Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 19 Fishing for Giant Turtles Again

Chapter 19 Fishing for Giant Turtles Again

After eating and returning home to rest for a while, Gong Liang took off the iron sheet and started beating his whole body with the iron rod.

The iron rod with the thickness of a little finger that he asked Yehan to make at the beginning has been replaced, and the iron rod now is about the thickness of a pigeon egg.

Hit the body again and again, like a hammer hitting an iron block, slowly turning the hammer into steel.

Two years of hammering and bearing weights tamped down the restless and vain strength in his body, made his muscles firm and dense, and even increased his body's resistance infinitely.After he came here, he never got sick.Even if you are inadvertently cut or stabbed by blades of grass or branches, it will be healed in a blink of an eye, and you don't need to apply medicine.

After beating his body, he punched the Xingyi Wuxingquan a few times back and forth in the room before he stopped, stretched his waist, and felt a moan of hunger and thirst coming from his body.

He went to the kitchen, brought out a bowl of thick soup made from animal bones and added a little bit of wild pepper powder, and drank it.

Occasionally, he discovered that after drinking a sip of beast soup when his body became very tired after beating, his strength actually increased the next day after waking up.This accidental discovery gave him great encouragement, so now he beats his body vigorously every night until his body is tired.

After drinking the soup, he sat cross-legged on the bed, held his hands firmly and calmly, closed his eyes and meditated in peace. After a while, he entered the state of empty and empty without self.

In an instant, a grain of rice-thin zhenqi jumped out of his dantian and began to circulate in his body.

In the past two years, Yanbu has sacrificed to the ancestor god several times, and the sparks and clear streams obtained after each sacrifice have accumulated in the body, and only then has the true energy as thick as a grain of rice, which is not easy to calculate.As the amount of zhenqi increased, he began to be able to clearly feel the zhenqi in his dantian, which was no longer just a vague feeling like before.It's a pity that the envoy still doesn't move.However, he has a good attitude, thinking that if he can grow up a bit, he can try to attack Ren Du's second vein.

Early the next morning, he came to the corridor outside and played the Five Elements Boxing a few times. Gong Liang only felt refreshed. The exhaustion from yesterday was swept away, and he had endless energy.

After eating, he went on to the hunting ground to practice his knife.

Practicing the knife is still the same, one chop and one chop.As the number of times increased, Gong Liang realized something.

The knife is actually an extension of the fist, so boxing can be transformed into a knife.If you think about it carefully, the chopping in the Xingyi Wuxingquan can be understood as the chopping in the sword technique; Tricky, from the bottom of the jaw to the top, is actually the upward pick in the saber technique, or the upward thrust; Paoquan walks obliquely, blocks the enemy with one punch, and kills the enemy with one punch, it should be stabbing, horizontal, and blocking Combination; and the flying swing of the horizontal fist is clearly a sweep in the saber technique.

Thinking about it, Gongliang felt that he was really a genius.

It's a pity that my parents didn't pay attention to training them back then, otherwise I should be a martial arts master who teaches his apprentices to make a living, not an otaku who codes all day long to make a living.

After sighing, Gong Liang calmed down and continued to practice saber techniques.Because of his enlightenment, he stopped slashing blindly when he practiced the saber technique, and began to integrate the Xingyi Wuxingquan, which he had practiced thoroughly, into it. Slowly, his saber technique became better. Such a hint of flavor.

The days of martial arts practice passed quickly, and half a day passed in an instant.

He didn't go back in a hurry when he finished his knife practice at night, but called Brother Xiaoshi to come to the spring where the tribe used water.

Knowing the usefulness of wild pepper, he specially opened a plot of land beside the spring to grow wild pepper.

For some reason, the wild peppers planted by the spring not only did not degenerate, but became more abnormally spicy, it was a hell.Recently, the wild peppers have matured, and he was too busy practicing knives to come, so today I brought Brother Xiaoshi to help pick them.

When he came to the place, he saw wild salamanders that were ripening fiery red on the wild salamander tree. Gong Liang hurried up to pick them, and Brother Xiaoshi hurried forward to help.

There are thirty or forty wild sansho trees he planted here, each of which is about [-] meters high, and each tree has mature wild sansho berries.After picking the wild pepper, Gong Liang found some young branches nearby and wove a few small baskets to put them in, and finally filled four small baskets.

The three went back with their things, and when they got home, Gong Liang heard another loud moo in the distance.I don't know if it's the season of the giant turtle's estrus, but recently he has been hearing the giant turtle calling in the stream.

From this, he thought to himself, whether he should catch the giant turtle again, or try the taste of the new wild salamander.

He did whatever he wanted, and after practicing the knife skills the next day, he took some animal meat and chopped it up, added fish meal to make a delicious meat ball, and then added a lot of wild peppers that were pounded into red mud with a stone mortar in the bottom, and finally He was tied with a big iron hook in the woods by the stream, and went back to sleep in peace.

At night, darkness gradually fills the sky.

Countless stars poked out through the night, and the moisture of the night soaked in the air.

The starry sky is extraordinarily clear, and the distant stars are shining, like pearls, like handfuls of broken gold, scattered on the jasper plate.At this moment, it is so quiet and serene, the leaves are rustling, the wind is singing softly, and the stars are blinking constantly.

Everything, everything, seemed so quiet, so quiet.

Suddenly, a roaring moo shattered the silent night sky, and Gong Liang suddenly opened his eyes.

There was another loud moo, heard the sound was outside, Gong Liang hurried out of the house, but saw that people's heads were shaking outside, and the lit bonfires and torches reflected the whole tribe red.

The people in the tribe thought it was a ferocious beast, and they came here with weapons without even wearing clothes. They looked so brave that Gongliang almost got the eye of a needle.

I don't know what happened?Gongliang looked at the gathered crowd and thought.There was another loud moo, but the sound was a little tired, much quieter than the one just now.Gong Liang suddenly remembered the bait he had placed outside, and thought to himself that a giant turtle was caught in it!

The more I think about it, the more likely it is.

So, with great courage, he ran to the gate of the village.

The tribe's master had already squeezed the gate of the village to the brim. Relying on his small size, he burrowed into the gap, and finally found a gap to look out, but he saw that it was pitch black outside, and he couldn't see anything, and he didn't know that the people of the tribe gathered here what to do.

As time went on, the mooing outside became smaller and smaller and gradually disappeared.

The roar of the ferocious beast also woke up the witches and leaders of the tribe, and they rushed over to see it.

At this time, the roar of the beasts outside had ceased. Wu stood at the watchtower by the gate of the village and looked out, picked up a burning torch and threw it out.The firelight illuminated the pitch-black night outside, and in the direction where the torch landed, everyone saw a huge turtle lying on the ground.

The giant turtle was reddish all over, with hot air coming out of its nose, and its limbs were twitching. It seemed that it was not completely dead yet, and it was estimated that the roaring giant moo just now came from its mouth.

According to Gongliang's visual inspection, this giant turtle should be eight meters in size, bigger than the one he hunted last time.

Seeing this, he didn't know that it was him who caused the trouble, so he quickly shrank his head, turned around and slipped back home.

(End of this chapter)

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