Chapter 369

The patrol team was walking on North Street, pedestrians gave way one after another, and some people from small tribes quickly bowed their heads respectfully and hid aside, for fear of bumping into the envoy.

After passing through the shops, Daohan suddenly led them into a small road.

Not far inside, I heard waves of beasts roaring, birds chirping and human voices continuously entering my ears.

Going forward, everyone saw desolate beasts and monster birds imprisoned in ankle-thick cages made of steel.Seeing people coming, the desolate beasts and monsters suddenly burst out with a roar that shook the sky.

"This is a place where living things are traded and exchanged. It is inevitable that something will happen, so you must come and have a look when you are inspecting." Daohan explained to everyone as he walked.

The crowd nodded in understanding.

A group of desolate beasts, with ferocious faces and fierce expressions, roared one after another, as if who was screaming louder in a competition; and none of those ferocious raptors were easy to match, either flapping their wings and beating the cage, or beating sharp mouths Peck, let out a loud chirp.

Fortunately, these things were locked in a steel cage, otherwise the consequences would be worrisome.

In the past, the place where animals were traded and exchanged was the human market, that is, the market where living people were bought and sold.

In the human market, the buyers and sellers are all tribes who were defeated and became trophies of one side; there are also people from wild tribes; Water monsters are useless monsters, they are all caught by barren people from everywhere, and there are many kinds.Many natives and barren people from the east would come here to buy them back and use them as slaves.

After these races are captured, they will all be imprinted with slave marks, so there is no danger of escaping.

"You useless little thieves, you know how to eat and drink all day long, and you are useless at all. If no one buys you in a few days, I will throw you into the forest to feed wild beasts."

A group of people were patrolling when they suddenly heard a burst of violent shouting and cursing from the front.

Going forward for a while, Gong Liang saw eight immature-looking children sitting in several tall steel cages.

They were all naked, with disheveled hair and sloppy appearance, but they were huge, and they looked as tall as three meters when sitting in the cage.Next to him was a burly man of about eight meters, beating the steel cage with a wooden stick, cursing.

Some immature children had dull eyes, some were so frightened that they cried, and some shivered in the corner, looking very pitiful.

Daohan pointed to the burly man and said to Gongliang and the others: "The man beside the steel cage is the elder of the elders. He lives on the big island in the blue sea. It is relatively short. The people in the cage are from the Longbo Kingdom, who live on a large island in the south of the Changren Department, where the Biluohai enters the sea. The people of the country are taller and stronger than the Changren Kingdom, but they don’t do production. Fortunately, there are many foods in the sea. I can't starve them either. Sometimes these people get tired of eating fish and meat, and they will go to the land where my barren people live to steal food. Because they are tall, the tribe that can't beat them can only swallow their anger and watch them save their hard-earned food. When the food is gone, those who can pass will be killed directly.

The elders of this elder department are also stupid, they even caught people from the Longbo country to sell, don't you know that the people from the Longbo country have a huge appetite?"

Daohan cast a disdainful glance at the elder and minister, and said: "Speaking of which, this man from the Longbo country also has an extraordinary background. He was originally a descendant of the gods and one of the ancient survivors. Later, he was convicted of the gods of heaven and earth, and he fell into this place today. the point.

It is said that when the divine court was still there, Xuanxuan, the son of the god of heaven and earth, loved the scenery of the deep sea, so the god of heaven and earth ordered the Longao clan to carry three sacred mountains to float on the deep sea, so that his son could play with the gods in the sky.

The three sacred mountains are named Daiyu, Yuanqiao, and Fanghu, and each sacred mountain is supported by three dragons.The height of the mountain circles for [-] miles, and the flat top of the mountain is at least [-] miles.

Mountains are [-] miles apart, but they are neighbors.The towers and temples on the holy mountain are all made of gold and jade, and the birds and animals are pure white and flawless.The trees of Zhugan grow thickly, and the flowers and fruits have a taste, and if you eat it, you will never grow old or die.

At that time, the people of the Long Bo Kingdom had not yet convicted the God Lord, they were so huge, they raised their feet and walked a few steps, they arrived at the place where the sacred mountain was, and with one hook they caught six dragons carrying the mountain dragons and brought them home.

The two sacred mountains lost the support of Longao and sank into the sea. The gods on the mountains have migrated because of this.

The Lord of Heaven and Earth was furious when he learned of this, and ordered the Sea God to flood a large area of ​​the land of the Longbo Kingdom, and imposed punishments, so that the people of the Longbo Kingdom no longer have supernatural powers and become smaller every year.It's just that up to now, the grown-ups of Longbo Kingdom are still more than ten feet tall. "

Gongliang and other elites were dumbfounded when they heard Daohan's words.The elders of the elders next to him are already so tall, it is really hard to imagine what it is like to be more than ten feet tall.

In the inspection team, except for the leader Daohan, no one had ever seen the people from the Long Bo Kingdom and the elders of the elders department.Hearing his words at this time, I couldn't help but stop and watch curiously.

"Hey, whoever of you wants to buy, don't want spirit stones, just exchange for some food." The elder minister said beside him.

The inspectors glanced at the three-meter-tall Longbo man in the cage and dismissed him.

Gongliang is a bit more thoughtful, and now the fruit space has [-] acres.He can't take care of such a large space at all, and now only [-] acres of five-color rice have been planted.With the help of these tall Longbo people, there is no doubt that more can be planted, but I don’t know how big these guys are. If they eat up all the food they grow, wouldn’t I be white?

Seeing that Gongliang wanted to buy it, the senior minister immediately sold it enthusiastically: "Boy from the Big Yan Department, do you want it? You don't need spirit stones, just a little food. These little things have already been planted as slaves." Yin, I will recognize you as Lord forever and ever, and will never betray you."

Kui Xiong next to him saw that Gonghao seemed to be moved, and quickly said, "You don't really want to buy it, do you! This Long Bo countryman is super edible."

"You have to think about it clearly, it's not necessarily easy to raise if it's easy to buy." Daohan also turned around and persuaded.

Gong Liang thanked the two for their concern, thought for a while, and asked the elders and ministers, "Is there really no need for Lingshi?"

"No, just give me something to eat." Seeing that he really wanted to buy it, the elder and minister hurriedly said.

He originally thought that bringing these little things to the temple could be exchanged for some spirit stones, but no one wanted them.These little things from Uncle Long's country cost him a lot of food just to eat and drink in one day, if this continues, he will go bankrupt.In fact, he had already figured out that if no one bought these things, he would throw them into the woods outside the temple and let them fend for themselves.

If Gongliang wanted to buy these people when he first came, he would never give up without offering a large sum of spirit stones or a lot of things in exchange.

Now it's just a little bit that can be changed, and I don't ask too much.

After thinking for a while, Gongliang took out a pile of super-large and thick mooncakes and a pile of marinated wild animal meat from the space, and also took out two emperor crocodiles that were more than ten meters in size.

"Are these enough?"

"Enough, enough."

Now that I can get something, the elders and ministers are already grateful, how can I dislike it.

"Then please help me take them to Dayan's garrison. I still have to inspect them, so I don't have time to take them away." Gong Liang said again.

"Yes, yes." The elders and ministers put away the things that Gongliang took out, called a few elders from behind, quickly opened the steel cages, put handcuffs and shackles on the people of Longbo country, and then drove them away Go to the Great Yan Department.

Gongliang and the others continued to patrol North Street.

(End of this chapter)

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