Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 40 Moonlight Lavender

Chapter 40 Moonlight Lavender

At night, a bonfire lights up the mountain.

The hunting team gathered around the bonfire and ate barbecue.

After eating, Bo Long took out a roll of animal skin from his arms and threw it to Gong Liang and the others.

"This is the herb we are going to pick. Take a look, lest you don't recognize it when you go down tomorrow."

Gong Liang opened it and saw that it was full of pictures of various herbs and some words describing their functions.These are things that are not taught in the hunting grounds.It seemed that he was right, Wu really kept a hand in this regard.

In fact, he wronged Wu.All the rare herbs are recorded on the animal skin scroll, even if you teach them, they don't know where to pick them. Generally, only the herb-picking team knows about these things.And Bolong's task this time is to collect herbs, so they took out the animal skin rolls to show them.

This is also one of the benefits of being a tribal warrior.

Because the herbs in the valley are very rare, some can greatly nourish the body, and some can also wash the hair and cut the marrow, so that people can increase their strength, which has many benefits for the body.But once these herbs left the ground, they would lose their effectiveness soon, so they were used by witches as rewards for novice hunters.

This place is also the place where the tribal warriors are vying to come.

It's just that this place can only come here when the hunting team has newcomers, so many hunting teams in the tribe are keen to bring newcomers, just to come to the valley again.

"Ah Liang, wake up."

When the sky was dim, Gong Liang was woken up by Feng Han.When he opened his eyes, he saw that everyone in the team was up and ready to go.

Bo Long looked at Gong Liang and the other three, and said, "You three are newcomers, and you don't know the situation in the valley, so you must listen to everyone's orders after you go down, and you can't make decisions at random, or you will be caught if you are not careful. Lose your life, you know?"


After saying a few words, Bolong took the lead to grab a mountain vine and walked down.

The pillar-shaped stone peaks stand tall, and it is a bit scary to look down from above.This time Gongliang cut a mountain vine and wrapped it around his waist to make a safety rope, so he felt more at ease when going down.There is a kind of leek leaves growing on the cliffs of the mountain peaks. The flowers bloom like the lavender of the bright moon. Wearing them on the body can prevent the attack of insects and ants. It is also one of the herbs collected by the hunting team, so they picked them as they walked.

Part of the reason they got up so early was to pick the bright moon lavender, because this thing only blooms when the sky is just dawn, and it will wither when it encounters the sun, which is very rare.

When they arrived at the valley, the hunting team old man squeezed some of the bright moon lavender and applied it on his body, and Gong Liang and the others quickly followed suit.Applying the juice of Bright Moon Lavender on the body, there is a cool feeling coming from the skin, and there is also a faint fragrance lingering around. It seems that this is the fragrance that can repel insects and ants.

Looking at the bottom of the valley, Gong Liang found that there were tall grasses and trees all around, and people seemed so dwarfed in front of these trees.

After painting, the hunting team continued to move forward, but they didn't dare to go too fast, and their steps were very light, as if they were afraid of disturbing something, looking furtive.


Suddenly, Gong Liang saw a clump of crystal orchids growing on the ground with dead grass and rotten leaves.

Crystal Orchid was known as "Ghost Grass" and "Dream Orchid" in his previous life.In some martial arts novels, it is often deified as a fairy grass with the effect of bringing the dead back to life, or as the incarnation of evil with supernatural powers that can kill people invisible, and even its fragrance can change people's faces.In legend, it is also the flower of the underworld, a symbol of evil and mystery, so it is also named "the flower of death".

Ordinary crystal orchids only grow in clusters in the dark and damp fallen leaves. It is crystal clear and cool, which is very rare!

In his previous life, Gongliang had only seen it on the Internet, but now that he saw it here, he couldn't help stopping to watch it curiously.

He found that the crystal orchid in front of him was not only crystal clear, it could even emit a hazy blue light in the dark forest.Unconsciously, he stretched out his hand to touch it curiously, but was suddenly grabbed by the big stone following behind.

"What are you doing? Didn't the captain just tell you to be obedient? Why did you forget?" Dashi said in an unprecedentedly severe tone.

Gong Liang resentfully said, "I see it looks good, so"

"Pretty good? Huh?"

Dashi snorted coldly, found a branch beside him, and stretched it out in front of Jinglan.When it was approaching the crystal orchid, suddenly a few tiny blue lights shot out from the buds of the crystal orchid, shooting on the branches.Gongliang saw that it was a few drops of water, and then a horrible scene happened. The few drops of water quickly corroded the branches, and the branches were corroded into several large holes in an instant.

Gong Liang was stunned. Is this the Crystal Orchid he knew?

Dashi gently moved the leaves under the crystal orchid with a branch, revealing a pair of mottled white bones.

This Gongliang wasn't surprised, because he knew in his previous life that the crystal orchid, like other saprophytic creatures, absorbs nutrients from dead creatures.But the crystal orchid he saw in front of him was much more poisonous than the crystal orchid he knew in his previous life.At least the ones he had seen in his previous life would not spray poison.It's really weird, but fortunately I didn't touch it, otherwise my hand would be a bone of bones.

Seeing that Gongliang knew how powerful he was, Dashi threw the branch away.

"Remember, it's dangerous here, don't touch it casually."

Gongliang nodded quickly, yes, this is not very dangerous, it is super dangerous.Not daring to be careless in the slightest, he hurriedly followed the team forward.

Going forward, the scenery suddenly changed, the originally tall vegetation disappeared, replaced by huge mushrooms standing in the valley.These mushrooms are as tall as a dozen stories, and as short as three or four meters. Most of them are white in color, and some are colorful and weird.There is no vegetation under the mushrooms, only some green moss.

Arriving here, the hunting team became more careful.

Those old hunters lifted their feet gently and put them down, hunched over, not daring to make any sound, and walked forward quickly.

Seeing this, Gong Liang and the other three newcomers hurriedly followed their actions.Although Gongliang was full of things to ask, he didn't dare to speak out when he saw this situation.The forest formed by the huge mushrooms was huge, and after walking for a while, everyone went out.Seeing another huge forest appeared in front of them, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The old hunter stopped outside the giant forest to drink water and rest.

Only now did Gongliang have time to ask Dashi what happened just now?

"There is a group of scary white ants in the mushroom forest. They often attach themselves to the white mushrooms. If you don't look carefully, you can't see them. This kind of white ants are nothing when they don't disturb them. Once they are disturbed, they will appear overwhelmingly, no matter what it is , will be devoured by them in a short while. There is also the green moss on the ground, which is also something that can eat people. If something with flesh and blood is accidentally poured on them, the skin will be pierced by the moss spikes immediately The spikes are poisonous, and once they are stabbed, they cannot move. They can only watch the blood being sucked away by the green moss until they die. Therefore, we call the white ants the white devil, and the green moss the green moss. Earth devil. If we hadn't wiped the juice of the bright moon lavender and walked lightly, it would definitely not be so easy to get out."

Gong Liang's scalp tingled when he heard it, he felt nothing when he left just now, but when he heard it now, his heart was terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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