings, pork skin jelly must be indispensable.

It's a pity that there is no pigskin here.Although there are some small scented porpoises raised in the fruit space, the small scented porpoises are too small to keep and reproduce, so how could they be used to make soup dumplings.

Originally, Gongliang planned to use the deer's hooves to make jelly instead, but the deer's taste was too strong, and the soup was not tasty, so he had to discard it.

In the end, he put his mind on the claws of the golden-winged roc that he had obtained before.

The reason why there is pigskin jelly in the soup dumpling filling is because the pigskin is rich in collagen, which can coagulate after being boiled into jelly and turn into juice when heated.The golden-winged roc's claws have the same thing as the barren ox's hooves, but the golden-winged roc is a bird, and the jelly it makes is more delicious.

The claws of the golden-winged roc eagle are extremely hard, and it takes a lot of effort to cook them.

Gongliang boiled it over high heat for two days and two nights before the collagen inside was boiled out and turned into a jelly.

With jelly, there are other things.

Gongliang went to grab a few pheasants and boil it into delicious chicken juice, and then grabbed a few ghost crabs from the space to get the meat, then chopped up the white lion mushroom, took some mountain ginger and wild garlic, and chopped it into minced meat. These are mixed together, seasoned with crystal rock salt and creek fish meal, and cooked in ground beef beaten until gelatinous.

The jelly inside the big meatballs turns into soup when heated.

At this time, just bite a small mouth on it, roll your tongue up and suck it gently.

You will feel that an unusually delicious, sweet and delicious taste will fall into your tongue buds, making you endlessly aftertaste.

Huairen ate a big meatball and felt unsatisfied, so he grabbed another one.

Gongliang hurriedly called out: "Old man."

This time it's not a reminder, it's asking him to put down the big meatball.Come on, he wants to exchange these big meatballs for gold, okay?

Huairen glanced at him and knew what he meant, and called out to his son who was standing at the door of the inn with disdain: "Huaiyi, bring the gold."

Huai Yi immediately rushed back to the inn, carrying a pile of gold.Huairen gave Gongliang a disdainful look again, and walked away with the big meatball.Huai Yi sent gold, and took a big meatball by the way and left.Gong Liang picked up the gold he sent and counted it, only 18 yuan.

I wanted to ask him to make up for it, but after thinking about it, I decided to forget it.

After all, I received free hospitality on the first day I came here, and I was taken to the mine to dig for gold, so I deserve a treat, let alone two pieces of gold.

With Huairen and Huaiyi taking the lead, the people behind came forward to exchange gold for meatballs, and more people ran home to exchange gold.

It didn't take long for all the meatballs to be replaced, leaving only some broth in which the meatballs were cooked.

Because these soups are made of boiled meatballs, they have the taste of wild beef. In addition, Gongliang put fried noodles and wild pepper powder in it. The soup is thick and slightly spicy, which is very delicious.

This Tang Gongliang did not sell it, but buy one get one free.Buy meatballs and get a bowl of broth for free, while supplies last.The Guifang people who bought the meatballs didn't expect such a good thing, and hurried back home to get something to pack, so that the meatballs were sold out, and there were still people waiting in line to pack the soup.

The next day, Gongliang repeated his old trick.

This time, after hearing the loud "bang bang" in their sleep, the people of Guifang Kingdom knew what was going on, and they all came to the inn.

Naturally, the meatballs are the same as yesterday, and they will be replaced soon.

But because there were too many people who came to exchange big meatballs, Gongliang limited each person to exchange only one meatball this time, otherwise some people would exchange more than a dozen big meatballs, which would not be enough.

On the third day, Gongliang changed his tricks.

The price of the small meatballs and the second type of meatballs was still the same as the day before yesterday, but the big meatballs were not sold, but ten of them were auctioned together.

Gong Liang said to the audience: "After selling the peeing wild beef balls yesterday, I heard some people say that eating only one big meatball is not enough, so I want to buy more. But there are so many people, what do you buy for others to eat? So, today I I came up with a good way. That is to put ten big meatballs together for auction, and whoever gives out the most gold will get it. You can buy it together, and then discuss the ownership after you buy it. In this way, each of you will A few more big meatballs."

"This method is not the same as buying one for each person." Someone next to him questioned.

"How could it be the same? After someone bought the big meatball, can you discuss with them that please give the big meatball to you? Who lacks that little gold. But after the big meatball is photographed, it will be your own. Fight with you. In this way, not only can you eat more, but you can also take it home and taste it with your family, how nice it is.”

"It seems a little different." The man scratched his head.He was a little confused by Gongliang.

In the distance, a middle-aged man dressed as a Confucian scholar and with a long beard on his chin stood with a woman, looking at the situation here.

