Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 351 It must be that guy

Chapter 351 It must be that guy

Not a moment later, a woman fell from the sky, it was the Yingniang Gongliang had seen last time.

"Yunyao, what's wrong with you?"

Yingniang nervously checked the body of the woman in red, but she didn't find any wounds on her body, she felt very strange.Suddenly, she saw a tribal man poking his head out of the shop sneakily, stepped forward and grabbed him, and asked, "Do you know who hurt my child?"

"I don't know, I don't know." The reckless man shook his head in fright.


Yingniang was furious when she heard the words, she couldn't help but strengthen her hands a bit.

The man yelled in pain: "Forgive me! Ambassador, I really don't know who hurt her! I just saw a little girl from the Heavenly Poison Department spit on her a few times, and that's it."


When Yingniang heard what he said, she immediately thought of who it was, and she couldn't help being furious, "It's that bastard from Yanbu again! Does he really think my girl from the Quebu is a muddy person, and he can do whatever he wants? Really? It's lawless, this time I must go and smash their Great Yan Department's garrison."

After Yingniang finished speaking, she took the woman in red back.

In the restaurant, the elegant man looked at Yingniang who was leaving, and said gloatingly, "The lady of the Sparrow Department has a hot temper, and she and the people of Dayan have always been enemies. This is a good show."

The young man beside him didn't listen to him, looking at the disappearing figure, he muttered to himself: "It would be great if I had such a big real horse!"

The refined man glanced at him and turned his head away.

Some things can be dreamed once in a while, but you must not take it seriously, or you will be very sad.

Yingniang didn't go directly to the residence of the Great Yan Department, but went back to the residence of the Nuque Department first, and after gathering a large group of girls, she led them to the residence of the Great Yan in a mighty and aggressive manner.

When Gongliang and the others came to Dayan's ancestral land, they were summoned by Simao, the chief of the resident.

"Since you are here, rest for two days first, and then divide into three groups to inspect in rotation. This time you are lucky, you are drawn to inspect the temple, and you don't have to go outside. You will be in charge together with the people of Shibu In the north street, you don’t need to go to the south to meet the girls from the Nuque Department, so that they don’t have to trouble us Dayan.”

The group of new elites felt good when they heard what the leader said.

It would be best if you don't meet the girls from the female sparrow department, those girls are annoying to death, and the most important thing is that you can't beat them again and again, it's too embarrassing.

"Si Mao, you bastard, come out for me and see how you, Da Yan, have bullied the members of our female sparrow department."

The leader Simao's face twitched when he heard this, it must be said the other way around.It was always the girls of their female sparrows who bullied the honest men of Dayan, when will it be the turn of the people of Dayan to bully the girls of their female sparrows.Suddenly angry, he stood up and walked outside.He has to have a good reasoning with this woman today.

The elites who had just arrived from the Great Yan Department glanced at each other without moving their positions.

It is even more impossible for Gongliang to go out. It was Mi Gu's fault in the first place.

Simao walked out the door and saw Yingniang bringing a group of girls over, so she couldn't help but said: "Yingniang, don't come here to mess around all the time, okay?"

"Am I fooling around?"

Yingniang was instantly furious, pointing at Yunyao who was still lying in her arms unconscious, and shouted at him: "Look at the good deeds you Dayan people have done, you have repeatedly taken my female sparrow girl Poison dizzy, do you really think that my female breasts are made of mud, easy to bully, and I can do whatever I want?"

Simao looked at the woman in her arms in bewilderment, what does it have to do with Da Yan?


At this moment, the time for the poisonous saliva in Yunyao's place was up, and she woke up.

Yingniang immediately asked: "Yunyao, who poisoned you just now? Could it be a little girl with wings and a boy named Da Yan who looks so rotten."

"Boss, how do you know?" Yun Yao asked in surprise.

"Hmph, of course I know."

Yingniang sneered, and said to Simao, "Do you have any explanation?"

Yingniang's daughter Yan'er quietly stepped forward and said to the bewildered Yunyao: "Sister Yunyao, my sister and I have been spit on by that little guy, it's so poisonous, we were all fainted by the poison. But it's definitely not That little guy vomited by himself, the bad guy next to her must have made him vomit, how could she be so cute to vomit!"

Yunyao thought about it, and felt that it made sense, so she hated Gong Liang.

Simao heard Yingniang's words and glanced into the room.

The guy who came out of this ancestral land is not a worry-free guy. He went to the temple twice and caused troubles.Why did others not provoke her, but why did she provoke the female sparrow department?I don't know that those girls of theirs will stir up waves without waves, let alone this time it is my side that is at fault.

Suddenly, a middle-aged woman appeared in front of the team of female sparrows, but still had a graceful charm.

This person is Qiu Niang, the elder of the Nvque tribe stationed in the temple.

As soon as she appeared, she scolded Yingniang: "Yingniang, what's the matter with you. I just went out for a few days, and you brought a group of people here, what do you look like?"

Yingniang said aggrievedly: "Elder, I'm not making trouble out of no reason, it's their Da Yan's fault, if you don't believe me, ask Yunyao."

Qiuniang glared at her before asking, "Yunyao, tell me."

"Elder, just now I saw someone fighting in the middle tribe, so I went to inspect, but nothing happened. Then I saw a little girl from the Tianzhen tribe with wings, she felt very cute, so I wanted to go to have a look, Who knew she would spit on her, and she fainted. But I don't think the little girl spit on herself, it must have been instigated by the guy next to him." Yun Yao excused herself after being spat on by Mi Gu.But Gong Liang, who stood quietly by the side and did nothing, turned out to be the murderer.

It seems that no matter which era you are in, you still have to look at your face after all.I don't know if Gongliang will cry to death if he knows.

Qiuniang was also there when Gongliang came to the temple for the first time. She knew what was going on without thinking about it. She turned to Simao and asked, "Simao, the people from the ancestral land have come to the temple?"

Simao didn't dare to neglect the elder female sparrow, and quickly replied: "It's true that I just came back."

Gongliang was sitting in the room, but he really didn't want to go out, not to mention that the female sparrows were coming so aggressively that they were not easy to mess with, so he didn't dare to show his face.

But it was obviously impossible not to go out at this time, so he had no choice but to take Mi Gu out of the door.The newly promoted elites who came together looked at each other and followed them out.

Yuan Gungun and Xiaoji followed Gongliang step by step, while the black mammoth Duoji stayed with the other mounts in the field where the mounts were placed in Dayan's resident.

PS: I have been a little stuck recently, and I will update a little more after this smooth time.Two updates are guaranteed every day, and occasionally three updates, usually in the afternoon and evening.

(End of this chapter)

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