Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 35 The Old Blind Bear's Paw

Chapter 35 The Old Blind Bear's Paw


Back home, the first thing Gongliang did was to dig out the bear paws buried in the stove.

The bear's paw was covered with volcanic mud, and it was scorched by charcoal fire. If he accidentally touched it, it was so hot that he screamed.

The volcanic mud has been roasted white by the charcoal fire, and with a light tap, the dried soil on it will fall off the bear's paw, and the fine hair on it will also fall off completely, leaving only the clean paw meat.

When Gongliang took the palm, he deliberately took the old blind man's right palm. At this time, the fine hair was removed, and it looked particularly fat and thick.

There is actually a reason for taking the right palm.

He once read a note in his previous life, which wrote: "Black bears love to eat honey the most. Nine out of ten honeycombs in Changbai Mountain are built in dead trees lying on the ground. Black bears are really good at stealing honey. They have thick skin and flesh." It is thick, and it is not afraid of bee stings. It eats enough honey in late autumn, and then hides in the hole of a big tree for winter sting. The black bear can stand upright, and its front paw is very flexible. Dao, the other paw is for licking and sucking. This year, the left fore paw will be used, and the right fore paw will be used next year. Therefore, when cooking bear paws, they must be stewed in two separate pots. Some people say that the paw should be held against the one of Gu Dao. After the stew is finished, there is always a bit of a foul smell, so throw it away and not eat it. This is just a legend and speculation, and it is not believed. But one palm does not move for a winter, and the other palm is licked every day. The saliva essence is infiltrated day and night, and this palm is fat. It is natural to be plump and thick.”

It was also because of this note that Gong Liang sniffed the bear paw of the old blind man. He saw that the right palm smelled of honey and was fat, so he took the right palm.

The old blind man is actually of the same species as the black bear he had seen in his previous life, but taller.

Common black bears are called blind bears because of their poor eyesight.The name "Old Blind Man" is because this is an older black bear among the black bears. It is much bigger than ordinary black bears and has a very ferocious temperament, but it is not yet at the level of a beast.

After the old blind bear's paws were removed and washed, Gong Liang put the bear's paws into a pot and simmered them according to the method he had learned before. After an hour, he quickly took them out and rinsed them with cold water, and removed the skin, claws, and bones.

Then wash the bear's paws, smear a thick layer of honey, and then put them in a pot and cook for another hour with low heat.

The bear's paw that has been boiled this time seems to be more than double the original size, and the palm has become softer.

After Gongliang waited for the bear paws to cool down, he began to peel the bear paws and take out the meat.The bear paw skin is rough and difficult to peel, which really tested his knife skills.After taking out the palm meat, put it in the pot and cook it over low heat. When it becomes soft, stop the fire and let it cool down completely.After three or four times, Gongliang put the pheasants, birds, and wild mushrooms that were brought to make soup for the bear's paws into the thick soup made from the bones of the beasts, and then put the whole bear's paw into a stew and cooked it together. Put some fresh brook fish in it.

Bear's paw itself has no taste, and these materials must be used to taste it.

After another eight or nine hours of stewing, the bear paws were finally cooked.Gong Liang poked lightly with his chopsticks, and the gelatin in the palm kept coming out, and the whole bear paw was almost melted by the stew.

It took him two full days to make this bear paw.

In his previous life, he had no other hobbies, but was interested in two things, one was traveling and the other was food.Gastronomy especially trumps travel.At that time, he liked strange things like bear paws, but at that time the state protected them, and his own financial resources were limited, so he didn't eat these things at all.However, he has learned how to deal with these things. He came here and saw such good ingredients.If he didn't eat it, he would be a fool.

Since the old blind man's bear's paw is not yet at the level of a beast, Brother Xiaoshi can also eat it.

It's just that there isn't a lot of meat in this palm, so Gongliang planned to keep it carefully and eat it secretly later in the evening.

It's a pity that Brother Xiaoshi often came to him these two days, knowing that the bear's paws were ripe today, he sat at his home preparing to eat, and didn't go anywhere.

In the afternoon, Gongliang had to practice spears, and he was afraid that the stewed bear's paws would be stolen by two guys after he went out.I had no choice but to take out the bear's paw and share it with them.He comforted himself in his heart, there was still a red palm in the house, it was a fierce beast, they couldn't eat it, and he would not enjoy it alone by then.

This time, Gong Liang didn't forget Yuan Gun Gun, he quickly served him a bowl of bear's paws, and then grabbed it with Brother Xiaoshi who was focused on dealing with the bear's paws.

The bear's paws were thick and gelatinous, and he removed the bones and peeled them, and stewed them until they were rotten.The water between the palm and the flesh has already melted, and there is no more half of the flesh.So you can't pick it up with chopsticks, you have to use a spoon to scoop it up.

Gong Liang took a spoonful of bear's paw and put it into his mouth, and he felt a fresh and sweet taste on his tongue, mixed with the flavors of pheasants, birds, brook fish, and wild mushrooms.Once they tasted it, they couldn't stop. After a while, the three of them ate up a small pot of bear's paws.

After all, the old blind man's bear paw is not the meat of a ferocious beast, so he can only taste it, and can't gain any energy from it at all.And eating with Xiaoshi and the others who are particularly edible brothers, they can't eat much at all, and it's hard to get a full stomach.Therefore, Gongliang had to cook something else to eat.

But after tasting the bear's paw, he was looking forward to the taste of the red-crowned palm. The red-crowned palm was as big as a hug, enough for him to eat.

After eating, Gongliang took his spear and a pair of short spears and walked out of the tribe.

When he came to the woods next to the waterfall where he caught the brook fish, he began to practice.

Therefore, the woods next to the waterfall became the target of his spear practice.There is no skill in using a spear, it is nothing more than a straight stab, it is very simple, as long as you do the three words "fast, accurate, and ruthless", you will be invincible.

The Bengquan practiced by Gongliang before can actually be applied to the spear. It should be said that the Bengquan is more suitable for the spear, because it is straight like an arrow.

The simpler it is, the less fancy things are. Although it is easy to practice, it is difficult to master it.The same is true for the spear, it is easy to learn, but it is very difficult to practice it to stab like a sharp arrow and retract like a thunderbolt.But it was not easy. Gongliang still insisted on practicing.After a while, a tree was riddled with holes by him.

After practicing spears for a while, after a break, he began to practice throwing short spears again.

It is easy to throw a short spear, but it takes time to practice accurately hitting the target, and what Gongliang lacks most is time.

He is like this, practicing day after day.Gradually, he was able to run fast while wearing a [-]-jin iron armor and carrying a huge log. The flying spears could be thrust out and retracted as quickly as arrows and thunder, and the short spears also had a certain degree of accuracy.At this time, the tribal warrior returned from hunting, and his hunting was about to begin again.

Seeing the warriors come back from hunting, Gong Liang hurriedly went to the leader to get some bags of beast blood, save some for his own use, and poured the rest into the paddy field where the three-color rice was planted.

Strange to say, after pouring the beast's blood, the originally green three-color rice seedlings gradually turned dark green, and the seedlings began to grow slowly.

It seems that the three-color rice still needs to be irrigated with the blood of the beast, otherwise it would grow very slowly before watering, and it would not grow so fast.

However, the blood of the beast is not found every day, and now we can only hope for the internal organs of the beast below.Although the blood essence in the viscera of the vicious beast is less, it is better than nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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