Chapter 442 Desolate Ancient Forbidden Land ([-])

Along the way, Gongliang found vast and barren lands everywhere.

Sand and gravel, gray or dark stones, dry trees, and hills and hillsides with shaved heads became the only scenery in this world.

On the contrary, he met more people on the road, and I don't know if it was the reason why the place he went to was sparsely populated.

The little chicken is still flying in the sky, watching and guiding him.

Yuan Gun Gun is still the same, bouncing around while urinating to make a mark, similar to a dog, it's hard to imagine where this guy got so much water.

Mi Gu sat on Papa's shoulder, turned her head and looked around, as long as she was with Papa, she didn't care where she was!

Suddenly, Gong Liang sensed a fatal attraction in front of him, as if something was attracting him.This feeling came very suddenly, very strong, very weird.

He couldn't help but stop, sensed it, and realized that the attraction didn't come from a distance, but from the blessing curse clock of the gods of the nine heavens and ten earths in his dantian.

Through internal inspection, I can see that the light above the clock of blessings and curses of the gods of the nine heavens and ten earths is like stars in the sky, flickering non-stop, and each time is getting faster and faster.

This is the first time Gongliang has encountered such a situation, but he vaguely remembers that the first time he got the clock of the blessings of the gods of the nine heavens and ten earths. Just like that, there was a strong attraction.

Could it be that he encountered a fragment of the clock body?

Considering that the blessing curse clock of the gods of the nine heavens and ten earths was originally picked up from the forbidden area, it is not impossible.Gongliang followed the guidance of this attraction and moved forward.

All the way over the hills and mountains, it didn't take long before he saw a small sunken plain that seemed to be smashed by something in the middle.

In the dantian, the light of the blessing curse clock of the gods of the nine heavens and ten earths flickered more intensely, and the attraction from them became stronger and stronger.

It seems to be in place.

Gong Liang took out the shovel from the space and dug into the depression of the small plain where the attraction was the strongest. After digging down about 40 meters, there was a sound of "clang", and he found something of gold and iron.

He hastened to dig up.

After a while, a palm-sized arc-shaped fragment appeared in the pit.

Gong Liang wiped off the dirt on it, only to see several mighty gods and men in battle armor and holding weapons in relief on the fragments.The engraving technique on the fragment is in the same line as the gods and men on the clock of the blessings of the gods of the nine heavens and ten earths in Dantian. It seems that this fragment should also be the incomplete body of the clock of the blessings of the gods of the nine heavens and ten earths.

When he held the fragment in his hand, there was a strong desire to get the fragment from his dantian.

Naturally, Gongliang wouldn't just put the fragments into his dantian, as usual, throw them into the small black pool to decompose first, lest the fragments contain messy substances that he didn't know about.

You must know that the blessing and curse clock of the gods of the nine heavens and ten earths is in the dantian of his stomach, and he doesn't like any bad things to happen.

The fragments fell into the small black pool, and were slowly decomposed and purified by the black water into a huge copper ball.

Gong Liang took out the copper ball, and dripped blood on it as before.

This copper ball was similar to the copper ball we met earlier, it was not polite at all, it kept sucking Gongliang's blood.As the blood sucked more and more, the color of the copper ball also changed from chestnut red at first to purple eggplant color, and then gradually became darker, purple with dark black, faintly exuding an incomparably noble aura, Neiyunbao The color is light and pearly, and it is as delicate as a baby's skin.

At this time, Gongliang found sadly that the things he got seemed to be blood-sucking, and he was almost becoming a blood donor, and he was still the kind without any compensation.

He quickly took out a few blood beads and threw them into his mouth, which relieved some of the dizziness symptoms caused by excessive blood loss.

After taking a break, he sent the copper ball into the dantian.

Almost at the same time, a huge force emanated from the blessing curse clock of the gods of the nine heavens and ten earths and dragged the copper ball over.

