Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 381 Ayina who ran away

Chapter 381 Ayina who ran away

Early in the morning, Gongliang came out to set up a stall again.

Recently, he has exchanged a lot of things with peeing beef balls. He is in a good mood and full of motivation, so he has become very diligent.

Now that the reputation of the Peeing Huang Beef Balls has spread, Gong Liang doesn't need to yell. When the Peeing Huang Beef Balls are ready, the onlookers will naturally come forward and exchange things for the Peeing Huang Beef Balls.

However, recently he discovered a strange thing, that is, many people from the East came to buy peeing wild beef balls.They shot boldly one by one, and they didn't pay attention to the peeing wild beef balls with ten low-grade spirit stones at all.

Two more Dongtu people came forward to buy peeing wild beef balls with Lingshi.

One of the Dongtu people raised his eyebrows at the other person, and the person responded with a look of acceptance. After buying two peeing wild beef balls with Lingshi, he didn't want the thick bone soup made from wild beef bones. , turn around and leave.

Gong Liang felt that there must be something wrong with these two people, so he secretly ordered Mi Gu to fly over to listen to what they were talking about.

Mi Gu likes to help Papa the most. With a "swoosh", he flies over to eavesdrop stealthily.

The two natives were only on their way, unaware that a little guy was secretly listening to them not far from their heads.

"Brother Yin Yuan, is this stuff really as good as you say?" An Eastern native asked suspiciously while holding a peeing beef ball.

"Based on the friendship between you and me for many years, Brother Qin Yu still can't trust me?" Another Dongtu native said seriously.

"It's not that you can't believe it, it's just that it's too bizarre. There is no such thing as eating a meatball that can last for more than ten days of penance. Brother Yin Yuan, don't you be deceived?" Qin Min said.

"Do you think that a shrewd person like me will be deceived? I recommend you to buy this thing because you have been working hard all day after arriving in the wilderness, but you have made little progress. I would not be happy with other people. What! You have to know, there are not many of these things, and one more person buys one less. I also know that you have doubts in your heart, but if you know what is inside, you will not think so?" Yin Yuan said.

"Oh, don't tell me there are some incredible spirits in it?"


Yin Yuan touched the short strands of his chin and said, "It's not that I'm speaking well for the seller, among other things, the meat on the outside of the meatball is hammered from high-grade wild cattle.

You also know that this high-grade desolate animal meat contains abundant qi and blood essence, and ordinary people can obtain immeasurable true qi just by refining it.

What's more, it also contains spirit bamboo shoots and mushrooms unique to the Great Wilderness, which are rare items.Especially the bamboo shoots, which are originally wood, but are produced by absorbing the essence of the earth's energy. After eating, it will be very beneficial to you and me in cultivation.

Among them, there is another unique thing, that is the little fragrant dolphin of the snake manipulator.This is the result of everyone's research in recent days, and what else is unknown.

These mushrooms and bamboo shoots are not uncommon, but this little fragrant porpoise is only produced at the edge of the Southern Desolation, close to the ancestral land of the Great Desolation, the Snake Division, so it is extremely rare.The reason why we learned about it was that an elder had seen the little sweet porpoise during the last memorial ceremony, and thought it had a strange taste, so he bought it and ate it before he knew it.

It is said that the small fragrant dolphin grew up eating Tianxiang fruit, and its body does not have the same smell as other porpoises, but has a unique fragrance of Tianxiang fruit.

The pissing wild beef balls are filled with something made from small fragrant dolphins. After eating, the fragrance of the mouth and mouth will remain, and it will not stop all day long, and it will not disperse for seven days.You see, I haven't rinsed my mouth in the past few days, and it still has a scent. "

In order to prove that what he said was true, Yin Yuan let out a sigh of relief at Qin Min.

Qin Xi swept it with his sleeve in disgust, but after smelling it a little, it did have a different fragrance.

Yin Yuan said again: "This is just the side effects of the peeing beef balls. The most important thing is that after eating these meatballs, not only can the skill increase rapidly, but also have no side effects. Unlike those pills, eating too much The legacy is endless."

"If that's the case, then you really have to give it a try." Qin Min thoughtfully looked at the peeing beef balls in his hand.

"It's a pity that the seller doesn't want to sell more at one time, otherwise we Dongtu people can buy all the things on his booth at one time. It's so troublesome to buy it every day. It is said that some people in the sect are already researching whether this thing is It’s not that after a long time, it can keep aura and increase the effect of cultivation base. If it is possible, the people of the sect will definitely buy a large number of them. It is estimated that there will be nothing for you and me, so buy it if you can buy it these days, don’t buy it. Then you won’t even have to eat.”

"If that's the case, I really have to buy more spares."

"That's exactly what I mean, but we'll have to wait for Brother Qin Yu to go back and try to see how it works."


Gong Liang heard their conversation through Mi Gu, and felt speechless. He didn't expect that the peeing beef balls he made unintentionally would have so many effects, it was simply unbelievable.

