Chapter 297

Lingpo, as the name suggests, is naturally spiritual and full of vitality.

It is said that in ancient times, before creatures appeared, dense jungles had already covered every corner of the world.

At that time, the ancestors of human beings had not yet appeared. In addition to the dense jungle, there were some transformed beasts, birds, and various insect beetles in the world.

When these things fly through the jungle, they will be attracted by the charming fragrance secreted by the trees, and stuck to the trees by the sap, some are caught in the bark, some slide down the bark, and some are unbearable. The burden dripped to the surface, and some were blown to the ground by the wind along with the branches.Others were directly dripped on their bodies by the sap dripping from above, and fell to the ground.

When the sky and the earth change, the sap will be buried in the ground, or flow into rivers and oceans, and then undergo a sudden change in geothermal pressure and temperature, and become fossils after a long period of time.

If it was in Gongliang's previous life, scientists could clone ancient species through the fresh blood or DNA in these things.

But it's impossible in the wilderness.But there is something even more miraculous, that is, there is a secret method in the wilderness to revive the things inside, such as the eggs that Aruna took out from the Jade Amber Unicorn Immortal, that is really unbelievable.

If you follow this situation, actually think about it, when the creatures pass under the tree and are terminated by the sap falling from the sky.

Although the lives of these creatures are extremely short, jade amber makes them immortal in a sense.

Although this kind of eternal life is a bit cruel, it is actually something that many species of creatures strive for all their lives.

However, it was just jade, no matter what was wrapped in it, it was just jade.Limper is not one of those.

Lingpo is a strange species of spiritual plant in ancient times, or it is the essence sap of the sacred tree that has been buried in the ground for countless years. It can be used for refining medicine, healing equipment, and healing wounds. It has infinite uses and is of great value.

Therefore, Gongliang got a big deal last time in the mine.

Knowing the magical function of the spirit amber, Gong Liang collected all the spirit ambers he picked up from the mine, and never used them lightly if he didn't understand its true use.

After a few days, Aruna felt that her unicorns were well raised, so she gathered people to go hunting in the jungle. Because of the previous words, Aruna was honored to be a member of their team.

A group of tribal elites rode various mounts such as eagle-billed rhinoceros, white lion, sniper, barge, and rock, and walked in front.Gong Liang and Mi Gu sat on the back of the black mammoth Dorji and followed leisurely, while the chicken was exploring the way in the sky.The more this little thing flies, the more proficient it becomes, and the more it flies, the more daring it becomes.If it weren't for being too young, I'm afraid it would already be the overlord of one party.

In addition to sending a unicorn to Migu, Aruna also gave some unicorns to her good sister and several tribal elites.

Today they all brought out the unicorn fairy. They looked energetic and grew up a little. They all lay on their master's shoulders and looked around curiously.

It seems that Aruna taught them Gongliang's experience in raising unicorns, otherwise they wouldn't be able to raise them so well.

The blood of the true species that can be passed down from ancient times is valuable, and the one-horned fairy can join the true species with the body of a worm, which shows its strength.The one-horned fairy clan has always been known for its hard armor, and it can fly. It has always been the favorite mount of the elites of the Great Wilderness.

It's just that the one-horned fairy clan is very tough and hard to tame, so it's extremely rare.I didn't expect that Aruna was so lucky this time, and she was able to get so many live insect eggs from the body of the unicorn fairy. It was a surprise.

Seeing so many unicorns in the team, Gong Liang couldn't help but said to Mi Gu: "Mi Gu, you have to give your unicorn a name, or else there will be unicorns too, what will you call it then?"


Mi Gu looked at the unicorn fairy sitting beside her, and felt that what Papa said made sense, but she didn't know how to name it, so she said, "Papa, please help him find one."

"You have to choose the name yourself. You can choose whatever you like."


Seeing that Papa doesn't help, Mi Gu is a little upset, it's very troublesome to choose a name.The little mouth couldn't help but deflated, turned to look at the Unicorn Immortal, and immediately kicked it, this guy is so troublesome.The Unicorn Immortal was stunned by her kick, and looked up at her with her small eyes open.

Migu's mind suddenly lit up, and he immediately had a name.

"Baba, Baba, I just thought of the name." Mi Gu shouted dancing.

"Oh, what's your name?" Gong Liang asked expectantly.

"It's called Jiaojiao." Migu looked at Gongliang proudly, his ears were red with excitement, he kept flapping his wings and wagging his tail, as if to say: Baba, look!I'm so awesome, come and praise me!

Gong Liang is also drunk on this kind of name that has no nutrition, no connotation, and no background.

But seeing that the little guy was so happy, he touched her head and praised: "Our Migu is awesome."

Migu's tail wagged even more, she knew she was awesome, that's what Papa said.

A team of twenty or so people went through many forests without hunting, even if they encountered wild beasts, they would let them go.This time Aruna convened the team mainly to gather some spiritual things to feed the Unicorn Fairy. She didn't pay attention to these things at all, unless it was possible to hunt some back on the way back.

Spiritual objects are not only fed to the unicorns, they can also be used to increase the vitality of the cave.

Now that the newly promoted elites enter the cave, they must polish the cave bit by bit, and fill the cave with pure and pure energy, so that they can go further. Otherwise, they can only reach this stage for the rest of their lives.

The people who were called by Aruna were very active. Firstly, they could gather spiritual things to eat, and secondly, they could be with the girl.

It would be a pleasant surprise if a girl took a fancy to them, so all the people who were called were positive.He served the girls attentively along the way, and wanted them to treat them differently, so Gong Liang shook his head.

After walking for a long time, the team came to a river valley.There are tall giant trees on both sides, a river about ten meters wide in the middle, and huge gray and black rocks on the sides.Some places in the river are deep, some places are shallow, and stones can be seen protruding from below.

Arriving here, Aruna wanted to stop and rest.

Suddenly, he saw a group of one-eyed hanging sheep coming out from the edge of the forest to drink water by the river valley, and quickly asked everyone to stop.

Some people are eager to try and want to hunt some one-eyed hanging sheep for lunch.

Aruna said sternly: "Although the one-eyed hanging sheep is not a very high-level desolate beast, nor does it have a rune bone, but it has a powerful one-eyed inheritance inherited from the blood. As long as it faces people, it will be charmed by it, plus the speed Quick, you will be stabbed to death if you are not careful. If there is evolution, the one-eyed one will be even more powerful, as long as it is looked at, it can make people stunned or even die. It is better for us not to go there."

"Is the one-horn hanging sheep delicious?" Gong Liang asked beside him.

"The taste is really good, but I still can't pass it." Aruna said solemnly.

"Then don't go there, we'll fight here."

Aruna looked at Gongliang, full of disbelief, there was a long distance between them and the one-eyed hanging sheep, even bows and arrows might hit them, how could he hit them?

Gong Liang didn't explain, he took out the giant bone from the Nawu treasure bag, and then took out a pile of colored stones.Recently, he practiced hitting things with giant bones and gained some experience.As long as you don't put all your strength on the colored stone you hit, you will not break the colored stone.

In fact, he intends to take out metal ingots to fight.

It's just that seeing the reaction of the leader of the Jiaoyi tribe last time, I think it's better to forget it.

He had already lost one metal ingot by hitting it once, and before he figured out the value of those things, he didn't intend to lose a second one.

PS: From tomorrow to the end of the month, it will be delivered at three o'clock every day.

(End of this chapter)

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