Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 31 Planting 3-color Rice

Chapter 31 Planting Tricolor Rice

The hunting team walked back, and they didn't know if they had made an appointment. The previously separated hunting teams returned at this time.

Teams gather together to form a long dragon, or carry, carry or drag the hard-hunted beasts back to the tribe.

At this time, the forest wind is flying, the leaves are shaking, and the sun is shining. Everything seems to be singing the rich harvest of Yanbu people.

It was still early for the group to return to the tribe, and the sacrifice would be at night, so the warriors of the tribe went home first, and Gongliang had enough time to do his own things.

After he got home, he put down his things, and hurried to Yehan to help make some shovels and hoes, and then went to Xiaoshi and those friends who practiced hunting skills together, and made a promise of a meal to let them Help dig a big hole.

Fortunately, the tribal warriors came back from hunting today. None of them had any training, and they were free. When they heard that there was something to eat, they immediately responded.

Therefore, Gong Liang found a place in the tribe where no one paid much attention, had good lighting, but was far away from the spring and began to dig a hole.

This pit is mainly used to bury the viscera of fierce beasts.

Since he wanted to grow three-color rice, he had to provide it with enough nutrients, but he couldn't water it with the beast's blood every day, so he had to settle for the next best thing, using the viscera of the beast as the nourishment for the three-color rice.Fortunately, Yanbu people don't eat offal, otherwise he wouldn't know where to find something to satisfy the growth of three-color rice.

With enough iron, the shovels and hoes were able to fight quickly. It didn't take long for Gongliang to bring the tools for digging holes from Yehan.

With shovels and hoes, they quickly dug a hole. A group of more than a dozen people quickly dug a hole big enough to place the viscera of the beast.

After the pit was dug, it was almost dark, and the tribal sacrifice was about to begin. Everyone quickly put down their tools and prepared to participate in the sacrifice.

This time the sacrifice was still the same as before, and when the sacrifice was over and the animal meat was distributed, Gongliang became busy.Because he wanted to grow three-color rice with the viscera of the beast, he had to carry it by himself, so as not to be thrown away by the people in the tribe.Although ferocious beasts eat indiscriminately in the wild, and their internal organs may be parasitic with worms, there is still a safe place, which is the heart.

Therefore, when Gongliang helped empty out the internal organs, he also gained some beast hearts by the way.

In addition to this, he also specially kept the red bear bile. Since he had this thing, he threw away the bear bile.Originally, he also wanted a big red palm, which is so wide that it is as big as a hug, and it must be delicious to eat.But that belongs to the meat part of the beast, so it has to be divided.He had no choice but to exchange some beast meat with others.

And that big owl, did he know the hardness of that big owl's pair of tiger-striped sharp claws.

Originally, he wanted to pick it up when the tribal warriors were removing their fur and throwing it away, but unfortunately, this idea fell through, and he was not stupid, knowing that it was a good thing, so he kept it for himself.

As a last resort, Gong Liang had no choice but to exchange some of the beast meat he had been allocated with someone else.

There is a rule in dividing the beast meat of the tribe, that is, the prey you kill can get [-]% of the meat of the beast itself, and the meat of the tribe will be calculated separately.Although he didn't kill the beasts of their hunting team, but this time the hunting team's prey was counted in the hunting team, so he also got an extra share.With excess animal meat, he was very generous.

In addition to these, the one-horned rock rhinoceros horn is also good, but the one-horned horn is too big to handle with the skull.

Now because of Gongliang's relationship, Yanbu people saw the benefits of the kitchen, and built a stove in the house to cook rice and bone soup.So now the bones are not as easy as before, and they are all divided.

But he also has a way, he took some beast meat and exchanged it with the person who got the one-horned rock rhinoceros skull.

The person who gets the skull of the one-horned rock rhino is naturally happy, and whoever has meat to eat will chew on the bone.

