Chapter 474

There are shops and stalls on both sides of the street, and there are a variety of things to buy and sell.

Some of them are small food vendors, and there are also some shops specializing in food in the back.

Gongliang had just eaten, and was not interested in the food at the stall, but when he saw a shop selling cakes, he went in and tried it. He felt that the taste was good, so he bought a bunch and put it away, planning to take it with him on the road.

"Gu'er, Gu'er, I want that cake."

"Gu'er, Gu'er, I want that knife."

"Gu'er, Gu'er, I want it too."

Gong Liang led Mi Gu and the others to watch and walked forward.

Suddenly, a group of children came in front of them. These half-grown children bouncing around a tall and strong boy and walked over yelling.

When the boy named Gu'er saw Gongliang, his eyes lit up and he ran towards him quickly.

"Are you from the Great Yan Department?" Gu'er ran up to Gongliang and asked honestly.

Gong Liang looked at himself, but he didn't know where there were the characteristics of the Big Yan Department, so this guy recognized him instantly.When he came to Dongtu, he specially spent money to order a whole set of clothes exactly like the Dongtu people in a shop opened by Dongtu people.To be honest, if it weren't for his tall stature, he would be no different from ordinary Eastern natives.

Of course, Migu and Yuangungun are more conspicuous.

But this is not the reason for others to recognize him as a Da Yan person.

"Are you from the Great Yan Department?" Gu'er asked again.

Seeing Gu'er's innocent eyes, Gong Liang felt that he had nothing to hide, so he replied, "Yes."

When Gu'er heard his answer, he suddenly rejoiced and said: "Really, that's great, my mother is also from Dayan. My mother said that when you meet people from the Dayan tribe, you must invite them home as guests. Let's go , I will take you to see your mother."

Gu'er took Gongliang's hand and was about to leave, but it felt like she was pulling a mountain, unable to move.

He has been very strong since he was a child, and he can uproot a tree at will and lift a big rock, but he doesn't believe that he can't pull this person.

At that moment, he couldn't help pulling Gong Liang forward with all his strength.

The gravity of the spirit-pattern armor worn by Gongliang has been released, plus his own strength, it is not too much to say that it is a hill, and it is not something that a young drum can pull.

After pulling for a while, seeing that he couldn't pull Gongliang, Gu'er had no choice but to let go of his hand in frustration.

"You are so strong, about the same as my mother. My mother said that when you meet people from the Great Yan Department, you must invite them home as guests. You can go back with me! My mother must be very happy to see you." Gu'er begged.

Gong Liang looked at his innocent eyes, and thought in his heart: I just arrived in Dongtu, so no one should take the opportunity to get rich and kill himself.

In addition, Yigao is bold and has the space to back him up. He also wants to see if what the drum in front of him is saying is true or not.

So, his request was granted.

Seeing that he agreed, Gu Er joyfully led the way, while Gong Liang followed Mi Gu and Yuan Gun Gun slowly behind.

When the children who were playing around him saw him go away, they scattered like birds and beasts.

After walking for a while, Gu'er turned into a wide alley.There is a tall archway in front of the alley, on which are written "Desolate People's Square" in Huangwen.When he got here, the boy named Gu'er ran forward, and disappeared in front of a large house in a short time.

In the courtyard, some burly and tall desolate people were loading goods on a group of triangular rhinos.

Among them, a tall woman with big arms, thick waist, burly and huge strength, like a giant pillar of the sky, stood like a flying crane among the chickens of the barren people.

"Mother, mother"

As soon as Gu'er came in, he yelled at the girl.

When the girl saw Gu'er, there was a trace of tenderness in her eyes, she smiled and said: "Gu'er, why are you back? Is it because you don't have enough money, mother will give you some more."

Seeing that mother wanted to pay for money, Gu'er hurriedly said: "No, boy is not short of money. Mother, boy just met a member of the Great Yan Department outside, and specially invited him home as a guest. Mother saw him Must be happy."

"Oh, where are people?" The girl looked behind the drum, but there was nothing.


Gu'er looked back and saw that Gong Liang hadn't come yet, "Just now Gu'er ran too fast, the man might still be behind, Gu'er will go and bring him in." Then he ran out again.

The girl looked at her son who was coming and going in a hurry, and shook her head. This little guy has such a personality, and he doesn't know who to follow.

For a while, she was looking forward to the people of the Dayan tribe that her son had mentioned, and she hadn't seen them for several years.

Suddenly, there was a fluctuation of the blood of the same race outside, and the beast soul on the body felt threatened, and appeared beside him, staring outside.

Gong Liang slowly walked into the house from the door, and when he saw the girl standing in the field, he didn't need the fluctuation of blood and the soul beast to remind him, he was already sure that the girl in front of him was from Dayan.Because apart from the Dayan girl, he had never seen any tribe in the wilderness that produced such a majestic girl.

Yazi beast soul felt the beast soul, and appeared on Gongliang's shoulder with a miniature body, staring at the beast soul in front of him with a pair of blood eyes.

The beast soul beside Zhenniang slowly lowered his proud head when he saw Yazi.

The Yazi beast soul disappeared immediately, as if it had never appeared.The beast soul also disappeared.

"I didn't expect you to awaken the innate beast soul." The girl looked at the Yazi beast soul that disappeared from Gongliang's shoulder, and said with emotion.

"It's just a fluke." Gong Liang said modestly.

"There's no luck in such a thing! Come on, let's talk in the house."

