Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 448 The Return

Chapter 448 The Return

In the blue sea and clear waves, water mist lingers.

Suddenly, a misty flute sounded from the fog.

Listen carefully, the flute sound is elegant and refined, like a mountain stream, crisp and soft, euphemistic and clear, sometimes high-pitched, sometimes low-pitched, sometimes melodious, sometimes passionate, with an unknown emotion, as if telling the infinite Missing is like a mysterious melody of nature, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The sound of the flute is getting closer.

Suddenly, a thigh stepped out of the water mist, and a wild and thick long-horned water rhino slowly walked out of the layers of mist.

On the back of the rhinoceros, an elegant man in a black-patterned long gown sat cross-legged on it, with beautiful notes flying out of a flute from his mouth.

The gentle sea breeze lifted the elegant man's clothes fluttering like a fairy.

Suddenly, four or five meter long flying fish jumped up from the sea in the distance, flapping two transparent fleshy wings, and came quickly.

The melodious and distant flute sound suddenly became sharp and piercing, like howling ghosts and wolves.In an instant, the flying fish's small brain exploded into a piece of slurry, and it fell down thumpingly. In just a moment, a piece of white belly floated on the surface of the sea.The elegant man, as if he didn't realize it, rode the rhinoceros and went away.

"I didn't expect you to come back!"

A voice came, disrupting the sound of the flute.

The elegant man looked up, and on top of the majestic giant city, a burly, tall and sturdy man stood with a long sword in his hand, with a black cloak behind him, his aura shot straight into the sky.

Seeing this person, the elegant man immediately put away the long-horned water rhinoceros, walked away, and came to the sturdy man, "The tribe is recruiting, how can we not return?"

"I heard that you are doing well in the sect?" the sturdy man asked.

"After so many years of hard work, I'm just an introductory disciple. What a good thing! It's not like the girl from the Nvquebu, who has not obtained the true teaching of Xuanzong." The elegant man smiled wryly.

While talking, the two of them seemed to feel something, and looked up.

A colorful phoenix came through the sky, and a woman with phoenix eyes on her back looked down, and then left on the colorful phoenix.

After the phoenix flew far away, the refined man said: "Look at that phoenix, which is transformed into an object, it was still red in flames before, but now it has five colors. Among its peers, it is far better than you and me!"

"How can we compare with her? The girls of the sparrow tribe are cared by the ancestral god Huo Niangzi, and they have practiced with her since they were young. They have a deep foundation. If they are lucky enough to enter the sect, they will soar into the sky. It's not like you and me, in the tribe, It’s like a herd, no one to take care of them, not even a skill, and you have to work hard to earn it yourself. Sometimes thinking about it, it’s really frustrating. We are comparable to them, just like domestic birds and Like a wild bird, one side is fat and the other side is skinny, leaving only hair." The sturdy man seemed to be full of complaints, and poured it out to the refined man.

"Then do you think it's better to be a domestic bird or a wild bird?"

Suddenly someone asked in my ear.

The sturdy man immediately stared and said: "They are not all good birds."

Suddenly he felt something was wrong, turned his head to look, and saw that the Phoenix-eyed woman who had just left on the Phoenix appeared behind him at some point?

For a while, Nuo said: "Didn't you leave? Why are you back!"

"I just passed by and saw you here, so I stopped by to take a look, but I didn't expect to hear your shocking remarks, which is really admirable." The phoenix-eyed woman said with a smile.

However, the refined man felt that there was endless murderous intent lurking under his smile, and he had a secret secret, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The phoenix-eyed woman didn't care about him, she just stared at the sturdy man.

The sturdy man was almost collapsed by her, and he simply gave up on himself and shouted: "What do you think, Madam Hui, don't think I'm afraid of you, I'm just a good man who doesn't fight with women, just let you go"

Before he finished speaking, the sturdy felt a pain in his buttocks, and flew towards the blue sea, "plopped" all over, and fell into the sea.

He knew the temper of the female sparrow, so he didn't dare to come out of the sea immediately, and stayed below for a while, feeling that he should be fine, before showing his head.I looked around and found nothing, and immediately jumped out of the sea.Suddenly there was a wind blowing over the head, and when I looked up, I saw the phoenix-eyed woman standing in the air, looking at her leisurely.The sturdy man didn't say anything, and immediately jumped back into the sea obediently.

Seeing his stupidity, the phoenix-eyed girl let out a "puchi" and laughed.

It's good to be back in the wild.

The children of the tribe who had experienced abroad returned one after another, and the construction of the straight road from the temple to the sea area of ​​the ancestral land began.

At this time, a large group of brave men from various tribes were using their means to quickly remove the vegetation on the straight road, and all the unsightly wild beasts and insects were killed.

With the joint efforts of all departments, the construction of the straight road is very fast, and it only takes a day to advance tens of miles, but this is only the beginning for the straight road connecting the two places.

On the sea of ​​giant turtles between the Great Wilderness and the Ancestral Land, Elder Zhan rose from the air, releasing his aura without any concealment.

The big and small fishes in the sea felt the terrifying aura coming from above, and quickly left the nearby sea area. They had to find a place to hide if they couldn't do it without it. The giant turtle with a huge family retracted headlong into its shell, not daring to show its head. Come, one of the giant tortoises, as tall as a mountain, rolled its red eyes, wondering what it was thinking.

After a while, Elder Zhan saw that there was no movement, so he landed on the surface of the sea, slapped down with his palm, and shouted: "Clan chief of the Giant Turtle, come out."

A loud "bang" sound.

Layers of waves washed from top to bottom, and there was a suffocating sound.

The gigantic tortoise, as majestic as a mountain, quickly rose from the bottom of the sea, turned into an octogenarian, and bowed down in front of Elder Zhan.

"Little Yuan pays respects to Elder Zhan."

"You know me?" Elder Zhan said coldly.

The old man hurriedly said: "The prestige of Elder Zhan is spread all over the Great Eastern Land, how can the little turtle not know?"

"Since you know XX, you should also know my temper, so that I won't waste a lot of effort. Listen carefully, I will open a straight road between the temple and the ancestral land in a few days, and your giant turtle clan can be extradited on both sides of the strait. The tribe will give compensation to the spirit stone, if you don't want to, you can take the tribe out of this sea area."

The octogenarian didn't even think about it, and immediately said: "It's just a small effort, how can Xiao Yuan not want to, please rest assured, elders, Xiao Yuan will definitely let the younger generations of the clan come and go here."

"That's good. Remember, don't have other thoughts. If you dare to kill me, no matter where your family flees, I will erase you from the world."

"Little Yuan dare not." The old man said hastily.

"That's the best." Elder Zhan glanced at the old man, turned around and left in the air.

The old man waited until Elder Zhan's figure disappeared, and then turned into a giant turtle and dived into the sea again.

(End of this chapter)

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