Chapter 43

Walking outside, the bull-headed fire bee has disappeared, and there is a gentle breeze with the fragrance of flowers. Smell it, you will feel refreshed.

Suddenly, Gong Liang saw something moving on the ground in front of him. He walked over and saw that it was a pile of bull-headed fire bee corpses.

He found that these bull-headed fire bees seemed to have been pierced by something, some were dead, some were not dead, and they were twitching in pain.He found an arrow-like thorn from the body of a bull fire bee. Although it was light as nothing, it was hard and sharp.

It's just strange, there is no one else in the valley, where did the sharp thorn come from?

"Uncle Dashi, what's going on?" Gongliang asked Dashi who came over.

"Look at the side." Dashi motioned to the wild chrysanthemum flowers next to him.

Gongliang looked at it, but he didn't find anything strange about the mountain flowers.

Dashi seemed to see his doubts, and said: "This kind of flower is called ghost needle grass, and the spikes on your hand that pierced the bull-headed fire bee are actually its seeds. This place is very weird, every afternoon there will be a strange wind blowing from it It blew past, and was just blocked by the front mountain wall, and the strange wind blew down along the mountain wall. The strange wind was huge, and the light but sharp ghost needle grass seeds were blown by the wind, and instantly turned into a sharp weapon for killing ghosts. If you are not careful, people can be shot through. This is how the bull-headed fire bee was shot to death. Look over there, it is full of seeds of ghost needles."

Gong Liang looked at the opposite mountain wall, and saw that the mountain wall was covered with densely punctured ghost needle grass seeds.

It's just that he still feels wrong, because generally there is benevolence in the seed, even if it is blown by the wind, it is impossible to shoot through it, let alone stab it firmly on the mountain wall.This kind of seed definitely has its extraordinary features.So, he collected some ghost needle grass seeds, intending to take them back and study them carefully.

The path was covered with a bunch of bullhead fire bees that had been stabbed to death.

Gong Liang looked at it, thought for a while, then went to find some thick leaves, picked up thirty bull-headed fire bees that looked relatively complete, tied them up and put them in animal skin bags, ready to take them back to make wine.In the previous life, the wine brewed by hornets can treat rheumatism and other diseases, but I don't know what it is good for.

In his previous life, he liked to brew some strange medicinal wines, but in this life he has regained his previous interest.

It was getting late, and the hunting team planned to spend the night in the tree hole, so everyone split up to prepare dinner.

The old hunters of the hunting team have been here before and are very familiar with this place. They know that there is a delicious white scale fish in a stream next to Huahai, so they took a few new hunters to catch it.

The creek is on the left side of the sea of ​​flowers, and the water is very shallow, only reaching the knees.There are not only the white scale fish that the old hunter said in the stream, but also some small shrimps.There are also some red and black river crabs by the stream, but they are not big, so the Yanbu people probably don't like them.The white-scaled fish in the stream are long and narrow like grass carp, but their heads are like bullets. Some of them are very big, weighing about ten kilograms.Or after living in a clear stream for a long time, the body of the white scale fish becomes as transparent as the stream water, and almost all the fish bones inside can be seen.

These white-scaled fish are not afraid of people. When they walk into the stream, they will swim around your feet and catch them as soon as they are caught.

After catching a dozen or so in a row, almost enough to eat, Gongliang and the others got up from the stream.

Suddenly, Gong Liang saw a clump of water onions by the stream, thought he had misread it, and hurried over.At first glance, it really is water onion.I didn't expect to see green onions here, which is really an unexpected harvest.Looking at the side, there are still some, so he picked them up, and also dug some with roots and soil, planning to take them back to plant.

Originally, Gongliang and the others wanted to dispose of the fish, but Daoman, who brought them over to catch the fish, didn't know what was on his mind, so he said no.

The fish is easy without handling.Seeing that it was not too late, Gong Liang wanted to enjoy the scenery of the sea of ​​flowers, so he asked Feng Han and others to bring the fish back first.

Yuan Gun Gun also followed him, and when he was catching fish, it was catching mountain crabs beside him.Gong Liang caught a palm-sized white fish for it, and it sat on the bank hugging it and began to bite, eating deliciously.Seeing that Gongliang was about to leave, he quickly bit the fish and followed him.

There are countless kinds of flowers in the flower sea, and the colors are also red, purple, yellow, green, white, black, red, and blue. Anyway, there are all kinds of strange things, and there are all kinds of colors.

It's strange to say that when they ran here, there was nothing in the sea of ​​flowers, but now they found butterflies and wild bees flying in the flowers, and he even saw a group of red ants quietly climbing up the flower branches, eating the nectar .

It was so beautiful, Gongliang couldn't help picking up a blue mountain flower and smelling it.


Hearing this, he couldn't help frowning.

What kind of flower is this, it smells so bad.A closer look at the body of the flower is a bit strange, it seems to be a mountain leek.Looking at it again, it really looks like a mountain leek.He pinched a leaf suspiciously and sniffed it, wow, it really smelled like chives.

I didn't expect to see mountain leeks here, it's a miracle.

You know, there are a few very special dishes in the kitchen, namely onions, garlic, leeks and ginger. Sometimes cooking without these things is really tasteless.

Now that he has found water onion and wild leek, is there wild ginger and wild garlic in this area?Thinking of this, Gongliang searched in the sea of ​​flowers, and after a while, he really found some ginger and garlic.

It's just that these onions, garlic, ginger and leeks are all mountain varieties, not only small in size, but also have a strong mountain flavor, which is very strong.It is not artificially cultivated like his previous life, and its own taste is relatively weak.However, these things don't matter to Gongliang, all he wants is the taste of these things.If the taste is too strong, you can put a little less.

Seeing that it was getting late, he dug up some of these things and planned to take them back to plant.

Back in the giant tree, a bonfire had already been lit in the cave, and several smaller beasts were disposed of and roasted on the fire.The white scale fish caught from the stream was also pierced and roasted on the firewood, and the smell of the fish slowly wafted out.

Gong Liang saw it, and hurriedly picked up his helmet iron pot and went out to wash it. He also took some Tianhuang truffles to wash, and brought back a pot of water. Put the meaty animal bones in the pot and cook them on the stone stove.It's a pity that there is no frying pan, otherwise, if you put this kind of Tianhuang truffle on it and fry it in animal oil, it must taste good.

Although there is no frying pan, Gongliang also has a way.

He stringed the cleaned Tianhuang truffles with branches, and when the meat of the beast was roasted until it was oily, he rolled the Tianhuang truffles on it, covered with animal oil, and then roasted it on the fire. The scent wafted out immediately, making my mouth water.

After it was baked, Gong Liang took a bite, and the aroma of animal oil and earth lingered in his mouth, making him almost eat his tongue.


"Gongliang, how does this food taste?" Feng Han asked, swallowing his saliva next to him.

Gong Liang took a field yellow truffle and put it on a branch to give to Feng Han, "Dip yourself in some animal oil and roast it, it tastes good." Then, he gave a few more points to the hunting team.Seeing that the field yellow truffles in the pot were getting less and less, Yuan Gungun cried out dissatisfiedly beside him. He dug out this thing.

This stingy guy.

Gong Liang rubbed the little guy's head, and roasted one for him, finally suppressing the grievance in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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