Borrowing this power, the copper ball quickly flew towards the blessing curse clock of the gods of the nine heavens and ten earths. In an instant, the two collided with each other, making a sound that seemed to come from ancient times, and then the two slowly merged. On the solid side of the blessing curse clock, a corner slowly grew out, turning the original illusory shape of the clock body into a solid one.

That ancient voice resounded in Gongliang's ears, like enlightenment, and he was deeply enlightened.

After a while, the sound disappeared.

When Gongliang came to his senses, he seemed to have gained something, but also seemed to have nothing, he was momentarily stunned.

Looking inside the dantian, more than one-sixth of the body of the blessing mantra of the gods of the nine heavens and ten earths has recovered, and the light on it is shining four times. It seems that it should be knocked again, and there will be a voiceless sound from ancient times. .It's just that the sound is useless to him now, so Gong Liang gave up this tempting idea, and just tap it when it is useful in the future.

Now that he had picked up the fragments, Gong Liang continued to walk in the direction from the bones to the stones, so as not to be taken away, so he really wanted to cry and cried.


After walking for a while, the chicks in the sky suddenly sent a reminder signal.

Gongliang immediately communicated telepathically, looking down from the sky through its perspective.Under a dirt hill in the distance, people with small eyes and bull heads from Fuxiong's department were coming and going, playing very happily.There were two clansmen from their respective tribes watching the fun, but they kept the words of the Great Elder in mind, and neither of them made a move.

It wasn't Gongliang's business that they fought and killed, but he suddenly discovered that the mountain of dirt was actually the location of the stone in the bone divination.He thought that the two were fighting for the stone, so he hurriedly ran forward.


The bull-headed man gave a loud roar, and slashed down with a giant axe in his hand.

Fu Xiongbu's small eyes also let out a roar, and swung the mace forward.

In an instant, the weapons collided together, making a loud noise.The gravel beside it was shaken by two forces and flew everywhere, and the dust was flying, making it difficult for people to see the situation in the field clearly.

When Gongliang arrived at the place, he saw that the two were still fighting, so he ignored them. He just walked around quietly, quickly ran up the dirt hill and jumped onto the rocks.

In his mind, the treasured armor of the spirit pattern appeared on his body, took out the precious bone of the rhinoceros, put his hand on the stone, and shouted: "I will take this heaven and earth pattern, whoever refuses to accept it will fight."

Hearing his words, the small eyes of the Tauren and the Fuxiong Department stopped their respective attacks and looked at him.The same is true for the people of the two tribes next to them.It's just that after the two of them looked at the stone under his feet, they turned around and started fighting again, and no one paid any attention to him.

For a moment, the world was silent.

Gong Liang only felt a group of black crows flying past in front of him, "Wow wow wow wah" and didn't know what was going on.

"Niu San, do you think that Dayan man is stupid to use a broken stone as a Dao pattern?"

"who knows."

"It's better for us Niutou people, not as stupid as their Dayan people."

"Xiong Xiong, what is that Dayan man doing standing there?" A member of Fu Xiong's department asked.

A person next to him said in a low voice: "I don't know, they are all stupid people from Dayan, how can they be as smart as the people from Fuxiong Division?"

Standing on the top, Gong Liang didn't know what to say when he heard what they said.

Are these people blind?Why can't even see such a big piece of heaven and earth dao pattern.Also, those two guys, Fuxiongbu and Niutou are not fighting for this stone, so what are they fighting for?Curious in my heart, I looked down carefully, but saw the torso of an old tree surrounded by five people lying quietly in the valley where the two were fighting.

The trunk of the old tree was black, and the head and tail were burned off, leaving only the trunk of about four or five meters.

Even so, when Gongliang stood on it, he could feel the extraordinaryness contained in the old tree's incomplete torso, and all kinds of temptations from it. Obviously, it was also a pattern of heaven and earth.

Relatively speaking, the stone under his feet is a fool, and there is no information at all.

It's just that Gongliang used his bones to find the stone, and after spending so much effort, he would never believe that the stone under his feet was a useless thing.

