Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 355 Inheritance

Chapter 355 Inheritance ([-])

After the Yaizu beast soul appeared, a white star suddenly appeared in the sky.

Dao Meng seemed to have sensed something, raised his head to see the stars, and frowned unconsciously: "The evil star?"

Situ glanced at it, and said lightly: "There are no evil stars and demon stars in my Great Wilderness. They are just excuses given by the cowardly Eastern natives for their inability. What evil stars invade the land and use weapons, and demon stars are born to cause disasters. In my Great Wilderness , I don’t know how many people die every moment. Every year, there are desolate beasts attacking the tribe, and there are even beast tides besieging the city. Why have I never heard of the evil star invading the border and the demon star Linchen. Daomeng, you have to remember, Some things about the Eastern natives are good, but not all of them. You have to learn to distinguish them. Don’t learn the Eastern natives’ language and agree with the Eastern natives’ ideas. That is a terrible thing, and it will be a disaster for me. "

Dao Meng's heart shuddered, "What the elder said."

"It seems that it's time to rectify the Dongtu people in my teaching place in Dahuang, even you think so, let alone others.

Tomorrow, you will have someone compile a book with the content of my great wilderness for children to learn from.Afterwards, only those natives from the East were allowed to teach me the barbarian children's barren literature, and they were not allowed to talk about the affairs of the East and learn the characters of the East, except for those who went to the East to experience it.If there are those who don't want to, let them leave immediately, I don't need people with ulterior motives in Great Wilderness. "

"It should be so." Dao Meng nodded.

"Hey, what's that?" Qiu Niang, who had been staring at the fire, suddenly asked in surprise.

Si Tu and Dao Meng heard the words and looked over.

The sky was getting dark, the moon had not yet risen, and there was only one star shining in the sky, and that was the evil star.

Streaks of star power continuously shone on Yaizu's beast soul from above, and Yazi's scales were pulled away comfortably, revealing the messy blood lines underneath.

After a while, the bright moon rose, shining brightly on the earth, and one of the pure moonlight shone on Gongliang alone.

As soon as this Yuehua entered Gongliang's body, it was divided into two parts, one part penetrated between the eyebrows and the other part fell into the dantian.

In the space between the eyebrows, a part of the moonlight gathers and condenses in it, turning into drops of clear moon dew, which continuously fall towards the human-shaped mist phantom deeper in the space.Watered by Qingling Yuelu, the phantom of the human form is slowly becoming real.After the other part of the moonlight fell into the dantian, it was quickly absorbed by the fruit space and transformed into pure gas, which circulated through the meridians.

Every cycle, Gongliang's pain from being burned by the blue-purple flames eased a bit.

The acupuncture points in the meridians are irrigated, moistened, and filled by the power of the moonlight, emitting a little bit of fluorescence.

One acupoint, two acupoints, three acupoints, the fluorescence emitted by each acupoint shone in the flesh and blood, like countless pearls, illuminating the blood, skin and flesh fibers in his body one by one.

There are 360 ​​five acupuncture points on the human body, which coincide with the magic number of heaven and earth, the sun, the moon and the stars.The four seasons, the four dimensions, the four luns, the four divisions, and the four elements of Tianzhu are all included.

There seems to be an unknown qi in the dark.

When he was in the Blood Pool of Ten Thousand Beasts last time, the miniature nebula composed of 360 five celestial stars reappeared, and streams of soft star power continuously fell from the nebula and poured into his meridians.

The pure and gentle star power counteracted the severe pain caused by the blue-violet flames burning the skin.But it was also a torment, because after the blue-violet flame burned the skin, the soft star power immediately poured in, one hot and the other cold, just like the two heavens of ice and fire, making people feel like dying, wanting to return to life.With the continuous injection of star power, Gongliang's pain from being burned by the flames finally eased, and he let go of the burden of being afraid of being burned to death by the flames all the time.

For a moment, my mind was loose, and waves of exhaustion came to my heart.

After a while, he fell asleep.

"This seems to be the inheritance of that person." Dao Meng looked at Gong Liang who was swaying in the simmering fire, and said uncertainly.

"It's that person's inheritance." Situ nodded.

"I heard that that person's inheritance is not easy to get." Dao Meng said again.

"It's really hard to take!" Situ said with emotion.

Qiu Niang listened frantically, she couldn't understand what they were talking about, so she immediately asked, "What are you talking about?"

Seeing her appearance, Situ laughed loudly, "We are talking about this inheritance, you should have heard of Dragon Witch!"

"Naturally, I have heard that the Dragon Witch is a legend in my wilderness. It is said that he once raised a real dragon and a rhinoceros. I don't know if it is true." Qiuniang asked curiously.

"It's true, but there are some reasons."

Situ stroked the beard under his chin and said, "Dragon Witch once fought against the real dragon and the god rhinoceros. Although he won in the end, he was scarred. He felt that the real dragon and the god rhinoceros had strong bodies and thick leather armor, so he deliberately Created a set of practice methods comparable to the real dragon and the divine rhinoceros body, but he didn't know how to start, so he raised a real dragon and a divine rhinoceros for research and observation, and finally he really created a body comparable to the real dragon and the divine rhinoceros. The method of tyrannizing the physical body. However, to accept this inheritance, one must accept inhuman pain, and ordinary people cannot obtain it at all. But those who have obtained the inheritance, without exception, are all outstanding among their peers, and they are all-powerful figures of the moment."

"Elder Situ, I heard that Elder Zhan also got this inheritance back then, so he was able to fight against the five wastelands and cross the eastern lands. I don't know if it is true?" Dao Meng didn't care about the scandal between Situ and Elder Zhan, very gossip asked.

Suddenly, Qiuniang coughed.

Dao Mengruo felt something, turned his head, and found that Elder Zhan came behind him at some point, and hurriedly greeted him: "Elder Zhan, you are here."

Although Dao Meng is also an elder of the tribe, compared with the great achievements of Elder Zhan, he is like a chick and an eagle, which is really not interesting at all.


Elder Zhan responded lightly, looked into the blazing fire, saw Gong Liang lying in front of the stele, and smiled slightly: "Interesting, really interesting."

Dao Meng and Qiu Niang looked at each other, but they didn't know what he meant?

Elder Situ smiled, "Since Elder Zhan is here, why not sit down and talk about going to the ancestral land?"

"Alright." Elder Zhan sat down.

When they heard that they were going to talk about business, Dao Meng and Qiu Niang hurriedly sat down, and Gong Liang, who was in the middle of the fire, was left alone.

He didn't know how long he slept, but when Gong Liang woke up, he found that the blue-purple flame was still burning his skin, and he didn't know when it would be his head.Looking inside the dantian, fortunately, with the infusion of the three powers of star power, spiritual energy, and spiritual stone, the true qi of the dantian not only did not decrease, but filled up a little.It's a pity that the true liquid condensed in the Ten Thousand Beasts Blood Pool could never be found again.

But this is already thankful, otherwise he thought he would have to explain it here today.

He's still a virgin, and he hasn't started to enjoy life well, so how can he belch so easily?

After thinking wildly for a while, Gongliang felt a little hungry, but unfortunately he couldn't move his body, he could only turn his head, and he couldn't eat anything.

I don't know where the little guy Migu is, but when I need her, I can't even see her, this little heartless.

But he didn't know that in the southeast corner, the little guy's big eyes were looking at the things on the stone tablet curiously, and he didn't move;

(End of this chapter)

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