The woman heard Gong Liang's words and said to the middle-aged man: "Xuan Yi, look at that man, he is more cunning than us humans, and he is not as simple as you barren people."

"That's something you haven't seen before. There are many barren people who are more cunning than him." The middle-aged man stroked the long beard on his chin and smiled.

"It's a good thing you're not, otherwise they wouldn't have married you back then?"

"Yes, yes, as a husband, I would like to thank my wife for your favor." The middle-aged man put his arms around the beautiful woman's waist and whispered in her ear.

The woman was blushed by him, glared angrily, and slapped his mischievous hand away.

An old man was walking towards Gongliang from a distance, and the surrounding Guifang people saw him and gave way one after another.

"Master, please."


"Master, you are here too."

The Guifang people greeted the old man politely, and the old man nodded reservedly in response.

Gong Liang saw that he was wearing a long robe, just like the ancient Confucian's attire in the previous life.Hearing what the people of Guifang country called him, he should be a teacher.

The old man walked up to the wooden table, picked up a bag of gold and threw it over, and said to Gong Liang, "Wrap me a peeing beef ball."

These words sound bold, but for some reason, the old man's face twitched slightly.I don't know if it's because I feel sorry for Jin Jin, or because of the name of this painful meatball.

Gong Liang opened it and saw that there were ten gold pieces in the bag, which happened to be the price of a big meatball.But he didn't sell it for retail today, so he pushed the gold back and said, "I'm sorry, today ten big meatballs are auctioned together, and we don't sell individual big meatballs."


The old man didn't expect this to happen. Looking around, there were people everywhere.If I go back empty-handed like this, wouldn't my face in Guifang Kingdom be swept away, so I couldn't help but forcefully said: "Then pack ten."

"This is going to be auctioned, and the highest bidder wins."

Gong Liang rolled his eyes. Today he wants to bid a sky-high price for the big meatballs and earn a lot of money.Do you want to take a little gold away, daydreaming?

Looking at him, the old man was almost confused, he lifted his sleeves, looked around and said, "Who has produced more gold than me for these ten big meatballs?"

"No no."

"Master, take it back!"

"Yes, Master Qin, these ten big meatballs are yours."

Unexpectedly, the old man still has some majesty in Guifang Country. After saying this, no one dared to bid.In desperation, Gongliang had no choice but to wrap him with a few big leaves.

"One hundred gold, you gave ten yuan, and you still need 90 yuan."

The old man reached out to catch the big meatball, and said, "I'll come to the school to get it later, I can't do without you."

Gong Liang looked suspicious, and he didn't know him, if this guy ran away with the big meatball, who would he ask for gold.

As if seeing his hesitation, someone beside him said, "Little guy, Mr. Qin teaches in Guifang Academy, and there is plenty of gold."

"Yes, don't worry. The students in the school need ten gold pieces for a year's training, and Mr. Qin doesn't pay attention to this mere hundred gold pieces."

Master Qin's expression was subtle, and he didn't know whether this ghost Fangguo thought the tuition fee was too high, or he was saying that he had a lot of gold.

Hearing what they said, Gong Liang let him take the big meatball with confidence.

He did not expect that there is a school in this remote corner of the wilderness, it is really strange.Judging by Master Qin's different attire, his speech and appearance, which are very different from those of the people in the wilderness, it goes without saying that he is also from the east.A native of the East traveled thousands of miles to the Great Wilderness. If there was no story behind it, no one would believe it.

But these unconscionable things, as long as you can get the gold later.

When Mr. Qin left, people from Guifang Kingdom came forward one after another to exchange for meatballs.

It's been two days since the exchange, and everyone in Guifang Kingdom knows that he traded gold for meatballs here, so they gathered around when they heard the sound of him beating wild beef early in the morning.

Some Guifang people don't have gold in their hands, so they exchange things.

There are also good things in Guifang Kingdom, one is Shenhuai wood heart, this kind of wood heart is yin in nature, it is said that it can foster ghosts and ghosts, and it is very popular in the eastern land.The desolate bull that Huaiyi chased the day before yesterday had actually been taken over by a ghost with a little wisdom in Shenhuaimu's heart, otherwise it would never have been so obedient.

The other is the insect net, which is woven by the spirit insects on the sacred locust tree.If you practice in the net, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

Another kind is the spirit insect inchworm (read: goods) that parasitizes on the sacred locust tree. The inchworm can weave spirit nets, so it is naturally a good thing.

The last one is the sacred locust tree species.

Some people from Guifang Kingdom will bury a sacred locust tree seed on the ground as soon as they are born, water it with their own blood, and use their soul as a guide to let the sacred locust tree seed take root and germinate.After growing up, the sacred locust tree became their natal tree.In this way, they can rely on the divine locust tree to mobilize the earth's abundant spiritual energy to practice, which is very rare.

(End of this chapter)

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