Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 338 Dividing the meat

Chapter 338 Dividing the meat

While the emperor crocodile was leaving, Migu also flew back from above.

For some reason, the little guy's flying body was up and down, and when he flew onto the black mammoth, Dorje felt his back sink, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at the little guy.

"So tired!" The little guy put down the treasure bag he was holding, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and tapped his sore arms. It seemed that he was really exhausted.

Seeing Mi Gu come back, Yuan Gun Gun immediately ran forward and yelled, "Mi Gu, did you steal the ball?"

"I'm not stealing, I'm going to get it." Mi Gu said to Yuan Gun Gun seriously with a small face.

Still the same, Yuan Gungun murmured in his heart, but didn't say anything, and continued to ask: "Then did you get it?"

"Yeah." Mi Gu nodded again and again, and whispered secretly: "I told you, I got a lot of balls."

"Then you have to give me more this time." Yuan Gunyuan shouted with black and white eyes.

"Well," Migu nodded, and glanced at Papa, and found that Papa was collecting blood beads among those big bugs. There were so many people that they couldn't enter the space, so they had to stay on the back of the black mammoth. The bag full of balls is so tiring.

This time, all the ministries cooperated to hunt and kill many imperial crocodiles. Although most of them were from the Yan tribe, those who saw it had a share.

After collecting the blood beads with the blood coagulation weapon, Aruna directed everyone to cut up some smashed emperor crocodiles into pieces and distribute them to the tribes that did not contribute.

The long ears contributed more, and some of the emperor crocodiles were divided, and the rest were all rounded up by the people of Dayan.After all, the people of Dayan contributed the most, and no one said anything.

In one day, there were two or three fights in succession, which made Gongliang very tired and didn't want to fish any more.It happened that Kaixiong and the girls didn't want to catch any more fish, so they went back to the tribe together.

On the way, the little Migu always wanted Baba to put him in the fruit space to put his balls, but unfortunately he never had a chance, so he had to put the balls in first, and then look at it when he went back.

The girls came out to catch fish this time, which was full of thrills. Some of them were even almost eaten by the giant male fish, but they also gained a lot.Kaixiong and other tribal elites also gained a lot from this trip, and some of them were even favored by the tribal girls because of their good performance.

Back in the tribe, they first took out half of the Henggong demon fish to sacrifice to the ancestor gods, and then obediently went to the leader to receive the punishment.

Meng sat in the stone house, looked at them for a while, and said: "You people are really lawless. How dare you ask the ancestor gods to come down again and again, and you really come when the ancestor gods call you? Elder Zhan I have already ordered that you are not allowed to leave the tribe for a while. Haven’t you always wanted to learn Gongliang’s boxing skills? Take advantage of this time to learn from him.”

When Aruna and other girls heard that they couldn't go out to play, they suddenly felt bad, and some of them raised their mouths.

When I saw it, I couldn't help but said to Aruna: "Aruna, look at you, you take these little girls out to mess around, and you lead them wild, and you don't stay at home all day. After all, you are girls. Learn some skills of mending animal skins, making armor, and roasting animal meat from you Eminem, and don’t run around. What if you get married and know nothing?”

"Then let's go hunting and let those men mend animal skins, make armor, and cook food." Anaza shouted out of the blue.

The people next to him laughed out loud, and so did the tribal male elites, but thinking about it, it didn't seem funny at all. If it was really what she said, it would be too embarrassing.


He glared at Anazha, and said, "Remember not to leave the tribe, and don't cause trouble, or you will be out of luck if Elder Zhan finds out. The day before yesterday, two people were arguing in the tribe and almost smashed the house. When Elder Zhan came back to meet him, he immediately sealed his cultivation and asked them to go to the quarry to carry stones and come back to build a house, so you can do it yourself."

Then, he said to Gong Liang: "Although you have awakened the innate beast soul, you still don't know how to use it. After you teach them boxing techniques, come over to learn and receive the reward from the tribe along the way!"

"Yes." Gongliang replied respectfully.

After speaking fiercely, he waved his hand to let them leave.

Kai Xiong and the girls walked out of the leader's stone house, but they didn't leave.Because the monster fish hunted by the river hadn't been divided yet, Elder Zhan was present at that time, and the atmosphere was terrifying, who dared to divide the things.

Aruna looked around and felt that it was a bit inappropriate to share things in the tribe. If the leader saw it, she would definitely be punished again, so she simply called people to Gongliang's house to share things, who made his house so big.

Arriving at the garden in front of Gongliang's house, Aruna was not polite at all, and took out the remaining male fish.

"The meat is divided, the meat is divided." Aruna yelled, and directed a group of elites to cut off the thick skin of the Henggong demon fish, pull out the tendons, and began to divide the meat.A group of young girls screamed excitedly, how could they be unhappy when they got so much demon fish meat when they went out to catch fish with Aruna for the first time?

After a while, the meat was divided, leaving a pile of fish heads, fish bones, and fish tendons.

"Does anyone want fish bones and tendons? These are demon fish bones. If you take them back and make them into bows and arrows, you may be able to advance to the level of a low-level magic soldier, or at least you will be a top-grade magic weapon. On the side of the Eastern Tu people, that's a big deal." It is a low-grade magic weapon." Aruna said.

In the Great Wilderness, the barren people divided weapons into three types, divided into levels by heaven, earth and people, namely heavenly gods, earth gods, and human gods. The most inferior weapon.

The long ears are good at shooting, and they are unique in making bows and arrows.Sang exchanged some fish bones and tendons with demon fish meat.Gongliang felt that the demon fish had good muscles and bones, so he changed some, asked Sang to take it back to help make bows and arrows, and gave some fish meat and spiritual fruits as thanks.

There were some fish heads and fish bones left, and Aruna called again, but still no one wanted them.Although these fish bones can be used to make soup when taken back home, the effect is similar to that of fish meat, and the degree of tonic is even better than fish meat, but those who need to exchange fish meat, no one is willing.

Seeing that no one wanted it, Gong Liang said, "Since no one wants it, then give it all to me! I'll exchange it with the emperor crocodile, how about it?"

Aruna asked, and seeing that everyone had no objection, she agreed.

So, Gongliang took out a few king crocodiles from the treasure bag to exchange for the rest, and Aruna asked everyone to share the exchanged items.Everyone has their own gains and looks happy.

After distributing things, everyone will disperse.At this time, Aruna said: "Last time someone wanted to exchange tungsten iron with Gongliang, but there were not so many spiritual objects. It should be possible to exchange now. The demon fish meat and emperor crocodile meat that can be used are almost enough. If not enough, add more." A little spiritual stuff." After she finished speaking, she handed over the obtained demon fish meat and emperor crocodile to Gong Liang, leaving only a little for herself to try.

Who doesn't want to have a good weapon.

When Kai Xiong, Big Mu and the others heard this, they quickly exchanged the demon fish meat and the emperor crocodile with Gong Liang for tungsten iron.

The tungsten iron that Gongliang took out last time was only enough for ten people, and the number of people was all together in one go.

Gongliang took so many people's fish and emperor crocodile, he seemed to be the one who harvested the most today.Mi Gu watched Papa get so many things, and his tail wagged with joy.

(End of this chapter)

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