Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 179 The metal block in the small black pool

Chapter 179 The metal block in the small black pool

"Yi Ya Ya, Yi Ya Ya," the two children heard Gong Liang's words, and cried out.

"Papa, they said they have a way to fish up the things below." The little translator Mi Gu said.

"What way?" Gongliang was very curious.To be clear, the little black pool can decompose anything, and according to the current situation, he has no confidence in taking out the things inside.

"Yeah," the little boy called out, and with one movement of his little hand, it turned into a thick rhizome and burrowed into the small black pool.

"Stop." Gong Liang yelled in fright.This little thing doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, but the little black pool can decompose everything. What good results can the rhizomes of its little arms get into the little black pool? It will be miserable if it becomes a one-armed Astro Boy .

"Yeah," the little boy stopped and looked at Gongliang in confusion.

Gongliang didn't know how to explain it, so he fetched some things and threw them into the small black pool one by one.In an instant, everything was broken down by the small black pool.

The two children and Mi Gu backed away in fright.

Seeing that they were scared, Gong Liang said, "Remember not to come here to play again, or you will be decomposed by the small black pool like those things, you know?"

Mmm, Migu nodded again and again, this thing is so scary.

"Yeah, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," the two children saw Migu nodding, and nodded accordingly, silly and very cute.

Gong Liang looked at the pool, wondering how to get the contents out.

After thinking about it, I feel that it is very difficult to fish out the things in my hands now.Because the small black pool can decompose everything, whether it is animals, plants, ores, ice and snow water, or other things, as long as they are put in, they will all become nutrients for space growth. This is what he has verified before. .

Since you can't fish for things, what about feeling, that is, spirit, consciousness, and thoughts?

I can take things out from the inside with a sliver of consciousness from the outside, so can I also pick up the things in the small black pool?

I feel like I can try it.

So, he closed his eyes, cleared his mind, and then plunged a ray of consciousness into the pool, thinking about picking up the lumpy objects inside.Suddenly, a piece flew out of the small black pool and landed on his hand.

Gongliang was overjoyed, he didn't expect this trick to work.

Looking at the object in his hand, it was hard, with a metallic color, a little brass, but it was not brass. He knocked the object, and there was a "clang" sound, which is obviously metal, that is. I don't know which one it belongs to.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that the metal block came out of the small black pool, carrying the water in the small black pool on it.

He was so frightened that he quickly threw the metal block away, and wiped the soil vigorously with his hands to wipe off the water on it, lest the water in the small black pool break down his hands.

But after a while, he found that nothing happened to his hand, which was really strange.

Is the water in the little black pool useless to me?

The fruit space is in the star fruit, and the star fruit is in your body. In theory, the fruit space is completely conceived by yourself, and you and the fruit space are connected as one. All the things in it belong to you, so you will not hurt yourself .

Of course, this is just a hypothesis, and I don't know if it is true.

Since he wasn't disassembled just now, there should be nothing wrong.

So, he tried to take out a piece of metal from the small black pool, and it turned out to be all right, he was really not decomposed by the water in the small black pool.

Gongliang was overjoyed, he finally didn't have to worry about the water in the little black pool spraying on him in the future.

Since it was all right, he fished out all the metal pieces in the small black pool, and found that there was not only one kind of metal pieces in it, but many kinds, but unfortunately he didn't know each other.But if these things can't be broken down by the small black pool, they should all be good things.

Gong Liang piled them up by the small black pool, and after finding out what they were, he would see how to use them.

Migu and the two children have been watching him fish for things by the pool.Mi Gu felt that his papa was so powerful that he was not afraid of being broken down by that horrible little black pool.

After fishing, Gong Liang waved his hand and said, "Go, let's go out for breakfast."

When he came outside, he saw Yuan Gungun impatiently scooping food into his steel bowl with a spoon.Gongliang slapped it angrily, this guy is not active in anything, he is the most active in eating.When eating, Yuan Gun Gun has always been lenient and doesn't argue with him, otherwise he will definitely be bitten again.

After breakfast, Gong Liang took a group of little ones for a stroll in the valley.

In the valley in the early morning, the thin mist has not yet disappeared, scattered in the valley, there are soft silk yarns blown by the breeze, seemingly nothing, very ethereal.

The morning sun rising from the mountainside sprinkles soft light on the valley, and the green grass leaves have deep and shallow green; the fresh flowers have multi-colored clothes.

There are no trees in the valley, the grass is full of grass, and there are unknown wild flowers everywhere, clusters, clusters, one after another, rushing to bloom first, just for the most beautiful season.

Migu and the two children played, played, laughed and ran among the flowers together.Yuan Gungun, the daughter's heart, also happily ran to the flowers, stepped on the grass, bit the flowers, and occasionally urinated on it very indecently. It seems that this is not enough to prove that it has been here.

"Oh, oh, oh"

Suddenly, there was a rooster crowing. Looking ahead, a colorful rooster stood on a big rock, crowing towards the sun with its head held high.

Although this thing looked like a big rooster, its tail was obviously longer than the roosters Gong Liang had seen in his previous life, dragging on the ground, and the color was more colorful than the roosters he had seen, and the mouth was still golden.

After the colorful rooster crowed, it jumped off the stone and walked in the valley, crowing as it walked.

"Papa, this big bird and the old hen are in the same group." Migu flew over and whispered.

Crack, disaster is coming.

Gong Liang stared, then this thing should be calling for the old hen and chick just now.It's a pity that they have all been caught in the space by him now, and they can't be released. What should I do?No choice but to wait and see.After thinking for a while, he whispered to Mi Gu: "If it comes over later, you will spit on it, and we will catch it too."

Mmm, Migu nodded excitedly, she likes doing these things the most.

She quickly flew behind Papa and hid quietly, sneaking around, she was not a good child at first sight.


The big rooster crowed as it walked, and slowly came to Gongliang and the others.

Suddenly, it seemed to find something, flapped its wings immediately, screamed angrily, and rushed towards Gongliang and the others.

Migu had long been hiding behind Papa and waited. When he saw it coming, he spit out a mouthful of saliva immediately.But for some reason, the saliva sprayed on the colorful rooster, and it slid down the feathers.Migu's eyes widened, his expression full of disbelief.

The saliva she had always spit out was useless, it was impossible.So, I spit it out again, like a machine gun, "vomit, spit, spit," spit out several mouthfuls at once.

It's a pity that it is completely useless against colorful big roosters.

She was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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