The girl led the way, walked into the house, and suddenly turned her head and said: "Gu'er, go to the kitchen and ask them to cook something delicious and bring it here."

"No need, we've already eaten at the wine shop." Gong Liang hurriedly stopped him, because the food he ate just now hasn't been digested yet, so how could he be able to eat it.

"Then eat some more."

The girl waved her hand proudly, and Gu'er quickly ran to the kitchen.

Seeing that the host is so polite, Gongliang is too embarrassed to say anything.

Walking into the room, the two sat down first and second, and the girl said with emotion: "Speaking of which, I haven't seen any tribe members for five years. You should be the elite who went out to practice this year! How is the tribe now?"

"Everything in the clan is fine, but this time the sea beast attacked the city, and many clansmen were killed."

"Which year was it not like this? When we defended the city, some people died. Now everyone is not doing well."

The girl asked again: "What's your name? Who are your parents? Tell me, maybe I know you."

"My name is Gongliang. I'm not from the Yan tribe, but a member of the Yan tribe who came out of the ancestral land and arrived in Dayan later."

"Ancestral people?"

When the girl heard Gongliang's introduction, her eyes widened like copper bells, and she said in astonishment, "I heard that there is no spiritual energy at all in the ancestral land. Where did you come from?"

"It's just good luck. Now the temple is opening a straight road to the ancestral land. You may be able to go back to the ancestral land in the future."

"I can't go back." The girl said sadly.

Gongliang wondered: "Why can't we go back, the Great Wilderness is just opposite, but it's just separated by a sea, it's not easy to go back."

"Oh," the girl sighed, and said, "My family members are not afraid of your jokes. I thought that my Zhenniang was also a leader among the tribe's elites in the Great Yan. I originally wanted to travel in the Great Wilderness and see the magic outside the Great Wilderness. The Hui tribe married. I didn’t expect to meet my husband. I happened to have a drum together. My husband is a Confucian, and his body is as thin as a bamboo pole. You also know that the tribe likes to be big and huge. If I see him when I go back, I will definitely slap him to death, so it is better not to go back."

Gongliang thought for a while, this situation is indeed possible.

It's just that the girls of Dayan are all arrogant and arrogant, and some of them even look down on the elites of the headquarters. I didn't expect that Zhenniang married a Dongtu native, which is really unimaginable.

At this time, he kind of wanted to meet this Dongtu man who married Zhenniang, and he actually had such a good appetite to eat Zhenniang's thick sugar cane.

"cough cough cough"

Suddenly, there was a coughing sound from the side of the lobby.

Gong Liang heard the reputation, and saw a thin man with two beards, walking out slowly while leaning on the wall.

Zhenniang hurriedly stood up and helped him sit down, complaining, "What are you doing out here?"

"I heard from Gu'er that your clansmen are coming, so I have to come and see, otherwise, wouldn't it be rude?" The thin man said with difficulty.

Looking at the thin man, Gong Liang was already stunned, and couldn't believe his eyes.With his body as thin as ribs, he dared to challenge Zhenniang's strong and strong body, and it was thanks to him that he was able to do so.Now it seems that it is good to not die, let alone just being so thin.

"This is my husband, Feng Heng. He was originally from the Qingyang Academy. He never thought that he would be injured by an evil thing when he passed by the mass grave, and he would become ill from then on. A good person before has become like this." Zhen Mother explained.

"I'm sorry." Feng Heng said.


Gong Liang rubbed his nose, feeling a little embarrassed, just now he thought this guy was sucked dry because of his appetite, but it turned out he was injured.

Damn, why does it look like the wine is too much.

"Mother, things are ready." At this moment, Gu'er ran in, which eased his embarrassment.

"Then don't let them bring things up."

"It's already here."

Then, Gong Liang saw a few women with big waists holding the wine jars, carrying dishes, coming in and placing them in front of them one by one.

Zhenniang patted the wine jar away, poured herself a bowl, and said to Gongliang, "Come, drink."

Gong Liang was actually very full, but since the host was so polite, he had no choice but to pour a bowl of wine to accompany him.

Seeing the deliciously grilled animal meat on the table, Yuan Gungun felt that he could still eat, so he grabbed a bone full of animal meat and started to chew it.

Gong Liang slapped it, and said angrily, "Didn't you just eat enough? If you still eat, you won't be afraid of being stuffed to death."

Yuan Gungun yelled as he ate, "I've just walked for a while, and I'm a little hungry again." Then, regardless of Gongliang, he continued to fight against the flesh on his bones.

Gongliang is speechless, this idiot will be exhausted sooner or later.

Mi Gu was so full just now, his stomach was still bulging, and he couldn't eat the pile of meat on the table.

Seeing Yuan Gungun who was eating fiercely, the little guy couldn't help but pursed his mouth, feeling a little bit at a loss.

Zhenniang didn't know what Yuan Gun Gun was calling, but she couldn't help laughing when she saw it burying its head in the food, and said, "It's a blessing to be able to eat it, and it's a blessing to be able to eat it. Come on, Gongliang, let's eat some too."

The host is so polite, how could Gongliang refuse?

As a last resort, I had to pick up a bone with not much meat to eat with it.

Mi Gu sees that Papa is also eating, and feels that it would be a big loss for him not to eat.So, I grabbed a crispy and tender rib and started biting wildly.

Gong Liang looked at her undigested stomach, and began to worry that the little guy's stomach would explode after eating too much.

(End of this chapter)

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