Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 181 The twin brothers and sisters will also go with one

Chapter 181

The performance of the little ones was good today. In order for them to perform better in the future, Gongliang decided to reward them with spirit snake fetuses.

Ever since he knew the benefits of the spirit snake fetus, he has been hiding the spirit snake fetus tightly. He used to give them to eat every day, but now it is rare to give one.

He gave them each a spirit snake fetus and two heavenly fragrance fruits.The twin brothers and sisters Shuangzhi were also left behind, and each of them was given a spirit snake fetus and a heavenly fragrance fruit.

Mi Gu's performance today was particularly outstanding. If she hadn't stabbed the big colorful cock's chrysanthemum and poisoned it with saliva, he might not have been able to safely grab the colorful big cock into the space.So Gongliang specially rewarded her with a living snake fetus.

These little guys especially like to eat spirit snake embryos, especially raw ones, but he usually doesn't give them raw food.

The little guy was so happy to see that he had one more limp lifelike snake fetus than everyone else.

Papa treats her the best, how can this matter not be shown off.

So, the little guy grabbed a spirit snake fetus and a heavenly scented fruit in one hand, and flaunted like a crab in front of Yuan Gungun and Chick, so Yuan Gungun wanted to bite her.It's a pity that it was afraid of being poisoned by Migu's saliva, so it could only eat its own stuff in a muffled voice. In the end, it couldn't stand it anymore, so it took its good friend Xiaoji away from it, and kept it out of sight.

The twin Shuangzhi brothers and sisters didn't know what Migu was happy about, but seeing her happy, they also felt very happy, and followed her behind, running and jumping excitedly holding the spirit snake fetus and Tianxiangguo.

Gong Liang shook his head. These two things are so stupid. Fortunately, they are in such a simple place like the Great Wilderness. If they were placed in a place where human beings gather, they would probably have been tricked into eating them.

When they had finished playing, Gongliang took them to continue wandering in the valley.

In fact, there is nothing to visit in the valley. They are all meadows with green grass and wild flowers. The beauty is beautiful, but it is useless.

After walking around and returning to the origin, after lunch, Gongliang packed up his things and planned to leave.The twin brothers and sisters, Shuangzhi, hold Migu's clothes tightly, reluctant to let go.

Migu frowned, feeling very embarrassed, so he asked Gongliang, "Papa, can you take them away!"

When the twin brothers and sisters Shuangzhi heard this, they couldn't help looking at him expectantly.

Gong Liang originally wanted to abduct them, but seeing that Mi Gu liked them, he didn't think about it.Hearing what she said now, there's no one who doesn't want to, but pretends to be suspicious: "Migu, they are Ganoderma lucidum, they grow on the ground, how do I get there?"

After hearing this, Mi Gu turned his head and chatted chatteringly with his twin brothers and sisters Shuangzhi.

After a while, he said again: "Papa, they say they can live in space, but you have to help them move their homes into it."

"Do they still have a home?" Gong Liang was full of question marks.

"Yi Ya Ya, Yi Ya Ya"

The twin Shuangzhi brothers and sisters nodded vigorously, and then took Gongliang to see their home.

When they came to the place where they appeared, the twin brothers and sisters Shuangzhi pointed to the ground and babbled and babbled.The little translator Mi Gu said: "Papa, they say that the house is below and they want to dig it out."

Gongliang had never heard of anyone living below.I had no choice but to take out the shovel and dig into the ground under the earnest eyes of the little fellows.After digging about three meters, a piece of jade appeared below.This jade is as crystal clear as crystal, without any blemishes, and there is aura in it, just standing next to it, you can feel a surge of aura rushing towards your face.

"Yi Ya Ya, Yi Ya Ya"

The twin brothers and sisters Shuangzhi cried out happily when they saw the jade.

"Papa, they said this is their home." Migu translated.

Gong Liang rolled his eyes straight away, he had never heard that a piece of jade belonged to his family.It is estimated that these two things are parasitic on the jade and absorb the spiritual energy in the jade to grow every day, so they think so.

Regardless of them, they continued to dig.

At the end of the dig, he found that the jade was more than four meters long, about three meters wide, and two meters thick.If he didn't have some strength, he wouldn't be able to move at all.But even so, he still had to burn the essence and blood of the Jai Zi Yan pattern on his body to collect the jade into the space and find a place to bury it.

Seeing that the two little guys were willing to go with them, Gong Liang became very diligent.

Not only did they set aside a ten-acre area in the space for them to live in, but also dug a small lake where they lived according to the shape of the valley, and scooped all the water from the lake in the valley into it.

Not only that, he also dug a large piece of land from the valley, moved the grass and wild flowers into the space, and created an environment similar to the valley for the twin brothers and sisters.

"Yi Ya Ya, Yi Ya Ya"

The twin brothers and sisters, Shuangzhi and Shuangzhi, surrounded the small lake that Gongliang dug for them, stepped on the grass that was the same as the valley, shouting and dancing happily, very happy.

The reason why Gongliang put in so much effort is just to hope that the two little guys will remember his kindness and give him some water from the day before yesterday that is full of aura.

Although the amount of aura in that thing is a bit wild, as long as you don't drink so much at once, it's fine at all.

After setting up the place where the twin brothers and sisters Shuangzhi lived, Gongliang thought that since there were such good things as jade in the ground where the two little guys grew up, would there be other treasures?He felt that there should be infinite possibilities, so he took a shovel and dug under the ground where the jade was dug out, and finally even dug under the small lake where the water was scooped up.It turned out that there were not even a single egg.

Depend on.

Gong Liang cursed secretly, it was a waste of effort.All right!He admitted that he was a little red-eyed when he saw such a large piece of jade.

After this tossing, another day passed, and he simply stayed in the valley at night.

The next morning, continue on your way.

Seeing that the sky was fine and cloudless, Gongliang thought that he should be able to see the sea in the distance in this weather, so he decided to go to Xuanyang Mountain again.

So, they went to Xuanyang Mountain.

The twin Shuangzhi brothers and sisters are also in the team, and they play with Migu while walking.Gong Liang was very speechless, feeling like a dad, taking a group of little guys on an outing.Luckily the two guys don't come out all day either.They can't show up for too long, and after playing for a while, they have to turn into ganoderma lucidum and stay on the jade.

Climbing up to Xuanyang Mountain, you can see the mighty vast wilderness.

As far as the eye can see, there is a blue sea in the distance, with seabirds flying on it, and the blue waves are rippled by the wind, and shimmering under the sunlight.

That was the sea, and finally saw the sea again.

Looking at the distance, I am not far from the sea.After staying in the jungle for so long, Gong Liang was a little bored, and there was a longing in his heart that made him eager to go to the beach.Immediately, he took Migu, Yuangungun, and Xiaoji and ran down the mountain at high speed.


As soon as Gongliang and the others ran to the foot of Xuanyang Mountain, they heard a horn sound from the jungle in front of them, so they stopped quickly, and saw a group of people running out of the jungle.

This group of people and horses is very strange, the people are no more than half a meter long, and the horses are only twenty or thirty tall, which looks very funny.

(End of this chapter)

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