Chapter 404

Suddenly, there was a sound next to him.

Gong Liang turned his head, and saw Qin Huali riding a mechanism beast from a distance.

When he got close, Qin Huali jumped off his mount, gasped and said, "Fortunately, I made it in time, otherwise I would have missed it."

"Hua Li, didn't you say that you don't need to give it away? Why is it here again?" Jing Zhen asked strangely.

"The old man left, how could he not come to see him off? Besides, I don't have anyone to send him off in this wilderness." Qin Huali smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Actually, it's not bad to be here. The barbarian's heart is simple, without the insidious heart of Dongtu, and there are all kinds of refining materials. Hua Li, since Dongtu can't go back, why not set up a sect here. If he Ridong Tumo sect has something to do, and you can also leave a trace of blood for it." Jing Zhen persuaded.

"Perhaps, that's the only way to go, otherwise what can be done."

Qin Huali shook his head, and stopped thinking about this bad thing, and took out two bags from his arms, one for Jingzhen and one for Huan Wujing, "Some wild products, worthless things, you take with you on the road eat."

"You're welcome." Jing Zhen thanked him.

Qin Huali turned his head, looked at Gongliang and said, "Gongliang, since you are giving it to someone else, did you bring a gift?"

Gong Liang rolled his eyes and said, "Of course I brought it, I don't need Master's orders."

Suddenly, he remembered that there were two guys beside him, so he said to the little Migu, "Migu, sister is leaving, don't you have a gift for sister?"

"Why do you want to give a gift?" Mi Gu asked strangely with his eyes wide open.

"This is to express the miss between friends. When others leave, you have to give gifts. After you leave, others will give you gifts. Otherwise, what if no one gives you anything?" Gong Liang said casually.

The little Migu believed it was true, so he started looking for it in his storage bag.

Jingzhen didn't stop her, but watched with interest, wondering what this little guy could give.The same is true for Huan Wujing.

After a while, I saw Mi Gu take out a wrist-thick, two-meter-long pitch-black branch from the storage bag.

"Are you going to give this to your sister?" Gong Liang was speechless. Isn't this the branch he picked up in the nest when he killed the half-demon Thunder Vulture?

"This is my baby." Mi Gu said solemnly.

All right!She has a lot of babies.Gongliang didn't know what to say.

Jingzhen took a look at the side, and said: "This is the top-grade lightning strike wood, which contains a trace of thunder power. Refined into a sword, it is very effective against ghosts and ghosts."

Gong Liang raised his eyebrows and glanced at the little guy.When I saw the little guy picking up the broken branches before, I thought it was a kid's plaything, but I didn't expect there to be such a saying. I remembered that there were a lot of this kind of lightning strike wood in the hut where she collected her treasures. It seems that in the future Dongtu must go to the store and ask to see if he can sell it for a big price.

Mi Gu didn't even know what the top-grade lightning strike wood was for, anyway, it was something he picked up, and he didn't cherish it, so he gave it to Huan Wujing.

Huan Wujing took it and gave her some delicious jujubes brought from the sect, making the little guy smile with joy.

After Mi Gu delivered the things, Gong Liang said to Yuan Gun Gun again: "It's your turn, what gift do you want to give to Sister Wu Jing?"

"I want to give it too?" Yuan Gungun cried out with his eyes wide open.

"Of course, if you don't give it, how will people give you a gift in the future." Gong Liang started talking nonsense again.

Yuan Gungun thought for a while, then took out his treasure bag.

Gongliang leaned over to look, but Yuan Gungun spotted him, and quickly turned around, not to show him.What if he comes to snatch his treasures, it has a lot of treasures, Yuan Gungun touched it for a while, and saw it took out a palm-sized gray stone from the treasure bag.

Gong Liang took it over and looked at it, but felt it was a bit light, and didn't see anything unusual, so he said, "A broken stone, are you willing to take it out and give it away?"

"It's not a stone, it's a treasure." Yuan Gungun cried out in dissatisfaction.

Logically speaking, if Yuan Gun Gun said it was a treasure, then this thing must be a treasure.

But Gongliang looked at the stone in his hand, and couldn't connect it with the word "Baby", so he said to it: "What kind of treasure is this broken stone? It's a gift."