Gong Liang buried all the viscera and useless furs of the vicious beasts in the big pit dug, and then covered it with a thick layer of soil.Then, he went to the mountain to dig some black fertile soil and put it on it.That's not enough, after everyone finished eating the bones, he went door to door to ask for the bones of the beasts, and then roasted them with fire, and then smashed them into small pieces and put them into a large stone mill to grind them into bone powder.

Although some of these bones have been boiled through the soup, there is still beast energy in them, so it is impossible to boil them all out.

He mixed the ground bone meal into the fertile soil he dug, and then planted the three-color rice heads dug from the mountain, and by the way, he also sowed some three-color rice that had germinated.

He harvested a total of 250 grains of millet on the ears of three-color rice that he got in the mountains. This time, because of experiments, he wanted to see if the three-color rice could be grown with the viscera of beasts, so he didn't dare to put too many grains, only fifty grains .If it is possible to grow three-color rice, it will not be too late to increase it.

A few days back, Gongliang has been busy planting the three-color rice, and he still owes the food he promised to his friends.

Today was finally over, he hurried outside to hunt a wild beast, and made a delicious meal for them to eat.

When a group of little kids heard that Gongliang invited him to dinner, they were very active and ran over in a swarm.I haven't eaten yet, but when I saw a table of delicious food, my mouth was already drooling.Without anyone's instructions, I picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started to eat.

The little panda brought back from the forest now also has a place at home, and Gong Liang specially put a big bowl for it to eat in the corner.This little guy doesn't only eat bamboo like he did in his previous life, he can eat anything without taboo.This is also good, easy to feed.

The so-called "half a child, eat me to death."

A group of brats took stone bowls and quickly stuffed them into their mouths. If they didn't eat Gongliang, they would lose their portion of the meal, so they quickly picked up a stone bowl and filled it with meat and started eating.

He was eating happily, but suddenly saw Yuhan's figure outside the door, and hurried out while eating with a stone bowl in his hand.

"Yuhan is here, do you want to have something to eat together?"

"I don't want it? The witch wants you to go there." Yuhan looked at the group of guys in the room who were pulling things from their mouths in disgust, and said, "I heard that you caught a small animal and brought it back. Where is it?"

"Here, it's over there." Gong Liang pointed to the little guy who was eating hard in the corner of the room.

Yuhan took a look with his head and said, "It's so ugly, it's not as beautiful as our Yuyu."

The little guy felt that someone was looking at him and turned his head.

At this time, Xiao Yuyu also put her head in, and when she saw the little guy eating in the corner of the room, she immediately raised her head proudly.

Not long after being frightened by the big owl, the little guy was still afraid of big beasts. When he saw Xiao Yuyu, he ran to Gongliang's side and hugged his thigh tightly, trying to climb up on him for protection .Gong Liang had no choice but to pat its head comfortingly, telling it not to be afraid, and the little guy calmed down.

Hearing Yuhan's words and seeing Xiao Yuyu's expression, Gongliang didn't know what to say.

But he hasn't seen Xiaoyuyu for a few days, why does he feel that it has grown up a lot?It didn't seem to be this big before, they were half grown up, so he asked Yuhan this question.

Yuhan said proudly: "Our little jade jade inscription pattern has succeeded, and it will be my guardian hunter in the future, who can help hunt, of course it will be different." After she finished speaking, she turned around and left proudly, regardless of Gongliang.

Hearing that Wu wanted to see him, Gong Liang hurriedly finished his meal and rushed to Wu's place.Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, the little guy rushed over.

Not long after he came here, the little guy is still very unfamiliar with this place. He only recognizes Gongliang as one person, and he follows him no matter where he goes.As a last resort, Gong Liang had to take it to meet the witch.

PS: Sorry, there was thunder at noon yesterday, it thundered at night, and there was a heavy rainstorm. It was very late after it stopped, so I didn’t write.Will post more today.

(End of this chapter)

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