Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 371 Name the people of Longbo

Chapter 371 Name the people of Longbo

After Dao Meng helped Gong Liang inscribe the psychic flame pattern on the body of the Longbo people, he disappeared and left.

The people of Long Bo Kingdom are the descendants of Long Bo, the god of water, so they can ride the waves; they also have the blood of real dragons, so they are big, powerful, and have an amazing appetite.

Although these people from the Longbo Kingdom looked extremely tall, they were actually only children around five or six years old.

Children are naturally active, like to eat, and are curious about new things. It is normal to go to land to steal food.

Gongliang himself did this kind of thing when he was a child. He ran to the mountains to pick people's melons and fruits, and fished people's fish in the pond.Sometimes if you are unlucky, you will be discovered, and you will be chased to the ground.I remember one time when I had the worst luck. I was caught fishing in a pond where other fish were raised, and I was chased directly to my home to file a complaint.Thinking about it now, it was stupid back then, how could anyone go fishing in other people's ponds?But at that time, a kid, how could he think about so many things.

These little fellows from the Longbo Kingdom are probably the same, because they want to eat, so they go to the elders' department to steal food, but they are just unlucky to be caught.

Gongliang saw that their eyes were blank and they looked limp and powerless. He must have been starving, so he took out a pile of super large and thick moon cakes, smoked and dried wild animal meat, and fruits from the space for them to eat.

Sure enough, as soon as they saw the food, these little guys immediately rushed to gobble it up.

In no time, a bunch of things went into their stomachs.But it seems that the meaning is still unfinished, and these guys' eyes start to wander around looking for something to eat?

"Are you full?" Gong Liang asked.

The little fellows of Long Boguo couldn't understand his words at all, but they could sense what he was talking about, and immediately responded in a low voice: "No."

Gongliang was speechless. After eating so much, he was still not full. How big of an appetite is this?He took some more food for them, and then he was able to feed them.This was also the first full meal for the little ones from the Long Bo Kingdom after they came to the Great Wilderness. They were so happy that they sat on the ground waving their hands and yelling.

"Gulu, let me tell you that you can eat enough here!" A relatively older man from the Longbo Kingdom turned his head and said to the people next to him.

"Lulu, you are still the smartest." The one named Gulu said.

"Smart, we won't be locked up if we're smart." Another person shouted dissatisfied.

"Garum, aren't we released now?"

"Who knows if he will lock us up again."

Gong Liang listened to them for a while, and found that each of their names had the word Lu in it, which made him almost die of Lu.But now is not the time to worry about these things. It is uncomfortable to see them all looking sloppy and disheveled.So, Gongliang let them lie on the ground, pulled out the big dog legs, shaved their big bald heads uniformly, and then let them go to the animal farm to wash it off.

After washing, Gong Liang discovered that there were actually four girls among these little guys from Long Boguo, they happened to be four boys and four girls. In view of the weird names of these little guys, he gave them a unified name.

The male is named after Qiufeng Yueluan, with front, back, left, and right in front, and Longbo as his surname, so it becomes Longbo Qianqiu, Longbo Houfeng, Longbo Zuoyue, and Longbo Youluan.

The female ones are named after their color, with a variety of color added in front of them, and also named after Longbo, namely Longbo Qianhong, Longbo Jinzi, Longbo Dailan, and Longbo Manqing.

However, the little guy in Long Boguo was not very satisfied with the name he gave, and felt that it was not as smooth as Gulu, Lulu, and Galu in the past.

After dealing with these guys, the sky slowly darkened.

Gong Liang gave them a few large animal skins and asked them to lie down in front of the gate to sleep, while he hurried to the Dan'er people's garden to retrieve the two spiritual fruits that had already been planted.

The reason why he didn't take it when the inspection team was there was because he was afraid that they would discover the secret of the fruit space.Think about it and you will know, if he changed the spirit fruit tree in front of everyone, where would he plant it after returning?If not, how will people answer?It's better to go there when no one is around like now, and when someone asks, you can just find an excuse to dismiss the matter.

The next day, Gongliang and the others happened to be resting.

He took some animal skins and put them around the waists of the naked Longbo people, and led them to the Momen foundry.

These little guys from the Longbo Kingdom look like they are only three meters long when they sit on the ground, but when they stand up, they are nearly seven meters tall, which is as tall as two floors.Walking through the street shops all the way, I was noticed by some people next to me from time to time.

When they arrived at Momen, those people inside had never seen a person from the Longbo country, and they were all stunned when they saw it.

Qin Huali came out to meet her, and asked in surprise: "My little friend, why are you here? Didn't you finish those weapons and armor so quickly?"

Gong Liang shook his head and said, "I didn't come here for this purpose, but to ask Master Qin to help tailor some weapons, armor and crossbows for them."

"This" Qin Huali looked at the tall and tall Longbo countryman, and hesitated for a while.

"What, can't you?"

"It's not impossible, it's just that it costs a lot."

Gong Liang still had some metal ingots, so he was not afraid that he would not be able to pay the fee, so he said, "It doesn't matter, I also ask the master to help each of them make a spear like mine, five short spears, a large shield, and more A dogleg knife like mine, a suit of armor and a repeating crossbow are enough. The quality of the weapon doesn’t have to be as good as mine, it’s almost enough.”

If there is a business, how can they not do it, and have someone measure their height and waist immediately.

After measuring, Gong Liang took out the metal ingots and took the people from Uncle Long out of Momen. He wanted to take them away from the temple to hunt some prey in the jungle, but suddenly remembered something and hurried back to the station.

Back at the station, he first called out the black mammoth Dorji who was almost forgotten in the ancestral land, and then went to see the leader Simao.

Because there was something to ask for, as soon as Gongliang entered the door, he took out the super-large and thick mooncakes he made, as well as some newly acquired gourd dates and long-eared plums.

"Boss, this is some flatbread, long ear plum, and gourd dates that I personally made. It tastes good. You can try it."

Simao was also polite, took a piece of meatloaf, bit it directly, then grabbed a slap of fruit and threw it into his mouth to chew, nodded and said: "It tastes good, do you have any more, take out some more .”

"Yes, yes," Gong Liang quickly took out some dragon's ear plums and gourd dates, as well as super-large and thick mooncakes from the space.

Seeing him on the road like this, Simao asked: "If you have anything to say, just tell me, help me if you can, but don't expect me to help you support those few Long Bo people, I don't have the ability."

"Don't dare to bother the leader about this matter. The boy wants to ask the leader if he has any unused treasure bags. The boy thought that those guys have such a big appetite, so it's better to buy more prey reserves, lest those guys can't find them when they are hungry. something to eat."

Who thinks there are too many treasure bags?

When Simao heard this, she didn't know what to say about him.But for the sake of his respect, he took two precious treasure bags from his body and threw them over, saying: "I don't have many of these things, only two are left, and you can figure out the rest yourself."

Two is not enough!Gongliang planned to let those little fellows from the Longbo Kingdom each bring a treasure bag full of food, so that they would not have to feed it by themselves.

Seeing his expression, Simao showed him a clear way, saying: "This treasure bag is not a rare thing. If you have any good things, you can take them outside and exchange them with shops. If you still No, then go to the elder, the elder has a lot of good things."

Gongliang's eyes lit up when he heard it, he hadn't thought of this method, he was so stupid.He quickly thanked the leader, and took a group of people from Uncle Long, Migu, and Yuangungun to the street.

(End of this chapter)

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