"No more, just this piece, don't give it back to me." Yuan Gungun yelled angrily.

It managed to find the worst item from the storage bag, how could it be exchanged for him.

Seeing its stingy look, Gong Liang wanted to pull its ears.This idiot, if he doesn't teach him a lesson, he won't know who is the boss of the family.

Suddenly, Jingzhen said beside him: "Little friend, can you show me that stone."

Gongliang hurriedly handed it over respectfully.

Jingzhen took a closer look, then held the gray stone and shook it by her ear.After a while, he said: "If my prediction is correct, this should be a top-quality bluestone. Ordinary bluestone can cure eye diseases, but the liquid contained in the top-quality bluestone can make people feel dark at night. Seeing things. If you use the secret method to sacrifice, you can not only see things in the dark, but also increase your eyesight by more than ten times."

Gongliang didn't expect this thing to be really a treasure, and he must torture Yuan Gungun later.Let's see where this thing came from, how can we collect more of such a good thing.

Jingzhen handed the top-quality empty bluestone to disciple, Huan Wujing took it, and took out some jade dates to Yuan Gungun again.

Jade dates are only the size of a thumb, so obviously they cannot fill your stomach.But Yuan Gungun didn't dislike it, so he sat on the ground and started to eat.

Jingzhen took out a pen and paper from the bag again, wrote something on it, and handed it to Gongliang, saying, "This is the method of refining the eyes with the empty blue stone liquid. I believe it should be useful for my little friend."

"Thank you Sect Master."

Thank you Gongliang.This thing is of course useful to him, being able to see things in the dark and increase his eyesight by more than ten times is simply a blessing from the sky.It's a pity that I don't have the best empty bluestone on me now, otherwise I can try it immediately when I go back to see if it works.

Jingzhen chatted with Qin Huali for a few more words, then took out a palm-sized boat from her bag and threw it in the air.The boat grew when it saw the wind, and in an instant it was four meters long and two meters high.

"Both of you, just leave now."

Jingzhen gave a slight salute to the two, and then pulled Huan Wujing to fly the boat in the sky.

Huan Wujing looked back at Gongliang, thinking how long it would take to see her again, felt miserable, tears in her eyes could no longer hold back, and fell from the sky.

A few teardrops fell on his face, Gong Liang lightly tapped a drop and put it in his mouth, it seemed salty yet bitter, and slightly sour.

Thinking of the recent period of nibbling and tasting the lingering of smooth and soft lips, I feel ecstasy.It's just that Yi Ren has already left by boat, and when we meet again, I don't know what year and month it will be, and my heart is suddenly sad.

Qin Huali looked at the leaving boat, and said with emotion: "As expected of the Eastern Earth Sect, there is such a treasure as floating flying boat!"

"Is this expensive?" Gong Hao asked curiously.

"A priceless treasure, how can it be measured by worldly goods." Qin Huali shook his head and asked, "Are you going back to the inner city?"

"No, I want to take a walk here." Gongliang was in a bad mood and wanted to relax here.

"The old man is leaving first." Qin Huali jumped on the mount and headed for the inner city of the temple.

Gong Liang looked up at the floating flying boat that had disappeared into the sky, and sighed in his heart.


 I won't talk about the previous update, it's a mess, and I don't have the face to face people.Mainly when I just got home, my friends invited me to make tea, drink, eat, and take out to chat and talk heart to heart.Single dog, please understand, I am very helpless.

  Starting from today, I will guarantee a minimum of 15 yuan, everyone will wait and see.Also, I don’t know how to be an eunuch. People always say that I am an eunuch in the novel. Except for the fisherman without clothes, I carry Yu Ruyi with me. My farm is in the desert, and I always carry the Ruyi fan with me. Don’t talk nonsense.

  Here I would like to tell you that sometimes I publish chapters at 12 o'clock in the evening, because I am afraid of interruption, so I rush to post, without checking the last time, there are some typos, and the chapters are not smooth.So if you see an update at 12 o'clock, it is best to watch it half an hour later, so that you will be fine.

  There are a lot of pirated copies now, so I will trouble them by the way and let them know that there is a difference between watching genuine and pirated copies.

  Some people don't know the exchange group number yet, let me say it again here, 214618691.But no one spoke, this group is very cold.



(End of this chapter)

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