Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 315 Chapter 79

Chapter 315 No.70 The Nine Wilderness Scenes

In the early morning, when the sky is about to turn white, it is misty.

Gong Liang suddenly heard movement and woke up suddenly.

If Mi Gu felt something, he also opened his eyes from Papa's arms.Yuan Gungun looked up and found nothing, so he continued to lie on his stomach.The same goes for chicks.The black mammoth Dorji raised his nose to greet him, but he didn't.

Looking carefully through the misty sky, I saw a group of jiujiu slowly walking out of the forest not far away, heading towards the lake.

This jiujiu looks like an elk, with a pair of slender and pointed horns, and a strong body.

They walked slowly to the edge of the lake, lowered their heads to drink water, and some ran to places with rich water and grass to look for food;

The arrival of this group of jiujiu is like the prelude to the entrance, followed by a large wave of different types of beasts and individual beasts,

Narener Lake is wide and mighty for thousands of miles. It is the only large lake nearby, and it is also the confluence point of nearby mountains and rivers and the storage place of water sources.In autumn and winter, when the mountains and rivers dry up, this place becomes the only drinking water point for animals in the forest.

After a while, the sky gradually turned white, and some birds began to come to drink water and look for food by the lake.

For a time, the broad Narener Lake was crowded with birds and animals, and it was very lively.


A group of huge two-horned rock rhinoceros slowly stepped out of the woods, and some timid beasts hurried to the side to make way for them.These two-horned rock rhinoceros seem to be regular customers here. They found a place with abundant water and grass, and walked down to the lake, biting the crisp and crisp dragon beard and eating it with big mouthfuls.

Birds and beasts gather more and more, and it is inevitable that right and wrong will arise.

Unwilling to be pierced by a hedgehog-sized Chirue next to him, a horse with a human face slapped it flying with one claw.

This Chilu is not a character to be provoked, and they are not alone like a man with a horse's belly, but a group.

Seeing his companion being photographed, Chi Lie was furious. He yelled "Jiu Jiu" twice, curled up into a ball of thorns, rolled and stabbed at the belly of a horse with a human face.

The horse with a human face and a belly has a huge body, but it can't handle Chirui who is full of thorns. If he bites, he is full of thorns and cannot bite;There is no other way, and they have no choice but to retreat first.But that group of ruthless men was so aggressive, how could it be allowed to retreat safely.

The thorn-like body suddenly spun rapidly, and flew towards the belly of the horse with a human face.

The human-faced horse-belly body is too big, and it was stabbed by the red thorn ball, and the blood flowed.

This time it was annoyed, regardless of Chirue's thorns or not, he bit down fiercely, and suddenly let out a miserable howl—the mouth was pierced by Chirue's sharp thorns.

Seeing that it is really not an option to use redness, I have no choice but to admit defeat and run to the mountains behind.

Chi Li didn't chase after him, but stayed on the beach and continued to drink water.

The field here is wide, so you can use your methods as much as you want, but there are too many obstacles in the forest, it is too dangerous, and you might lose your life if you fail, they are not that stupid.

Although it was only for a moment, the bright red bloody smell left by the human-faced horse's belly has drifted to every corner of the lake with the wind. Some brutal beasts were stimulated by the bloody smell, and suddenly went berserk, and began to attack the weak drinking water nearby. birds and beasts.

Some timid beasts were frightened and fled to the forest behind.

And those water birds flapped their wings and flew into the sky.For a moment, tens of thousands of birds flew across the sky, it was really spectacular.

The beasts that caught the food enjoyed it by the lake.

The bloody smell by the lake became more and more intense, and streams of blood flowed from the beast corpses into the lake. In an instant, the lake was dyed blood red.

Suddenly, the surface of the lake fluctuated.

Those beasts who were eating delicious food seemed to sense something, and turned their heads to look into the lake.

Suddenly, one after another of black shadows leaped out of the lake, rushed onto the beach, and rushed towards the delicious beasts.Those beasts were frightened and ran into the forest with their tails between their legs.Some of the closer ones were immediately bitten and dragged into the lake.

Others who ran towards the forest were quickly caught up and bitten by the black shadow jumping out of the lake, dragging them back to the lake.

They were large sword-fin snakeheads with razor-sharp teeth, each measuring two to thirty meters, four to fifty meters, seven to eighty meters, extremely terrifying.

But when they were swimming back into the lake with their meat in their mouths, the two-horned rock rhinoceros, which had been chomping at the edge of the lake, suddenly ran out of the lake, like a tank, and rushed towards the snakehead snakehead.


In an instant, the two-horned rock rhino rushed in front of the snakehead, smashed its sharp horns into the snakehead's belly, and carried the snakehead's body, and continued to run into the forest ahead.

The actions of these two-horned rock rhinoceros were like a signal, and the beast that had been hiding in the forest suddenly appeared, ran out of the forest, and chased after the arrow-finned snakehead.

In a blink of an eye, the arrow-finned snakehead, which was originally a hunter, became a delicacy that all the beasts competed for.

Not to be outdone, the black mammoth Duoji flew out his proboscis and knocked out two 50-meter-long arrow-finned snakeheads, and pulled them back, giving one to Gongliang and enjoying the other slowly by himself.

"Quickly put away the big fish and let that black guy go into the woods to eat, or disaster will come."

Aruna said solemnly beside her.

Although Gongliang didn't know why, he still listened to her, put away the arrow-finned snakehead, and asked Dorji, the black mammoth, to eat in the forest.Then Aruna called the awakened people to hide in the woods with their horses.

Gongliang didn't know why she was so cautious, so he poked his head out of the woods to look at the beach.

Mi Gu curled up in Papa's arms like a kitten, and looked out.

Yuan Gungun felt so terrified that he clung to Gongliang's body in fear, but he still couldn't resist his curiosity and looked out.So does the chicken,

Dorji, the black mammoth, didn't care so much, and slowly chewed the delicious food he had just brought back in the forest.The members of Dayan tribe couldn't help swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva when they smelled the fishy smell.


At this moment, there was a scream in the distance.

Looking up, I saw a group of giant black-patterned birds flying from a distance, and within a moment they reached the sky above the beach where all the beasts gathered.First, a giant black-patterned bird swooped down suddenly, grabbed a two-horned rock rhinoceros and an arrow-finned snakehead that hadn't rushed into the forest, and flew back and forth.

The same is true for the black-patterned giant birds behind, grabbing a desolate beast and an arrow-finned snakehead with one claw.

Some desolate beasts saw the opportunity early, and had already sneaked into the forest with the arrow-finned snakehead they had caught.

Therefore, some giant black-patterned birds failed to catch the big wild beasts and arrow-finned snakeheads, so they could only catch a wild beast from nearby to make up for it.

Gongliang could not help but take a breath, fortunately Aruna saw the opportunity early, otherwise he would have become one of them.

The giant black-patterned bird that flew away first was not as relaxed as it was when it came, because it was holding the two-horned rock rhinoceros and the arrow-finned snakehead, so it flew very low, almost touching the lake.

Xiuran, a giant tiger dragon with a fish body and a snake tail jumped out of the lake, opened its bloody mouth, swallowed the two-horned rock rhinoceros, the arrow-spine snakehead and the giant black-patterned bird together, and then sank into the lake again. .Immediately afterwards, one, two, three, and four giant tiger dragons in the back jumped out of the water as before, and opened their huge mouths to fly the giant black-patterned bird across the lake. The arrow-spine snakeheads were swallowed together, and immediately sank into the water and disappeared.

After a while, the turbulent waves created by the giant tiger dragons dissipated, and the lake returned to calm, as if those giant tiger dragons had never appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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