Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 329 Big Bugs and Bugs Didn't Take Your Balls

Chapter 329 Big Bugs and Bugs Didn't Take Your Balls

Little Migu is like a little spy, sometimes lying on the edge of the grass, sometimes buried in the sand, sometimes hiding in the grass, wandering between the king crocodile nests, stealing one after another king crocodile eggs.

These imperial crocodiles are also strange, and their nests are not fixed. Some are in the grass, some are on the sand, some are in the soft soil, and some are buried in sand holes.Some sand holes are so deep that they cannot be reached, and the little guy has to drill into them to get them, which is very tiring.

This is the king crocodile nest, and there are more eggs than you can imagine.

As long as the little guy is careful not to be spotted by the king crocodile sleeping next to him and bathing in the water, he can have as much as he wants.

Crawling into a ball nest again, the little guy was so excited, she likes balls the most.I was about to reach out to hold the eggs, when suddenly, one of the eggs broke with a "squeak", and a baby imperial crocodile came out from inside.Caught off guard, the little guy was taken aback, and immediately punched him angrily.The imperial baby crocodile was dizzy from the beating, and lay limp over there.

Immediately afterwards, as if the eggs on the side had received a signal, they all made a "嘙" sound, revealing the heads of the emperor's young crocodiles.

Mi Gu felt so tired, she just wanted to get some balls, why are there so many bugs?The moment he opened his mouth, a stream of saliva spewed out, and those young emperor crocodiles immediately drooped beside him, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Seeing that there is no Dandan she wants here, Mi Gu wants to leave.

Suddenly remembered that when I and Papa went to the Great Yan Department, there seemed to be a delicious dish made by the emperor's young crocodile on the table, so I put it all away, and went back to ask Papa to cook her delicious food.

Putting away the baby emperor crocodile, the little guy quietly crawled to a nest of emperor crocodile eggs not far away.

Now that she is familiar with crawling, her speed is fast, and she will raise her head to scout the enemy nearby, which is extremely smart.The emperor crocodile was also unlucky to meet this little guy.

After a while, even if only a small half of the king crocodile eggs were in a nest, her little storage bag was full.

There are already so many balls, and there is really no room for them.The little guy thought about it, decided to take another nest of balls, and went back to put it in the room that Papa had prepared for her, and then came to get it again. "Well, there are a lot of balls there." The little guy's eyes lit up, and he immediately moved his hands and feet, and quickly crawled over there.

When she got there, she found that the testicles here were a little bigger than before, and they were so white.Mi Gu liked it so much, he stretched out his arms to pick it up, and was about to put it into the storage bag.

Suddenly, she felt something was wrong, turned her head, and suddenly found a very big big bug standing behind her, looking at her with cold eyes.

When someone found out about holding the balls, Mi Gu felt a little guilty, quickly put down the balls, stroked the eggs carefully, shook his little hand with a serious face and said: "Big bug, I didn't take your balls, the eggs in other nests I didn’t even take the egg puppet.”


The emperor crocodile standing in front of her didn't react at all, but the pupils in the middle of the cold eyes had been erected like needles, and two streams of hot air were blowing out from its noses, obviously it had reached the limit of its patience.

Suddenly, he opened his mouth and bit down.

Migu was so frightened that he flew into the sky with a "swoosh".Seeing this, the emperor crocodile opened its mouth and shot a water arrow, heading straight for Migu.The little guy was very clever and dodged it with a whimper.Seeing that the emperor crocodile dared to spray herself, she immediately shouted angrily in the sky: "You big bug is really bad, how dare you spit some water, and even spit you water."

She opened her mouth and spat out at the emperor crocodile below.

The poisonous saliva fell on the back of the emperor crocodile, and immediately slipped from the edge of the smooth scales to the ground.

Mi Gu looked so sad, why are these big guys like this, spitting water and then slipping down, feeling tired and said.

Seeing that the tiny bug dared to attack it, the emperor crocodile became angry immediately. With a loud "hulu" sound, it shot another water arrow.

The king crocodiles who were resting nearby heard the sound and crawled over. Seeing Migu flying in the sky, they opened their mouths and shot water arrows.For a moment, the water arrows shot across the sky, like thousands of missiles shooting directly into the sky, which is really spectacular.

Seeing that something was wrong, the little guy made a "swoosh" and quickly slipped away.Those imperial crocodiles can't fly, they can only roar into the sky.

Seeing that Migu disappeared in a blink of an eye, Gongliang yelled, but didn't hear her response. He quickly used telepathy, and found that the little guy was fine, so he relaxed and continued fishing.But after a while, I caught a few more big fish with big belly.

There are more and more wooden boards by the river, and some fish roes that have been pressed are taken out and spread on the wooden boards to dry in the air.

A strip of bright red oolong roe exposed to the sun, looks so dazzling, so bright, so beautiful.

After a while, the little guy flew back.

As soon as he got to Gongliang's side, the little guy held out a big imperial crocodile egg for Papa to see, and said excitedly: "Papa, Papa, look at the ball, it's so big, so big."

Gong Liang glanced at the really big egg in her hand, and asked, "Where did it come from?"

