Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 199 The chicken will fly

Chapter 199 The chicken will fly

The sun shines from the sky and floats on the sea, weaving an endless golden brocade.

On the beach, there are large sieves, filled with half-dried oysters.

After processing the giant crabs, Gong Liang didn't stay idle, and began to collect oysters on the reefs by the sea. The big ones were stored in large wooden boxes made of Tianxiang wood, and the small ones were dried directly in the sun.The weather at the beach is good, but in just a few days, he harvested a pile of dried oysters.

The taste of raw oysters is good, and the taste of dried oysters is also good. Not only can they be used for cooking, but they can also be made into oyster sauce for seasoning.

However, Gongliang is still exploring the method of making oyster sauce.

Walking to the side of the large sieve, he saw that the surface of the oysters had dried, so he grabbed the large sieve and swiped it a few times, turning the undried part upside down to continue drying.

After finishing the treatment, he returned to the newly built wooden house by the sea, closed the door, and entered the fruit space.

Recently, the space has gained some energy from the decomposition of the shells and viscera of giant crabs, and it has expanded a little bit, increasing to 250 acres.

As soon as the space expanded, he suddenly felt that the place where he originally planted things was too crowded, so he began to replant some of the things he had planted before to the newly grown land.

Unexpectedly, this actually made him discover a great skill of the twin Shuangzhi brothers and sisters.

That day, he saw that the Tianxiang forest and the green mulberry forest were too close together, so he wanted to dig the green mulberry tree to the edge and plant it.The twins, Shuangzhi, watched him dig a tree and planted it next to him, tilted his head and thought for a while, and suddenly called out "Yiyaya, yaiyaya".Then, I don't know how they did it, those trees moved to the side of the green mulberry tree that I dug to the side and planted.

At that time, Gong Liang's eyes almost popped out, he really didn't expect the two little fellows to have such monstrous abilities.

Later, when I think about it, it just happens.

The two guys are the essence of Ganoderma lucidum, which belongs to the essence of plants and trees. In theory, it is not surprising that they have the ability to control plants and trees.

Therefore, he simply entrusted them with things like planting trees, and entrusted them to take care of the flowers and plants inside.The two little guys were very happy when they heard this, "Yi Ya Ya, Yi Ya Ya" they jumped and called.

While digging the tree, Gong Liang unexpectedly discovered that there was actually a group of honey bees in the Tianxiang forest, which had already made honeycombs more than one meter high and hung on the tree.Gong Liang's scalp felt numb, and he didn't know how this thing came from.Could it be that he was provoked when he fucked the snake department?

At first he wanted to use fire to burn the honeycomb, but after thinking about it, he did it because the bee can make honey.

If it wasn't for the fear of being stung, he would have wanted to tame these wild bees into domestic honey bees.But this is also good, if you want to eat honey in the future, you can directly pick it.

Now that the fruit space has expanded, the previous small layout will definitely not work, so he re-planned it.

The ancient pine forest and the Tianxiang forest are too large to be moved, so they can only stay in their original positions and can be directly expanded to both sides in the future.The green mulberry trees were easier to dig up soon after they were planted, so Gong Liang dug them up and planted them in the south near the edge of the mist.

The other messy things, such as peppercorns and mountain vines, were moved over together, leaving a large piece of land in the middle for planting things.

With the expansion of the space, Gongliang dug the original lake a little bigger, and planted the three-color rice fields directly next to it, so there was no need for water to irrigate.

There are so many messy things, and after a few days of cleaning up, Gongliang finished all of them.After resting for a few more days, he took Migu, Yuangungun, and Xiaoji together and continued on the mountain road.

This time they did not walk in the jungle, but followed the guidance of the map and walked up from the sea.

"La la la la la"

With the sea breeze blowing, Migu sat on Papa's neck, happily singing unknown songs.While singing, the little guy happily wagged his tail and flapped his wings.There was a gust of cool wind blowing in his ears, and Gong Liang couldn’t remember how many times he told Mi Gu not to fan his ears, don’t fan his ears, but this little thing has no memory, and he forgets it afterward. up.

It was like this again, Gong Liang said helplessly: "Mi Gu, can you stop pouring wind into Papa's ears all the time!"

Migu opened his eyes and said innocently; "Papa, I didn't do this! It's the tail and wings that are so annoying, they always move around by themselves, I don't even think about it."

"Since they are disobedient, shall I chop off your wings and tail?"

"Not good, not good." Mi Gu shook his head quickly.

After speaking, she seemed to be afraid that Papa would really cut off the wings and tail, so she quickly put the wings away and wrapped the tail around her body, not daring to move.But this phenomenon didn't last long, and it germinated in a solid state, and Gongliang was speechless after seeing it.This little thing is like this, and he can't help it.

They continued to walk along the coastline in this way. If the tide was low, they would walk directly on the weak sandy beach. When the tide was high, they would enter the woods on the shore.

There are few wild beasts on the seashore, and sea beasts usually stay underwater. They have been traveling for a while, but they have not encountered any ferocious beasts, and nothing happened.

After walking for another day, the weather was still as clear as ever, with no clouds in the sky.

Suddenly, Migu saw something flying over the sea in the distance, and he couldn't help calling out to Papa, "Papa, Papa, look what it is."

Gongliang looked at the sea, and the sea fish kept jumping from far to near, from south to north.Some were like the swordfish he had seen in his previous life, while others were like flying fish, flapping a pair of fleshy wings and darting across the sea.

The little chicken watched from the side, screamed suddenly, flapped its wings and glides in the direction of the flying fish. When it got to the school of flying fish, it stretched out its sharp claws and sharp beak to catch the flying fish, then flew back and placed it in Gongliang. Chirping in front of him asking for credit.

Seeing Papa's neck, Migu was very unconvinced, and immediately flapped his little wings and flew out, and then caught a big fish and flew back to show off.

The chick didn't know which tendon was wrongly threaded, so he flapped his wings and flew out, caught a few fish and came back, catching several times in succession.

It seemed to fly out of the experience, and suddenly, it flew towards the sea surface again, but this time it did not catch the fish, but flapped its wings and started to circle around the sea surface, flying upwards while turning, looking like a whirling spiral generally.

The chick flew up slowly, higher and higher, higher and higher.

When it got to the top, it was surprised to find that it didn't need to flap its wings at all. It only needed to move a few times, and with the help of the airflow above, it could soar in the air.With this great discovery, the chick screamed happily.This time it's not a rooster crowing, but a loud crowing like a crane.

Gong Liang watched the little chicken soaring in the sky on the beach, and felt extremely relieved that this little guy could finally fly.

Yuan Gungun looked up at the chick, looking silly and cute, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Mi Gu wasn't jealous that the chick could fly, but just watched curiously.

After the chick can fly, he is a little bit reluctant to leave. Except for coming back to live at night, he basically flies in the sky every day.

Seeing this scene, Chubby felt extremely depressed. It seemed that the boat of friendship between himself and Xiaoji was about to capsize.

(End of this chapter)

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