He also wondered why so many Dongtu people came to buy peeing waste beef balls recently. It turned out that they were aiming at improving their skills.

After thinking about it, he directly tripled the price of the Peeing Huang Beef Ball, which means that only 30 yuan can be bought with low-grade spirit stones, otherwise he can only exchange things.

The Dongtu people who came to buy peeing wild beef balls later were dumbfounded. Didn't they only need ten Lingshi just now?Why did it rise by 20 yuan at once? This is too unreasonable.

It's a pity that most of the Dongtu people don't understand the language of the Great Wilderness, so they can't talk to Gongliang at all. Finally, a person who understands the language of the Great Wilderness stepped forward and said, "My friend from the Great Wilderness, why did you raise the price? It was still ten Lingling dollars just now." stone?"

Gongliang said helplessly:

"I can't help it. Recently, a desolate bull king appeared near the temple. I didn't dare to go there to hunt desolate bulls, so I had to go to a very far place. The time and effort spent to come and go have to be counted. Go in, so I can only increase the price. I'm really sorry, everyone. If you don't have Lingshi, you can exchange it with something of equivalent value."

The man almost vomited blood when he heard that, if they could exchange something, would they still need to talk nonsense here?

Which one of them didn't come here with a lot of spirit stones, who would bring some useless things with them.

Seeing that the price of peeing Huang beef balls is so expensive, the Dongtu people want to give up, but they don’t want to give up the temptation to eat one and increase their skills for more than ten days without any trouble. After thinking about it, they finally bite the bullet and buy it. At best, I would earn the spirit stones back from these stupid fools later.


After the Dongtu people left, Gong Liang saw Ayina squeezed in from the crowd.

"Aina, why are you here?" Gong Liang wondered.

"I'm going back!" Ayina said with high spirits.

"Oh, Master Qin finally agreed with you to return to the tribe?"

"I didn't ask the old bird man, he ran out by himself. The old bird man is not a good person, he made me hit iron every day, making me stupid. I want to go back to the tribe, I want to play with Aruna and the others, I I'm going to hunt, I'm going to catch fish." The more Ayina talked, the more energetic she became, and the more excited she was, she seemed very happy.

"Then did you bring anything to eat on the way?"


Ayina shook her head, she didn't mind and said: "I can catch some wild beasts to eat on the way, and I won't be afraid of going hungry in our wilderness."

Gongliang didn't know what to say about her, how could he go out without bringing something, if he couldn't catch wild beasts, wouldn't he starve to death.

So, he brought her a bunch of pissing wild beef balls, and took out a bunch of mooncakes, spiritual fruits, and some pickled wild beast meat from the space for her to take with her to eat on the road.

Seeing that Gongliang gave her so many delicious things, Ayina was so happy that she could not close her mouth from ear to ear. She patted Gongliang's shoulder vigorously and said, "You are so kind. I will definitely bring you delicious food when I go back. Do you know? We I used to go to the spiritual fruit garden with Aruna to pick spiritual fruits. There were many very delicious spiritual fruits there. We were all full and picked a lot of them to take back. Unfortunately, the elders later caught us and punished us for picking grass. I was so exhausted that even my fingers were swollen for a long time before disappearing."

Gong Liang smacked his lips, speechless for a moment, and thought: Don't talk about embarrassing things like this here, okay, how embarrassing.

But Ayina didn't mind, and chatted for a while, then turned and left.

Seeing that she didn't bring anything with her, Gong Liang quickly asked, "Ayina, didn't you go back to the station and borrow a horse to ride back?"

"No, I took a bird from the bird old man, and it can fly very far." After Ayina finished speaking, she got out of the crowd and ran out of the city gate quickly.

The crowd of onlookers then came to change things, and after a while, all the peeing wild beef balls on the table were replaced, leaving only some thick soup made from wild beef bones and small wild beef balls.Gongliang didn't want to continue to put it on, and planned to close the stall. These things would not be wasted, and they would enter their stomachs later.

Suddenly, he saw Qin Huali running over in a hurry from a distance.

Seeing Gongliang, Qin Huali hurried forward and asked, "Little friend, have you seen Ayina?"

"What do you want her for?" Gong Liang asked lightly.

"She took my organ bird and returned to the tribe." Qin Huali said anxiously.

Hearing his words, Gong Liang immediately said in dissatisfaction: "Master Qin, I'm not talking about you. Although Ayina is tall and strong, she is still a girl. You can't use her as a never-tiring mechanism, you must give her a rest." Let her take a break from time to time and go out to play, otherwise she will be stupid if she stays at your place all day long.

Just like this time, it's just taking you a mechanism bird, and you will chase after it.

If it were me, I would send her a few mechanical birds and mechanical beasts, and give her some magical weapons by the way, let her return to her hometown to show off to the tribe, and let people know that she stayed with you very well.

Maybe the people of my Dayan tribe envy her life here, and they will follow you to strike iron with you.At that time, maybe you can still get a few free labors, unlike now, even Ayina is about to run away. "

Qin Huali was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, he didn't expect that a little guy like him would dare to teach him a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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