"I took it over there, there are many, many big bugs there." The little guy said with exaggerated gestures.

Gongliang's tooth hurts when he heard that, that's the territory of the emperor crocodile, this kid dared to steal the eggs of the emperor crocodile, did he get impatient?

Yuan Gungun next to him saw Mi Gu take out a big egg from the storage bag, and immediately yelled, "Mi Gu, I want to eat an egg."

"Eat, eat, eat, eat all day long, be careful not to overwhelm you." Gong Liang reprimanded angrily:

When Yuan Gun Gun heard this, he got angry, stood up, hugged his body, opened his mouth and yelled at him: "I just want to eat, I just want to eat, I just want to eat eggs."

Gong Liang was still holding the fishing rod in his hand, and was so annoyed by it, he stretched out his hand and pushed it away, saying, "You can't eat it, you have to go back to eat it. Otherwise, those emperor crocodiles will come after you and eat you carefully," he said. After that, he still reminded Mi Gu: "Mi Gu, you can't eat balls here, do you understand?"

He had to remind these guys that if the king crocodile came after eating something, it would not be a joke, because they might not be able to beat the huge family of king crocodile.

When Yuan Gungun heard that the emperor crocodile would be attracted, he immediately stopped clamoring for eggs.

Mi Gu obediently responded, put away the big emperor crocodile egg, dug it out in the storage bag, and took out a baby emperor crocodile that was stunned by her saliva, "Papa, look, what did I catch?"

Gongliang was dazed when he saw it. Isn't that the emperor's baby crocodile that he ate at the tribal feast after Jin entered the cave?This little guy, how dare he catch anything!Quickly said: "Put it away quickly, or the emperor crocodile will chase you after smelling the smell and eat you, and Papa will never see you again."

Hearing Gongliang's threatening words, the little guy quickly put away his things.She likes papa the most, and she doesn't want papa not to see her.

"Papa, I want to go inside."

The storage bag is full, and the little Migu is going to her house to store things.Gongliang looked around, but no one paid attention to this side, so he took the little guy in.

Yuan Gungun thought that there must be a lot of eggs in Migu, the panda rolled his eyes, his mind moved slightly, and he yelled at Gongliang: "Gongliang, I want to go in too."

"What are you doing in here, stay outside for me." This little fart panda, he doesn't know what's up his mind?He even wanted to go inside to eat eggs, but when he came out later, the fishy smell would still be everywhere, and not far away was the emperor crocodile's territory, what was the difference between this and courting death, of course it was impossible to let him in.

Seeing that he didn't let him in, Yuan Gungun felt upset, and yelled, "I want to go in, I want to go in, I want to go in."

However, Gongliang had no intention of changing his mind about it.

Yuan Gungun was instantly annoyed, stood up, hugged Gongliang, opened his mouth wide, showing sharp teeth, and pretended to shout at him, "I'm going to bite you to death, I'm going to bite you to death."

It thought it looked fierce like this, but unfortunately the two round black eyes and black and white stripes on its body betrayed it deeply.

When others see it, they will only think it is so silly and cute. No one would think it is fierce.

Gong Liang ignored it, and after a while, seeing that it was still croaking, he simply hugged it in his arms and went fishing together.

Yuan Gungun was naturally unwilling to be restrained like this, and kept struggling.It's a pity that it is not as strong as Gong Liang, and it is held tightly in his arms, unable to move.Seeing that, Yuan Gungun had no choice but to wrong himself first and give in.

After a while, when Gongliang loosened a bit, it turned around, hugged Gongliang's neck with both hands, wrapped his feet around his waist, entangled him tightly, and couldn't get off him.

Gongliang was so annoyed that he wanted to throw it down, but at this moment, the fish took the bait.

"Yuan Gun Gun, come down quickly, don't you see the fish taking the bait? Be careful, the big fish will drag you and me into the water to eat later." Gong Liang threatened.

Foodie by nature, Yuan Gungun, who is extremely timid, knows how powerful the big fish is. When he turned his head and saw that the buoy on the water surface had sunk, he quickly climbed down by himself.If it is really dragged down by a big fish, it will be the end of the bird.It wants to eat fish, but it doesn't want to be eaten by fish.

This time, Gongliang caught big fish with eggs.

It's just that after catching the fish that was bigger than a small truck from the front, the size of the big fish in the water became smaller and smaller, and now it has shrunk to a length of about ten meters, but the fish eggs taken out are still very large.

Because the fish eggs in the big fish occupy two thirds of their body, a pair of fish eggs is in the abdomen, almost from the bottom of the gills to the tail, extremely narrow and long.

The buoy on the water sank, and the fishing line was continuously pulled by a burst of huge force, and it went into the water.

Gongliang held the fishing rod tightly, walked left and right, right and left, and slowly backed up while walking.After a while, a big fish came out of the water, and after pulling the head of the big fish close to the shore, he suddenly pulled it forward.Immediately, a big fish with a length of more than ten meters and a big belly slid ashore smoothly.

After seeing a 30-meter-large fish, Gongliang no longer feels that big when he sees a more than ten-meter-long fish.

It's a bit like "Once the sea was too difficult to be water, except that Wushan is not a cloud."

(End of this chapter)

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