So, he put his hand on the stone, secretly lucking his true energy.In an instant, a phantom of the abyss and the sky appeared behind him, making him look very tall, majestic, and inviolable.

While thinking, a ray of mind penetrated into the stone.

One point, two points, one inch, two inches

All of a sudden, Gong Liang sensed an extremely mysterious rhythm of heaven and earth.That rhyme was like a living thing, beating continuously like a heart, and every time it beat, he felt an inexplicable throbbing.This throbbing made him feel a lot.

When the mind falls on it, the throbbing disappears immediately, and when it reappears the next moment, it is already in the dantian.

Gongliang looked inside, and saw the extremely mysterious heaven, earth, and dao rhyme, that is, the heaven, earth, and dao pattern turned into an ancient imprint like words in the dantian.

This imprint is extremely mysterious, it seems to be the myriad things in the world, but it is not, it quietly floats in the void of the dantian, exuding waves of Dao rhyme, and the true energy of the dantian begins to slowly change under the drive of the Dao rhyme.

When the Dao pattern of heaven and earth entered the dantian, the stone outside immediately disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

Seeing that the purpose of the trip had been accomplished, Gong Liang wanted to leave, but suddenly found an ankle-thick, dark, slightly shiny thing buried in the ground under the stone, curious, he stretched out his hand to grab it.

But I don't know what this thing is, it is extremely heavy.

Gongliang didn't grab it for a while, and quickly circulated his true energy.


Under his force, the thing was slowly pulled out from the dirt hill.

After a while, a tree branch more than three meters high appeared in front of Gongliang.The texture of this branch is neither stone nor wood nor gold, and there are some hidden lines on it, which looks very strange.Gong Liang pulled out his big dog's leg and chopped it down. There was a "clang" sound, and there was a crisp sound from the branch, but there was no scar at all.

I didn't expect this branch to be so weird.

Gongliang thought for a while, then left Tushan.

At the foot of the mountain, Fuxiongbu and Niutouren were watching Fuxiongbu's small eyes fighting with the Niutaurus, so they didn't care about him, they didn't even glance at him.

When he came to a place where no one was around, Gong Liang took Migu, Yuangungun, and Xiaoji together, entered the space, and inserted the newly acquired branches into the black water of the small black pool to see if the hard branches could Decomposed by the small black pool.

One point, two points, three points one inch, two inches, three inches

Gongliang found that the branch was not disassembled, he couldn't help being curious, and thought in his heart; it seems that this branch is really a good thing, but he didn't feel the attraction from the cave, it doesn't seem to be something heavenly. pattern.

Seeing that it couldn't melt, he wanted to put the branches away from the small black pool.

Suddenly, there was a shout from the branches: "Stop."

Hearing the sound suddenly, Gong Liang was startled and almost threw the branch out.Immediately afterwards, an old man appeared out of nowhere on the ground next to him, bowed to him and said, "Zhu Ji greets the new master."

Gong Liang was a little confused when he saw a figure appear out of nowhere, but when he heard his words, he became even more confused.

Beside Migu, Yuangungun and Xiaoji stared at the figure appearing out of thin air.

Instead, they sensed that they came to the fruit space and ran over to the twin Shuangzhi brothers and sisters. They didn't know what was going on, but when they saw the old man, they jumped around him and yelled.

"Old man, how did you come in?"

Gongliang opened up this space bit by bit by himself, but he didn't expect another person to appear suddenly at this time, which immediately made him very nervous.

"Isn't the little old man brought in by the new master?" Zhu Ji asked in surprise.

"You mean you live in this branch?" Gong Liang felt a bit like a fairy tale when he heard his mouth open.

"It's not unreasonable for the new master to say so." Zhu Ji nodded, not knowing what to think of, his eyes were full of confusion.

Gong Liang swallowed his saliva, it was really hard to imagine how a person got into this branch?

Could it be that there is also a space in the branch, just like there is a space for fruit in one's stomach?

 Updates will resume tomorrow.



(End of this chapter)

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